Asbury Park Press from Asbury Park, New Jersey (2024)

ASBURY PARK PRESS PAGE Bll SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1999 1438 MONROE 2001 STORES 2005 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 2000 OFFICEFLOOR SPACE KX" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PUBLIC NOTICES "War at the office of th Executive Director until 10:30 (AM, DST) on Tuesday, April 13, 1999 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. Proposed forms of contract documents, Including plans and specifications are available and may be obtained at the offices of LAN Associates, 662 Goffle Road, Hawthorne, NJ 07506 commencing on Friday, March 26, 1999. All questions, comments and inquiries should be directed to LAN Associates. Attention: Mr. William E.

Hodges or Mr. Christopher Borduin, Telephone 973-423-0350 end fax 973-423-9154. A seventy-five dollar ($75.00) cash or certified check non-refundable deposit is re- 3uired for each set of rawings and specifications. The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security In the amount, form and subject to the conditions provided In the Information for Bidders.

Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract. No bidder may withdraw his bid within thirty (30) days after the date of the opening thereof. By: Roy Rogers Executive Director ($121.36) 61170 In addition, applicant, seeks to install trellis and an 13" arbor, pro-, posed to be located at the northeasterly corner ot the house, running combined distance of 16.16 feet to the adjacent northerly property line and set back 22.46 feet from th, -street line. There Is a -fence height limitation of 4 feet within 25 feet of the street line. Applicant seeks an Interpretation, and any necessary variance, as to whether a trellis and arbor-constitutes a fence and i therefore subject to the limitations set forth in Section of Chsp-.

ter 107 of the Zoning OroV nances, on property known as 63 North Jackson Avenue, Manasquan, -New Jersey, also known as Lot 9.04, Block 103 on the Manasquan tax map, together with any other variances or relief as th Board may require. Any person or persons affected by this appeal may have an opportunity to be heard at the meeting' to be held Tuesday, April' 6. 1999 at 7:00 p.m. In the Municipal Building, Mana squan. New Jersey.

All documents relating to this' application may be ln' spected by the public be. tween the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. In tha office of the Secretary ot the Board In the Municipal Building, Manasquan, New. Jersey.

MARRIOTT CASAQRANOE CALLAHAN ft PERRI, PC 0. Kevin Callahan for th Firm Attorneys tor Ms. Susan Ayera (732) 449-7474 ($74.62) 6S165 by the appropriate officials is requested. 3. As to Item 11(0) concerning sidewalks only of the southerly side of the proposed street and as to sidewalks on Tinton Avenue, unless the Monmouth County Planning Board in its review requires same.

4. As to ll(V), applicant requests a waiver not to provide additional trees on Tinton Avenue in accordance with ordinance Section 85-65. Applicant shall seek approval of such other variances or waivers as may be required or which may result from plan revisions during the course of the proceedings. Any interested party or persons may appear at said hearing and nave an opportunity to participate and be heard in accordance with the rules of the Planning Board. FORGOTSON CHARITABLE REMAINDER UNITRUST by: ZAGER, FUCHS, P.C.

Abraham J. Zaser. Eso. Attorney for Applicant ($121.36) 68032 BOROUGH OF WEST LONG BRANCH TAKE NOTICE that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of West Long Branch will hold a special meeting on Monday, March 29, 1999, at 6:30 PM to act on the following items: 1. Resolution Appointing Acting Construction Official and Acting Building Subcode Official (R99-67).

2. Authorize Preparation and Submission of the 1999 Recreational Trails Program Grant Application. Formal action will be taken. Lorl Cole. R.M.C.

Borough Clerk asbury park BOROUGH OF SHREWSBURY The Planning Board of the Borough of Shrewsbury at the meeting on March 17, 1999 adopted a Resolution Clarifying Condition 4B In Final Maor Subdivision Approval for Phase III. to allow access to the existing home as long as It contin ues to be used as a house and Is not demolished or substantially rebuilt to: Breckenridge Developers, LLC; also known as Block 30. Lots 8 01 17 on the Tax Map of the Borough of Shrewsbury. This Resolution Is on file in the official records of the Board at 419 Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury. N.J.

Lorraine Kelleher, Secretary Shrewsbury Planning Board ($24.60) 68103 BOROUGH Of MANASQUAN PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that application will be made by Susan Avers to the Manasquan Planning Board pursuant to the Borough Zoning Ordinance for a variance approval for the placement of a yard shed 8' deep by 16' wide totaling 128 square feet on the north side of the house on a temporary foundation of railroad ties with a -0- rear yard set back, where 3 feet Is required, and where a size limitation of 100 square feet is required. Applicant will request an interpretation concluding that a Use Variance is not required, but rather a Bulk Variance, due to the fact that the firoposed shed exceeds he maximum square footage by 28 square feet, In violation of Section 107-8 B(4) (a) and either (c) or (e) of Chapter 107 (Zon-ing) of the Borough Code. of fact; BOROUGH OF BELMAR PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: That the undersigned has appealed to the Planning Board of the Borough of Belmar from the terms of Sections of the Zoning Ordinance so as to permit: Enclosure of existing front porch with glass windows on the premises 1265 Pine Tree Way, Block 237, Lot 19 which is within 200 feet of property owned by you. This appeal is now on the Clerk's Calendar and a public hearing has been ordered for April 19, 1999, at 7:30 P.M. In the Commission Chamber, Municipal Building, 601 Main Street, Belmar, NJ, at which time you may ap- Cear either in person, or agent, or attorney, and present any objection which you may have to the granting of this appeal.

The application and supporting documents are on He in the office of the Planning Board of the Bor Ing Be of Bel ough of Belmar in the Mu- nicipal Building and are avauaoie Tor inspection oe-tween the hours of 9 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. This notice is sent to you by the applicant, by order of the Planninn Board. ($36.90) 67392 BOROUGH OF ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 8th day of April, 1999, at the Atlantic Highlands Municipal Building, the Planning BoardBoard of Adjustment will hold a hearing on the application of the undersigned, at which time and place all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Said meeting will take place at 7:30 P.M.

The location of the premises in question Is located in the R-l Zoning Distriuct, Tax Map Block 32 and Lot 8, more commonly known as 8 Nave-sink Avenue. The applicant is seeking- a variance for BOROUGH OF BELMAR PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION GRANTING SITE PLAN APPROVAL WITH VARIANCE RELIEF FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF A PRE-EXISTING NON-CONFORMING USE PARTIALLY DESTROYED BY FIRE TO EDWARD SAHAGIAN WHEREAS, Edward Sahagian, hereinafter referred to as the Is the. owner of property located at Block 90, Lot 10, as shown on the official tax map of. the Borough of Belmar located at 904 A Street, in the Borough of Belmar, County of. Monmouth and State of New Jersey; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has made application for reconstruction of a njn-conforming use, in the R-75 Zone; partially destroyed by fire In February, and WHEREAS, the property had historically been developed with two detached, single' story residential structures at the site; one structure located to the front of the property; one structure located to the rear, separated by a distance of approximate ly 25 feet; and WHEREAS, the rear single-story residential structure existing as a year-round' rental, located approximately 77 feet from the front property line, with a southerly -sideyard of approximately 16 feet, northerly sideyard of approximately 3.5 feet; and located approximately 1.76 feet from the rear property line; remains in tact and by the fire and the Applicant proposes to continue the rental use of the -single-story rear dwelling unit; and WHEREAS, the Applicant proposes to reconstruct the front residential structure partially destroyed by fire, add an additional story to the structure to create a two.

story, three bedroom single-family residence; locate the front residential structure closer to the northerly sideyard property line to extinguish the use of rn existing driveway and associated curb cut in the northerly sideyard and relocate the driveway in the southerly sideyard; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has Identified the following non-conformities which require variance or waiver relief; 1. Lot area; where 7,500 square feet are required and 4,000 square feet are provided an existing condition unaffected by this application. 2. Frontage: where 50 feet are required and 40 feet are provided an existing condition unaffected by this application. 3.

Maximum building coverage: where 25 Is allowed and 34 is proposed -condition equivalent In the percentage to that which had existed prior to the partial -destruction of the front residential structure by fire. j- 4. Rear yard setback; where 40 feet are required and the existing setback of the' rear residential structure setback is 1.76 feet, an existing condition not affected by the present application; though tha Board notes that the distance between the front and rear structures is 25 feet, which Is identical to conditions prior to the partial, destruction of the residential structure located to the front of the lot. 5. Parking; where based upon the proposed development of the lot.

six spaces would be required and two will be provided, a condition matching the previous development of the lot, prior to the fire. 6. Use; where two principal residential structures are not a permitted use In the R-75 Zone, and with the reconstruction of the partially destroyed residential structure, two residential dwelling units will be located on the lot. 7. Front yard setback; where 20 feet are required, and 8 feet are provided, a existing condition unaffected by the present application; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, public hearing on the application was held o.

February 8, 1999: and WHEREAS, the Board considered Applicant's application marked A-l; architectural renderings depicting the front facade, first and second floor plans, marked A-2; and survey, marked A-3, dated February 7, 1999. prepared by George W. Edwards, New Jersey License No. 19002, as well as testimony by the Applicant, and Zoning Officer, Patrick McMahon; and WMFRFAS Mftmr cttrmfultv eonsiderine tha evidence oresentad to It. the Board has' the purpose of adding one room to the first floor to create another bedroom.

A copy of the application and documents is on file with the Planning Board Secretary and may be inspected during business hours by all interested parties prior to said meeting. ($33.62) 67727 BOROUGH OF TINTON FALLS PLANNING BOARD TAKE NOTICE that on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m on the 7th day of April, 1999, a hearing will be held before the Borough of Tinton Fails Planning Board in the Municipal Building. 556 Tinton Avenue, Tinton Fails, New Jersey on the application of the undersigned that has been made to the Tin-ton Falls Planning Board for Major Subdivision approval as described: Preliminary and final plans for Lot 4, Block 66 situated in the Borough of Tin-ton Falls, Monmouth County, New Jersey known as 771 Tinton Avenue, Tinton Falls, New Jersey prepared by Deltech Engineering dated June 12, 1998 consisting of six sheets as revised. ON PREMISES LOCATED AT 771 Tinton Avenue, Tin-ton Falls, New Jersey and designated and known as Block 66, Lot 4 on the Borough of Tinton Falls Tax Map. A copy of the application and related maps and documents have been filed in the office of the Secretary of the PLANNING BOARD and may be inspected by the Public between the hours of 9:00 a.m.

and 4:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building, 556 Tinton Avenue, Tinton Falls, New Jersey. At the said hearing the applicant will seek variances and waivers as to the ap- elication as follows: ARIANCES: 1. From the requirements of Section 85-83E(2) accessory use as to the existing red barn on the premises. Applicant would like to demolish said red barn but if the Planning Board requires that it remain on the premises It is then to be considered (as far as the ordinance requirements are set forth) as either (a) a barn and if so Section 85-83E(2) requires it as an accessory use to have setbacks of 75 feet on front, rear and side and the applicant will provide 45' feet front, 20' rear and 1 side or (b) as a farage and if so the said ection 85-83E(2) requires setbacks of 45' front, 20' rear and side distances where the applicant will provide 45' feet front, 20' rear and 1' side.

2. As to the existing house. Section 85-83G(2) requires a 45' front yard and the existing house is distant 32.09' feet; and the rear yard requires 40 from the top of the slope and the existing house is distant 12' from the top of the slope. WAIVERS: As to the waivers they alt refer to the requirements as recommended by the Planning Board engineer in his report of January 6, 1999. 1.

As to Item 11(D) 1), 2), and 3) because the cost and the time to accumulate the data required Is not really necessary in connection with this application. 2. As to Item M(K), applicant requests the waiver and will furnish said item trior to the filing of the Inal map when approval for signatures of the map with his bid. security In the on notice mat mey are reauirements of P.L. 1975.

n.j.&.a. Desig LAWN ServiceToms River Well estab. Turn-key. $llkBO. 732-341-8382 Lawn Service Equip 6.

60 accts. $12,000 bo Toms River 732-288-9228. LIQUOR LICENSE (D) In Allenhurst. Make me an offer I can't refuse. Call Angelo: 732-643-1809 Local Candy Rte.

-30 ma chine. tarn day. All $9999. 80O-998-VENP Luncheonette-Good Loc. Great maker.

Priced af- fordable. 732-939-0371 LUNCH TRUCK 1968. Fully loaded, $2900 or BO. Uall 431-4140 MATCO TOOLS Has Franchises avail In the Eaton-town Mlddletown Area. WNo franchise fees.

No royallty fees ft No advertising fees. A Mateo tools franchise Is affordable. To learn more call 1-SO0-368-6651. MONMOUTH OCEAN COUNTY AUTO Eng. Repair 3 Bays VIDEO WLOTTERY must sell, let's make a HOT DOG etc.

Franchise GOURMET NUTS In busy mall ICE CREAM STORE Shore town Roger. Realty Executives 732-364-8880. MOTEL FOR SALE 62 Units. PO Box 482, Colts Neck. NJ 07722 PIZZERIA RESTAURANT Good opportunity.

$60.000. 73f 901 1929 Red Bank-Prime office space close to train GSP avail Immed Heritage House 946 4646 RESTAURANT Estb. Turn key, 48 seat In Shore ar- ea. 732-714-9093 SERIOUS CAREER MINDED IOIVIDUAL- turn key oper ations, nail care business 732-299-9040 BEFORE YOU buy another Vitamin, Call For FREE Tape. 1-800-349-9139 TANNING SALON 14 yrs In business.

Great loc. Great rent. Great price. 732-929-9399 TRAVEL AGENCY Estab. Agency needs exp'd working partners.

Expanding to wholesaler. 732-931-4572 VENDING Mfr. needs distributor. Small Invest. Training.

800-803-9092. WISEKEEBLER ROUTE Great opportunity. 4Mi days. 732-840-8392,RIEstls SEARCH and BROWSE REALTORS PREVIEW COLOR PHOTOS of PROPERTY LISTINGS ON THE INTERNET A Service of the ASBURY PARK PRESS and IN JERSEY. BUSINESS WANTED Looking to buy athletic footwear retail store that has open accounts wall maor brands 663-0071 betwn 8pm-10pm only.

PUBLIC NOTICES B0R00F POINT PLEASANT LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: On April 7, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. In the Borough Clumbers, 2233 Bridge Avenue, Point Pleasant, NJ, Kevin and Klmberly O'Hara are applying to the Zoning Board for a Variance under section (c) of R.S. 70 on property known as Block 69, Lot 4, address 537 Smith Dr. In an R-1A Zone. This request is to seek permission to construct an open porch on front of home.

Requesting 20 foot setback, 25 feet required. Plans have been tiled with the Clerk of the Zoning Board and are available for your review at the Borough Hall Monday thru Thursday 8:30 to 4:00 and rriaay to Klmberly O'Hara 68847 B0R00F BRADLEY BEACH PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF DECISION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Borough of Bradley Beach Planning Board on February 4. 1999. the under signed was granted minor site plan approval, a variance from Borough Ordi nance wnicn prohibits structures within the 25 toot front yard setback, variance from uorousn Ordinance regarding buffer requirements, and other relief, to install a primarily underground fiber optic telecommunications facility known as a controlled environmental vault on the remises known as Block 5. Lots 1 to 15, Lake Terrace Drive and Benson Avenue, on the tax map of the Borough of Bradley Beach.

A copy of the Decision and Resolution memorial ing the fnrepoinff aonrov- als is available at the office of the Borough of Bradley Beach Planning Board where it may be reviewed during regular business hours. Kenneth 0. Wolfe, Esq. Cooper Perskle April Nledelman Wagenhelm Levenson, P. A.

Attorneys For BELL ATLANTIC- NEW JERSEY. INC. ($41.00) 69333 BOROUGH OF KEANSBURG US DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS PROJECT NJ 60-1 OWNER: THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE BOROUGH OF KEANSBURG Sealed bids for Contract No. 1 Window Replacement at Granville Towers, NJ 60-1, will be will be received by the Housing Authority of the Borough of Keansburg if) Ttwt 1 TOMS RIVER Fischer Blvd. 720 sf.

store avail. Call: 732-929-4666 2002 INCOME PROPERTY A ABSOLUTE CASH FLOW Money Maker. 7 to 54 unit apts, strip malls, con-dos, Whse, Land Park Place Realty 869-9100 ASBURY PARK unit, brick apartment building, separate utils, fully rented, good cash flow, $159,000. 732-681-0938 Berkeley: Holiday City HANDY MAN SPECIAL 20 under market at $88,500. Mary T.

Dooney NtMAA Keai tstaie, brkr 473-1700 Ext. 351 LONG BRANCH OPEN HOUSE SAT. 1-5 Live rent-free wthis wonderful mint 2 family. Each unit contains 3 Ig. EIK, front porch ft Is.

yard. Close to shopping beaches. $118,800. Dir. Rt.

36 to Broadway on Sixth 81-83. (732) 747-8282 OCEAN GROVE Sm hotel, 13 rooms ft lbdrm apt. Exceptional property. $206,000. OCEAN GROVE 6 family, fully occupied, great property.

Exc. loc. investment. $225,000. ASBURY PARK Cash Flow.

Cash Flow. Net $30,000 annually. 9 rms 2bdrm apt, all licenses current, recently updated. Owner looking for quick sale. On-site manager avail.

$120,000. All offers considered. REMAX Heritage Rltrs SEASIDE HTSPARK 4 fam, ft 1 fam, dwelling, yr round rentals, fully furn. Many many extras. A must seal Live mtg.

payment free. Financing avail. Inspect, make offer. 973-667-3190 mJJ eb aL Sum sum Kss WEST LONG BRANCH 13 rm. bldg single family, home on 1 acre.

Asking $219,000. KEYPORT 8 apts. Water-view, gross over $60,000. Asking $274,900. LONG BRANCH 6 apts.

in 2 bldgs. Over $45,000. gross. Asking $289,900. Shoreview Realty 732-229-6800 Bab aVadl lab Saab aaab Isbl 2003 BUILDINGS GARAGES BAYVILLE Self storage facility for rent.

Var sizes. 732-237-2900 kk irk irk irk HOWELL Near 199, 29x31, avail now. $250 mo. 732-498-3699 KEYPORT Fully equipped 3 bay gar for rent wwork to follow. Call 732-888-1999 LAKEWOOD Two clean, dry storage units available 24 30 and 20 20.

Concrete floor, rural area, secure, reasonable rates Call 683-1949. LEONARDO Dble garage tor rent Call RENTED MARLBORO Approx warehouse w6 offices. $2200mo. 732-870-8346 RENT WarehouseOffice 2000 sq.ft. Ideal for small contractor.

Call LFO, 732-774-3817 SELF-STORAGE Trailers (2) $190mo for 40ft long welec. 20ft $100mo 1-800-378-2074 TINTON FALLS 1455 SQ.FT. officewhse, 3 Sheila Tinton Falls Business ongrade gar 3 offices, workroom, whse, $1516mo. Avail May. Call Philip J.

Bowers Co, 732-741-7200. W. LONG BRANCH Avail 91. Rent 2900 sq.ft. In A -One loc.

12' overhead door. Start $1690Mo. Owner: 732-222-3000, Eves: 842-8318. 2004 BUSINESS PROPERTY NORTHAMPTON BUSI NESS PARK-Off ice Warehouse space avail. Suites from 1,000 S.F.

Loc. on Rt. 37W, Northampton Toms River. Great visibility ft loc. Many business uses permitted.

12' ceilingdrtve-fn load-IngAC'd. office area. Call Atlantic Coast Realty Advisory Group, Exclusive Agent, for leasing Info. 732-244-7000 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Commercial Real Estate Specialists 121 Hwy. 36, West Long Branch AVON 3000 sq.

ft. offic es or warehouse. Heated ft AC. Overhead door. 732-776-7900.

BARNEGAT-Shopplng Center, 35. IO sf on o.b acres. Asking price $3,400,000. Call Joseph P. larla Realty 732-3644988 GENERAL COMMERCIAL 10,000 SQ.FT.

building on 4 acres. $250,000. George Realty 1 800 356 3114 HAZLET Auto repair, 9,000 sf, major 3 lifts. $2900. mo 732-946-1619 HAZLET-Landmark Bldg.

on busiest corner in town. Direct access to Holmdel, Keyport, Union Beach and Middletown. Zoned BR-2 for professional, industrial, business, research, banks of studios. Approx. 3,000 s.f.

Central AC, 6 line phone system, underground lawn sprinklers, very low maintenance. $295,000. 732 888-1042 LONG BRANCH Lease, 3600 sq.ft. toned commlnd.retall, office factorywarehouse, UEV zoned. Call M-F, 9 5pm, 732-870-2966.

LONG BRANCH BARGAIN! Broadway Property with 2 story bldg. rear wrhs. $75,000. 732-87O6103 MIDDLETOWN Commer cial kitchen for rent. Dally or Weekly.

732-933-1441 NOW AVAIL-for landscaping ft nursery storage, 1-2 acres, with lOOOsf green house. Hwy 39 noimdei. Contact Joe 264-8440, 264-7280 OCEAN TWP. 3 bdrm. house, 2oned comm'l.

res. use. for lease or sale. Details call (732) 493-3326. 2006 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY MATAWAN-LOCATIONI 49O0 Sq.

Ft WhseShop Incls. 1100 Sq. Ft. Of ficeReception Area. $3200mo.

732-983-3030 OCEAN TWP. Great loc $7.36 sq.ft. All expenses pd. 6.259 Sr. J.B3B mo.

732-922-1700 SAYREVILLE For rent 1200-4400 sq.ft. Drive-in ft loading dock doors, outside parking wwith-out bldg. 732-254-1176 WEST LONG BRANCH former facility avail. Units from 10.000 s.f. up to 186.000 s.f.

Suitable for office, data processing, RND, assembly or warehouse at Monmouth Park Corp Ctr I. Additional build-to-suit up to 100.000 s.f. Call Tom at Byron Real Estate Co, Inc. 732-780-7780. 2008 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A GREAT OPPORTUNITY Be the boss.

Boardwalk stand for lease. 732-831-0362 A ICE CREAM PARLOR Manahawkin. Owner retiring. Low rent. Well estab.

Fully equipped. $40,000. firm. Partial owner finance, avail. Near Long Beach 1st 609-969-2498 609-693-0406 ASBURY PARK 40'x30'store front avail.

$890mo. 732-779-4443 AT LEAST $40K A YEARI REAL Vending! No gimmicks! Lay's, Snickers. Secure, guar, loc. $7,500 req. Free Info.

1-800-688-5202, 24 hrs. BAGEL STORES FOR SALE Or will build you your own new store! 888-389-0901 BEAUTY SALON Full service salon on Hwy 9, Howell, westb. cllentelle. 732-697-0902, Iv msg. BELFORD-Sm.

lawn care waccta ft equip. $2000 bo. 732-787-4030 BE THERE 4 SUMMER Shore Area Sub and Sand-wlch shop, open yr. rd. Breakfastlunch, take ut, delivery, in outdoor seating.

732-845-1417 leave msg. BILLER PER HOUR Easy dental billing. Full training, computer req'd. 1-800-434-5518 Ext. 608 BOARDWALK Seaside Hgts location for Coffee, Cappuclno, Expresso, Italian Pastries, etc.

Call: 732-793-6488 BOARDWALK STAND S.S.H. No food. Small, expensive, good location. $9000. per 73Z-8J-1JZJ.

BREAD ROUTES 2 Frelho-fer routes. HowellFroo-hold area. 732-920-6872 BRICK PAVER BUSINESS Established. 250g gross more 732-450-1544 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A member of Citigroup, Inc. unlimited Income potential.

Call Linda 732-460-3064 CD MUSIC STORE-Located In Hip Red Bankl For Sale. Great Opportunity ft Prlcel 732-219-6664. Convenience Food Store 3200 sf, fully equipped, ready for business, Mana-lapan. First Property Group Brkr 732-363-6700 COUNTERTOP CANDY snack machines for sale. BO.

Call 732-739-6696 DELICON VIENIENCE STORE Jackson. Fully equip. Est. No reasonable offer refused. 732-929-4917 DELI Ocean Cnty Seats 25 Owner says sell $39K Action Realtor 223-9090 DellSandwiches NY Style LTD.

MENU 5Vi DAY WK Short HoursMon.Cnty. "All Offers Accepted'1 Globe Rltrs 732-367-9100 DIRECT Mell Advertising Co. serving Monmouth Cty since 1983. Will train. BO.

732-849-1940 DRY CLEANER- Owner retiring. Adj. to brand new Acme supermkt. Llncroft. $75,000.

732-914-8036 or 747-9675. EARN ly from home. Team sup- Eort. Not MLM. Free rulse.

1-800-349-9688 Ext 9802 FIRST CLASS EST'D. MEAT MARKET Wholesale retail operation. Bldg. Bus. fixtures.

Sonya Grill R.E. 531-3322 FREIHOFER'S Independently owned distribution Rts avail. Full equity ownership, exc. earning opptys. Financing avail.

Rts. avail In central NJ. For Info call 908-793-8666 GOURMET FOOO CART Major NJ Mall. Turnkey. Will train.

$13,000 Roger, Broker 732-364-8880 GREAT OPPTY-Wlth a few thousand hair lie. Ins. you can ba ki bus. for yourself. Fully equipped.

Good loc. 732-739-2197 HAIR-NAIL SALON Ocean Twp. Hwy. 35. For sale.

Owner retiring 870-1278 or 870-6480 HAIR SALONMONMOUTH CTY. Est. clientele. Must sell. $10,000 Nego.

Call for Info. 732-525-3211 HAZLET-1000 sqft fully Turn. i-nMuiv puuuw system. Newly remodeled. Exc.

salestelemarketing or light retail loc. Immed. occupancy. 732-946-7631 Ice Cream ParlorGRILL Long Beach Island, beach block, Breakfast ft lunch trade. 2 rental apts.

$400K 219-949-3880 ICE CREAM SHOPPE Southern Monmouth Cty location. Exo equipment. Turn key operation. 732-449-2206 INTERNET within 3 months. 1-800-349-9739 1004 IRS PROBLEMS? Fmr.

IRS Sr. Trial Atty. 15 yrs. exp. Aoate tax ren Rizzuto Esq 477 8000 JACKSON Used Furn Store- Same loc 29 yrs.

4900 sq ft. $19Q0mo. 364-0880 LAWN MAINTENANCE Est 6yrs. all equip ft 29 accounts 732-370-1279 LAWN SERVICE Truck, 4 4 4 4 4 BY OWNER-BI-Leve. 4 bdrm 2800 sq.ft.

on 34 eras landscaped with In- ground pool, sprinkler syv, pond ki front. Lvg. ft dng. Rm. Kit Entrance wcer.tlle.

ec Fam rm, 3 FBeths, utll rm 2 Car Gar. Deed-ln-street, No Realtor. Asking $249,000. Low taxes. 732-231-6668 Lrmg.

1447 OLD BRIDGE CLIFFWOODBEACH 3bdrm ranch, Ivng fi dng rm, deck, gar, c7c $117,000. 732-290-7989 1459SAYREVILLE BV OWNER-Gorgeous, Ig. white brick Colonial, 2 yrs. young. All the extra! Full btmnt, 2 ear gar.

$349,900. 732-316-0401 1471 SOUTH RIVER TOTALLY RENOVATED REMODELED Mint In cond. 3 2 full baths. attic, detached gar. Lovely fenced yard, Ig.

deck, landscaped. block to new K-8 school. Dead end street Low taxes. $169,900. Call 732-294-3808.

Real Estate For Sale SOMERSET COUNTY Real Estate For Sale UNION COUNTY Business Marketplace 2000-OFFICEFLOOR SPACE 2001 STONES 2002- INCOME PROPERTY 2003- aUfLDINGSOARAGES 2004- eUSfNESS PROPERTY 2 DOS-COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 2006- INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY 2007- BUSINESS LOANS INVESTMENTS 2006-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2O00-BUSI ESS WANTED 2000 OFFICEFLOOR SPACE BAY HEAD overlooking Barnegat Bay, 700-890 sq. ft. Ample parking. 732-899-4700 or 892-9810 eveswkends BRICK 2 suites avail, 399, 900 sq. ft ft 836 sq.

ft. 732-909-1073 eves. EATONTOWN EXECUTIVE CTR. Offices with without furniture. Start $150mo.

732-542-0200 FREEHOLD-71 W. Main. 900-2000 Sq. Ft Suites. CAC, Elevator, Private Parking.

732-780-3979. FREEHOLD Center, great best building, unite from single room up to 4000 sq.ft. 732-224-0974 FREEHOLD Main St. Professional space, 7rms, Approx 3000 SF wperk-Ing CAC 732-706-9072. FURNISHED Office Suites Services In Shrewsbury 732-741-5700 HAZLET- Lg.

Prof'l office at Bethany Commons, $890 mo. Utll Incl 888-7667 HOLMDEL-Deslrabla Holm-del Village area, East Main St. loo. 2900 sq. ft.

avail. Call Jack 732-946-2277. HOLMDEL Mlddletown ft W. Long Branch office space avail 732-787-7773 LAKEHURST ONLY 2 OFFICES LEFT! 1023 1240 sq. ft.

Call toll free 1-888-927-2642 LITTLE SILVER-Prlme loc. Near RR, ample parking. Reasonable. -842-0636 LONG BRANCH- Single off. In Prof'l bldg.

prvt. entry, Utll. Incl. $390 mo. 949 Bath Ave.

Call Jean 732-229-1600 LONG BRANCH-500 SF, 1st fir. Avail. 41. $600. mo utils.

732-222-1966 MANALAPAN warehouseoffice space from 1200 sq.ft. to 9900 sq.ft. Call 732-462-2000 ext. 30 MANALAPAN 650 sq ft. conveniently located.

3 room office. 732-536-5155 MANASQUAN Hwy 71, 600 sq ft, big windows, parking, great office space. $600mo Incld heat. 732-223-3180 MARLBOROMANALAPAN Prime loc, brand new firofesslonal office condo or lease or sale. From 600 to 6000 sf.

For more Info 732-329 1919 MARLBORO AREA Route 9 offices avail. Small $200., large $300. Call days: 732-303-1717 Eves 780-0060 MARLBORO Rt. 9. Approx.

770 sq. ft. of office space. Call landlord 732-970-9700 MATAWAN Furn. Office $290mo.

AC, yard space 120 GSP 732-966-1996 MATAWAN-LOCATIONI 4900 Sq. Ft. WhseShop Incls. 1100 Sq. Ft.

OfficeReception Area. $3200mo. 732-983-3030 MIDDLETOWN Office space for chiropractor In wellness cntr. Call: 732-933-1441 OCEAN TWP Rt 35 1.600 f. Call: 732-531-1080 OLD BRIDGE Irg.

It sm. offices for rent. From 120 Sq. Ft. to 2O00 SF.

Avail 331. Close to Rte. 9 18. Dennis 732-291-7139 POINT PLEASANT Reduced $39K. 2 fam.

office suite. Sep. ght. 169 ft. on Rt.

88. $219K All Around Rlty 92O-2O60 RED BANK Broad ft Monmouth. $10sf, Incls. heatac. 732-931-9800 RED BANK Prof.

929 sf Near hospitalpark. 840-3009 9-4 Mon-Frl. RED BANK 600 sq 43 W. Front corner office, 3 Ig rms, ample Sarking. river view.

1000mo. Avail. June. Call Philip J. Bowers ft Co.

732 741-7200. RED BANK 70 White St. 1 300 sf. adjoining Charles Schwab ft Co. Exc visibility ft parking Call Philip J.

Bowers Co. SEA BRIGHT-1400 SF office or retail formerly chiropractic office on Cedar Ave. BAZ-JUU TINTON FALLS 1455 SQ.FT. officewhse, 3 Sheila Tinton Falls Business ongrade gar 3 offices, workroom, whse, $1516mo. Avail May.

Call Philip J. Bowers ft Co, 732-741-7200. TINTON FALLS Business Center New construction, March occ. 2376 SF avail. Also 766 SF Immed.

occ. Philip J. Bowers ft Co. (732)741-7200. TINTON FALLS Bus.

Ctr. 990 sq. ft. Ideal for medical, 3 exam rms. lab, waiting rm.

$16.50 sq. ft. Avail May. Philip J. Bow-ers ft Co.

(732)741-7200 TOMS RIVER DOWNTOWN 2 rm ste waiting area. Nr to P.O., rest at courthouse. Exc tenants. Only $315 pays all 244-1700 TOMS RIVER Modem office building. 222 Oak Ave.

Call 732-349-ZlO TOMS RIVER Commons. Salelease. 1M sq. ft. 732-747-3195 Wall Area Valley Park East Attractive 4 ore.

recep tion. 1300 sq.ft. Call 732-223-3200 tor Info. WALL Rt. 35.

Old Tudor Village. 1250 sq. ft. Byron Real Estate Co. 780-7780 WALL Rt.

34 opposite airport. Prime office space. 3600 sq. ft. Near GSP, Rt.

18, 1-195. Owner: 732-681-2500 WALL Rt. 34 South, next to airport, 2400 s-f. of office, 1400 s.f. of warehouse, near GSP ti Rt.

199. $2400 utils. Call: 732-974-7100 ext 103 WALL TWP 1,190 so. ft Clean, plenty of windows a. parking, seuu per mo.

732-938-4 Z24 WALL TWP 1,190 sq. ft. Clean, plenty of windows a. parking. $800 par mo.

732-938-4224 WEST LONG BRANCH former facility avail. Units from 10,000 s.f. up to 186.000 s.f. Suitable for office, data processing, RND, assembly or warehouse at Monmouth Park Corp Center I. Additional bulld-to-suit up to 100.000 s.f.

Call Tom at Byron Real Estate Co, Inc. 732-780-7780. 2001 STORES ABERDEEN Cor. store for rent 2081 sqft in busy shopping ctr. on Hwy.

35. Ideal for conv. store, video or laundromat. Ask for Joan, 732-583-2300 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Prime 1st Ave. loo.

on busy commuter Rt. Exo. layout for restaurant, re-tall It prof. Oceanic Reat-ty, 718-967-6900 BEACH HAVEN For lease. Est.

seasonal mall In the heart of Beach Haven's shopping district on LBI. Call 800-223-4913 BELMAR-Join Acme ft Rite Aid. Busy shop ctr. ft. Byron Real Estate Co.

732-780-7780 BRICK-Prime Hwy 88 loc. 2 stores avail. 732-207-3343 or 789-7988. BRICK RT. 88 West ft Rt.

70 1600 sq.ft. Across from Price Club. Byron Real Estate Co. Ine. 732-780-7780 In high visibility strip.

Rte 88 across from COSTCO. Jim Dooney CCIM, brkr. REMAX Real Estate 473-1700 ext 309 HAZLET Busy Rt. 35. Quick In ft out access.

Avail. Immed. $1100mo. 732-739-9555 HIGHLANDS- 600-1200 sq.ft. frontage.

Prime hwy 36 loc. Retail space avail. $1,000 per unit. 732-9664109 ISLAND HEIGHTS Maple Ave. off Rt.

37E. Adorable store front with real working clock tower. Perfect for upscale gift florlstofflce. Willing to adjust rent to get the right business In our town. Call 732-270-6098 for additional Info.

JACKSON Manhattan St. Plaza, 2400 SF drive thru Busy cntr Join Rite Aid Wana. 363-5100 JACKSON 900 sq.ft. Next to new development. Reasonable.

$10. sq.ft. 732-364-7333. KEYPORT Retail, 800 sq. ft office.

Exc. hwy loo. on Rt. 39; within Ig. tv repair Co.

built In traffic. HTAC $1900mo. 732-739-2929 LAKEHURST ONLY 2 STORES LEFTI 1920 ft 6732 sq. ft. Call toll free 1-888-927-2642 LONG BRANCH Ursula Plaza -Store for rent 1470 sq.

ft. In busy shopping ctr. 732-222-3838 days, or 732-493-3922 eves. MANALAPAN Gordon's Ctr New space avail, for clothing, shoes, gifts, Chinese restaurant others. Call FIRST PROPERTY GROUP, 732-363-6700 MANALAPAN Prime Rt.

9 location, approx. 1,200 s.f. Call Landlord: 732-970-9700 MANASQUAN Upscale shopping ctr, hes retail space avail. 732-449-2206 MIDDLETOWN Route 36 Busy Shopping Center. Join CVS, Naveslnk Post Office, West Marine 1200-9600 s.f.

ft Drive Thru. Avail. Immed. 1-800476-7893 NEPTUNE CITY Strip mall stores 1 200 or 2400 sq.ft. Great location, Rt.

35 hwy. frontage. Call 732-870-6689. NEPTUNE CITY 800 sq. ft.

bsmt. Corner high trafflc.732-791-0097. OCEAN TWP Rt 35 1,600 s.f. Call: 732-531-1080 OCEAN TWP-Rt. 35 West Park Ave.

900-1800 s.f. avail. Est. shopping ctr. Byron Real Estate Co.

Inc. 732-780-7780 POINT PLEASANT BEACH Rt. 35 No. ft 500 Washington Ave. 1.000-2.900 sq ft.

store in Country Farms Shopping Ctr. Call Susan, 609-392-0092 The Eagle Group. Broker RED BANK GALLERIA SPACE AVAILABLE CALL 732-930-7300 RED BANK 3200 s.f.. Broad St ft corner of Monmouth. 732-931-9800 SEA BRIGHT-3000 SF re- tall space.

Center of town on Ocean Ave. Starting rent $6 00SF. 842-3700 SEASIDE Store Blvd ft Sumner. Any business for 1999 season 779-3561 TOMS RIVER DOWNTOWN 100H store front location. Office or retail.

Appx'ly 700 sq ft, electric exterior sign an option. $699 pays all. 732-244-1700 TOMS RIVER Rt. 37W. 2.0O0-,0O0 sq.

ft. avail. Byron Real Estate. Inc. 732-780-7780 TOMS RIVER-Rt 37 E.

On- site parking, knmed occ, can be used for office pace. S73-960-1490 made the following findings 1. Wltn tne exception OT ine variance ana waiver reiier sougni, int application complies with the provisions of the Borough of Belmar Land Use Ordinances. tne reconstruction oi a paruaiiy oostroyeu non-cenigim- ine application IS Tor ing single story residential j. Th Annlirnnt nrnnnvm r--r structure at the site.

tn rernnstruet the first storv and Dlace a Second Storv BOROUGH OF FREEHOLD ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS 1. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Borough of Freehold for a Public Works Garage at the new Public Works Facility, Center Street, Freehold, New Jersey. The project will entail construction of one (1) pre-engineered metal structure. 84 200'-0" with offices, toilet rooms and locker rooms. The second building is a pre-engineered metal storage building 52'-0" 100 -0" with a 20'-0" 100'-0' overhang at each side of the building.

2. Bids for the above Contract will be received by the Owner in the Administrative Offices at Municipal Building, 51 W. Main Freehold, New Jersey, until 2:00 P.M.; Local Time, on April 22, 1999, and will be publicly opened and read aloud Immediately thereafter. 3. Bidding Documents may be examined, during normal office hours, at the following locations: a.

Administrative Offices Borough of Freehold 51 West Main Street Freehold, New Jersey b. Office of William R. Miller, Ml, AIA 15 Parker Avenue Fair Haven, New Jersey Call for Appointment (732) 933-1300 C. Office of William R. Miller, III, AIA co Johnson Associates, Consulting Engineer 54 Birch Avenue Little Silver, NJ (732) 345-0400 4.

Bidders may obtain copies of the Bidding Documents from the Architect, after 2:00 P.M. on 3-29-99. upon submittal of a non-refundabie deposit of $150.00 for each set. Checks shall be made payable to William R. Miller, III, AIA.

Bidding Documents may be obtained at one of the following locations: a. Office of William R. Miller, III, AIA 15 Parker Avenue Fair Hvn New Jarsev 07704 (Call for appointment (732) 933-1300) b. Office of William R. Miller, III, AIA co Johnson Associates, Consulting Engineers 54 Birch Avenue Little Silver, New Jersey 732) 758-1848 Each bidder shall deposit amount, form and subject to the conditions provided In the Instructions to Bidders.

6. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the actual date of the opening thereof, or within a 30 day extension, pursuant to N.J.S.A, 7. The owner reserves the right to reject any or alt bids or to waive informality in the bidding if it is In the best interest of the Owner to do so and to award contracts only to those whose proposal is deemed by the Owner to be most advantageous to the interest of the public. 8. In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A.

33., all Bidders are placed raauirttd to comDlv with the on tne structure, an expansion ot a pre-existing nunconiorming use. 4. The Applicant will relocate the two story residential structure approximately 5 feet closer to the northerly side yard property line. This will result In a decrease In the north sideyard of 5 feet, leaving a conforming five foot sideyard. The purpose of the relocation is to remove the existing driveway in the northerly sideyard and remove the associated curb cut for the same on A Street.

5. The Applicant will relocate the driveway to the southerly sideyard, as reconfigured, 10 feet In width to provide tor the placement of a driveway, constructed of brick pavers, to run a depth of approximately 48 feet and to place an associated curb cut on A Street. This reconfiguration will result in an Improvement In the available amount of parking area on the lot and diminish the visual impact ot the single-story rear dwelling unit from the streetscape. 6. The Applicant shall remove the chain link fence located on his property In the northerly sideyard and will remove the gate that had been previously placed across, the existing driveway area; Applicant will not relocate a gate.

7. The reconstruction will result in a single family, three bedroom residential structure, conforming in height to the zone requirements, with a front yard setback 4 of 8 feet. 8. The property Is located one lot south from the corner ot Ninth Avenue and A Street, fronting on A Street, with a northerly sideyard directly adjacent to the rear4 yards of Lots 8 and 9 on Block 90. 9.

The Applicant will place an appropriate hedgerow and associated landscaping as4 approved by the Zoning Officer on the northerly sideyard property line, running the depth of the property, to create a more aesthetically pleasing screening between adjoining lots. 10. Tne Applicant shall also place an appropriate hedgerow and associated, landscaping as approved by the Zoning Officer on the southerly sideyard property, line, running the aepth of the lot. 11. The Applicant proposes no additional structural changes to the single story, rental unit located to the rear ot the property.

12. Testimony by the Zoning Officer reveals that the extended driveway will permit additional parking associated with the lot's use and remove parking from the adjoining residential streets. 13. The proposed placement of a second story at the site, though an expansion of a non-conforming use, will result In Improved appearance at the Lot and be consistent with developments of surrounding residential properties fronting on Ninth Avenue and A Street. 14.

The Board finds that the Applicant's front residential structure was only partially destroyed by fire and. accordingly, under existing land use laws, the Applicant is permitted to reconstruct the non-conforming use and to find otherwise would Impose an undue hardship upon the Applicant; to the extent that the use Is -expanded to permit the placement of a second story, the Board finds that this will result In a more aesthetically pleasing appearance of the residential structure and Improve the overall character of the residential neighborhood; and WHEREAS, for the reasons stated, the Board finds that the granting of th variance applied for under the facts outlined above will not result in a substantial detriment to the public welfare, nor create a substantial impairment to the intent -and purposes ot the Zone Plan and the Zoning Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the Board finds, that the majority of the proposed variances are the result of a combination of pre-existing conditions located at the site and the Applicant's right to reconstruct a partially destroyed non-conforming use: and WHEREAS, he Board finds, therefore, that the purpose of the Municipal Land Use Law, specifically the provision of sufficient space In an appropriate location for residential use and the promotion of a desirable visual environment through creative development techniques and the promotion of the general health and welfare of the residents of the Borough of Belmar through the Improvement of available and affordable housing stock will be advanced by the approval ot this application with variances; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Board of the Borough of-Belmar hereby approves the application tor reconstruction of a partially destroyed-residential structure of a non-conforming use, located at Block 90, Lot 10. as shown-on the official tax map of the Borough of Belmar and In accordance with the application submitted subject to the following conditions: A. Publication by the Application of a notice of this decision In the official, newspaper serving the Borough of Belmar and return ot proof of publication to the Secretary of the Planning Board. B.

Payment of all taxes and assessments to date. No building permits or certificates of occupancy are to be issued until proof is furnished to the Secretary of the Planning Board that there are no taxes or assessments due or delinquent on the property in question. C. The Applicant will comply with all other requirements of this Borough and any' other governmental subdivisions as set forth in any laws, ordinances or regulations 1 and wiTl obtain any permits or approvals required thereunder. D.

Applicant shall proceed In accordance with the plans cited above and shall limit the reconstruction and renovation of the property for the placement of a two story residential structure, as testified to and depicted in the architectural drawings and plans cited above; the Applicant shall not create any other additional living space, -Bedroom or other accouterment to the reconstructed residential structure than as-presented to the Board; furthermore, the Applicant shall place no other additional, living space, bedroom or other accouterment to the single story structure located to. the rear of the lot. E. As a condition of receiving building permits, the Applicant shall: 1. Provide to the Zoning Officer, an appropriate landscaping plan which will, provide for: hedgerows on the sideyard property lines, running the depth of the, property, though not exceeding the height of four feet in height at a depth of nine feet from the front yard property line and not exceeding six feet in thereafter to the depth of the property: and 2.

Shall remove the existing chain link fence and gate located at and on the' northerly property line; the Board is aware that the chain link fence on the southerly sideyara property line Is not owned by the Applicant, however, Applicent shall be' required to place an appropriate hedgerow on the southerly property line. F. The Applicant will post the necessary performance guarantees In an amount' acceptable to the Belmar Borough Council as recommended by the Borough' Engineer, In a form approved by the Borough Engineer and Planning Board attorney -guaranteeing inspection for, removal and installation of curbing, sidewalks and driveways associated with all work by the Applicant to remove an existing curb cut on A Street essociated with the northerly side driveway, relocation of curbing and sidewalk areas; and placement ot a curb cut for the relocated driveway on the. southerly side of the property; said performance guarantee Is to be forfeited In the, event the improvements are not satisfactorily completed. G.

The Applicant will comply with the conditions set forth above within one year, from the date of this approval. H. The Applicant shall build the site consistent with the testimony given and as modified before the Borough ot Belmar Planning Board and will comply with all conditions and restrictions outlined in this Resolution by the paragraphs set forth, above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution, certified by the Secretary of the Planning Board to be a true copy, be forwarded to the Borough Clerk, the Borough Construction Official, the Borough Engineer, the Borough Tl'X' Collector, the Borough Tax Assessor, the Water and Sewer Department, the Borough-Attorney and the Applicant herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be and herewith Is effective oil-March 15, 1999 The foregoing Resolution was offered by Mr.

Mannion and seconded by Mr. Zimmerman and adopted by a roll call vote: In Favor: Messrs. McCormick, Mannion, Zimmerman, Mrs. Renner and Ms. Geber Opposed: None Abstained: Mrs.

Roper Ineligible: None Absent: Messrs. Pringle, Lynch. McCormick, Szellga and Mrs. Provenzano The foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution adopted by the Planning Board of the Borough of Belmar on this 8th day of February, 1999 and Memorialization on March 15, 1999. SHARON K.

DAY, Secretary to the Planning Board ($472.32) 64JB7 I Chapter 127 (NJAC 17:27) Affirmative Action 9. Bidders are required to comply with New Jersey revised statute et and the regulations of the New Jersey Department of the Treasury, N.J.A.C. et providing for affirmative action plans for construction contractors and subcontractors. 10. Attention of Bidders is particularly called to the requirements of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contracts pursuant to N.J.S.A.

et seq. 1 1 The Contractor of Subcontractor, where applicable, shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status or sex. The Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that such applicants are recruited and employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status or sex. 12. Statutory Requirements: The successful bidder will be required to comply with P.L.

1975, 127 (N.J.A.C. 1 2) ATtirmative Aciion, nated Subcontractors, "Chapter 150 of New Jersey Laws of 1963 "Prevailing Wages and all other Laws and Regulations that apply to bidding and performance of the proposed contract. 13. Form of Bid must be made using the Bid Form that is provided in the project manual, or on copy machine reproductions there of. Each delivered Bid must be enclosed in a sealed opaque envelope bearing the prominent notation "BlD PROPOSAL FOR PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE: BOROUGH OF FREEHOLD, CENTER STREET, FREEHOLD.

NEW The envelope must also bear the Bidders Name and Address, and be directed to Municipal Clerk Borough of Freehold, 51 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07723. 14. The Contractor or Subcontractor, where applicable, shall, in all solicitations or advertisem*nts for employees placed by or in behalf of the Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status or sex. 15. Each Bid must be accompanied bv all forms and documents that are prescribed for bidding for this proposed Contract.

Those forms are listed in the "Bidders Final Checklist" at Exhibit of the Instructions to Bidders in the project manual. 16. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Guarantee payable to "Borough of The Bid Guarantee shall be in the amount of 10 of the base bid (not to exceed $20,000 00). The bid guarantee shall be given by certified check, treasurers check, or bid bond at the bidders option. if.

tacn ma must oe accompaniea Dy a consent or Suretv. The Consent of Surety shall provide that if the Contract is awarded to behalf of its principal will its principal, the surety on post performance and pay ment bonds, eacn wm De Tor luu or tne amount ot tne awarded contact. The bidder to whom the contract is awarded will be required to deliver a Consent of Surety for a one-year maintenance bond, see instruction to bidders prior to the Owners signature of this Contract. By Order of the Borough of Freehold Robert Casey, Borough Administrator 51 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey ($216.48) 67393 trailer, equipment ft accounts. MUST SELL! 732463-0928.

Asbury Park Press from Asbury Park, New Jersey (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.