8D, Statesman-Journal, Salem, Sunday, October 26, 1986 To Place Your Ad. Call 399-6789 725 Auction Sales 725 801 Recreational Vehicles All produce prices are quoted on a day to day basis subject to change without prior notice phone ahead for prices. USED M0T0RH0MES 79 MOBILE TRAVELER 18' side dinette, awning, stereo, CB new radial tires $9,990 76 JAMBOREE 19, front bath, rear dinette, root cab air awning stereo $9,940 79 WINNEBAGO 23 sofa chairs, generator, awning, roof pad 8 more 84 ALLEGRO 27 rear dbl bed. microwave, generator, air. CB, vacuum A more $24,990 78 PACE ARROW 28', dbl bed, rear bath, air.
antenna. CB dual tanks $16,900 83 HOLIDAY RAMBLER 28 dbl bed hyd levelers. icemaker air awn. 4 morel $38,900 USED 5TH WHEELS 13 ALPENLITE 22 front bath, rear sofa wtwo chairs, stereo $10,900 16 COLLINS 22 front bath, air cond. twin chairs, antenna as "aw $13,760 74 MEL-MAR 29 front bath, rear lounge, awning, rack A ladder $5990 83 CIMARRON 29 walk thru bath, side dinette, awning, stereo pw lacks $11,900 77 PROWLER 30 rear bath, side dinette, queen bed.
awning $5,990 84 FIREBALL 31 split kitchen, dbl door, air, awning, antenna A more $15,990 K0MF0RT 32', rear living room, side dinette, stereo, pwr lacks $10,990 'All Slh wheals Include 5th wheel hitch. PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 10AM umiut on fukmituiu mam aho commit sitsswM-nmimts-u ns mmm mailt urns so res mmct ctowwe khiaho SHwsnuttM comm mmtimun SITE: OKTOBERFEST BLDG. MT. ANGEL, OR. LOCAL OUTSTANDING PRIVATE COLLECTION WITH ADDITIONS SAMPLE: Just a sample of a few of the most outstanding pes of early American Oak walnut available 4 Oak rofitop.
carved pulls, upper curtain. 71 high, one of a kind Ornate oak triple serp dresser wbeveled mirror fine carved ornate walnut sideboard wleaded glass doors unusual oak commode wtowel bar oak medicine cabinet w2 oval beveled mirrors oak medicine cabinet wcopper framed beveled mirror 4 section oak stack bookcase wiead in top section -Oak hotel commode wbeveled mirror, towel bar (step on rt) -small commode 0 GEE mantle clock, time chime Oak hardware counter top display case wmirrored back raised panel Hoosier type kitchen cabinet w2 curtains sifter, sugar, rolling pin Oak 2 door icebox caived Lions (gargoyles) carved beveled mirror -piano bench 5 drawer walnut spool cabinet Victorian easel spindle picture frame Oak kitchen queen 4 drawer dresser wbeveled mirror brass -Oak framed Morris chair woriginal upholstery 45 round Oak ped. table w2 leaves (4) Oak chairs wcaned seats (2 captns) (2) Oak cherry sewing rockers wcaned seats -Carved Oak mantle top wmirror shelves 4 drawer Alder dresser wbeveied mirror, serp front square round walnut A mahog side tables Mahog London table Highboy Gents chest wmirror REPRO OAK FURNITURE: (4) named pie safes (2) round front china (Lion Head) 42 rd Oak ta bie. claw 48 rd Oak table, claw 2 door bookcase hitch bul-fet (4) felly cupboards corner gun cabinet (3) cookie cupboards (4) Oak seat ladder back chairs (16) Oak rush seat ladderback chairs 42 sq. Oak table 48 sq Oak table (4) Oak pressback chairs (4) Oak pressback (Ivy design) chairs (2) Trestle tables (3048) (4) Oak bow back chairs microwave cab -12 foot stool (2) bar stools dry sink 30 Maple coffee table 36 rd Oak table 30 rd Oak table (2) rush seat spindle back rockers (2) rockers, rush seats backs 42 rd Oak table sewing rocker Host rocker wash stand (2) Oak slat seat ladderback chairs (2) Repro ce boxes (2) hutch 1 buffet corner cabinet VINTAGE CLOTHING: Satin lace Swiss dot Chenille Old shoes -Ashland Shakespearean Costumes VO detailed dress forms bodice forms mannequins GLASSWARE: Heisey -Beleek cut glass green, pink, blue white depression -Mantle clocks occupied Japan Staffordshire Black amethyst granite ware Crockery Red wing other -McCoy Hill Pottery (3) old meat scales Dutch boy cookie jar others Atwater Kent 60 walnut cabinet radio Old wood rolling carpenter's toolbox lots of good old canning jars Alladm Lamp I others good amount of old costume jewelry numerous advertising tins toys cup saucer sets salt 4 peppers Ink bottles duck decoys carved German miniature wood figures Nippon German steins Schatz (German) 1000 day clock Milk glass Remington prints -Spanish muzzle loader (2) Cucoo clocks 6 Oak frame display case wslide doors wmirrors 1867 2c pc.
1852 3c pc 1884 1886 silver dollars 1941 up Penny books -MUCH MORE TOO NUMEROUS TO INSPECTION: 8am sale day TERMS: Cash Recreational Vehicles Sales 585-7713 1984SUNRADER2V Toyota chassis, all liberglas, rear dinette, cruise, stereo, roll up awning. Ira hitch, just 1 1 ,000 mi. Like new, $20,000 value, this week lot $18,000. EARL MALM TRAILER SALES 4130 Silverton RdNE lSaleriu581426 1982ALLEGR023' 4S4 Chev, cruise, cab air, stereo, TV antenna, awning, 4000 generator, root air, $24,500. EARL MALM TRAILER SALES 4130 Silverton RdNE aMH496 MOTORHOME 1976 LEISURE TIME Clatt A.
26j Ford chassis. V8, PS, PB, FSC. roof air. cruise control, doulbs dinette, AMFM stereo, cassette. $9950 TRACHSELBUICK 3333 Market St.
NE 58 1 -4242 73 DODGE 21 ft mini motor home. 41 act miles, AT, PS. PB. AM-FM, like new. $6999 We II arrange financing and trades welcome 581-7367 TUf BIT AUlOMOIIllS '69 EXPLORER.
21 Ft. Claw A. Juit like new. $5995. American Wheel! 581-7210 72 19' TRAVELCRAFT.
S5995. AMERICAN WHEELS 581-7217 Rv couchbed. new uohol S200: Stove hooi beiae uphol. $200; Stove hood 525. front, hitch $15 363-2017 24' TRAVEL Trailer, full bed, lckt.
E-Z lift hitch, etra water tank, TV lota of storage, good floor plan. $50001-472 SSJcMinn TOYOTA ROGUE, 22'. Equipped with every option. Only 3000 mi Best buy in Oregonl $18 995. 585-8395 or 363-9402.
AM, 77 HOLIDAY Rambler 500 Imperial series on 460 Ford 24 w39.000mi. dual air, gen. extras! oiler. 1-982-1570 aft 6pm CONSIGN YOUR RV WITH AMERICAN uupei 836 Domestic Autos 801 Recreational Vehicles 1977 27' ITASCA By Winnebago Low mi Exc cond. Many extras.
$15,000 762:7744 SifrytOJl RV STORAGE CPSHV 399-9483 5655 SE 79 MOBILE TRAVELER 21 FSC. air. sleeps 6. 34,000 mi In beaut cond 390-3144, SUPER SHARPI 1 owner. '77 Monaco 23 Party model loaded.
$13,500 AMERICAN WHEELS 561-7218 REDI-CAMP CAMPER VAN. Bed. FSC, tilt, air. PB. PS, $7500.
362 -J 54k 588 0185 84 Class A 23 Winnebaao. 8500 mi like new. gen roof cab air. loaded wextras. Stl.Vtt 1 BJB1U9U Consignments Call Mel Lewis at MEL RV 364:4248 1978 DODGE 18 new end trans, tires, etc Many exu as i i ujjuum PRICE reduced $9900.
'73 Class A. 25 motor home, roof 71 OPEN Road motorhome awning air, radial tires, low $7500 1-859-3220 802 RV's For Rent U-KAMP Over 60 new rental units in BQflram585-4e9Q. PJsRV RENTALS WINTER SUPER SAVERS 1769-7539, 1-859-2863, CLASS A MOTORHOME $275week, 10 cents mile semes or 23 Eldorado motor home, economy rates. Week or month. 585-2750 803 Travel Trailers 5th Wheels FINE SELECTION OF 1987 5TH WHEELS IN STOCK EXAMPLES: 21' Lynx, side dinette 22' Komlort, walk thru ball) 24' Lynn, rear couch 27' Regal, rear kitchen 25' Komlort, rear bath 36' Regal, stand up bdrm Other Models In Stock Our Used 5th Wheel Inventory Continues To Grow! VZUo Exit 228 bet 1-5 Corvallis.
Albany 926-4243 ALPENLITE TETON HOMES LANCE 5th Wheels Trailers From Camping to Living NEW ANO USED FINANCING AVAILABLE FULL SERVICE DEALER HIGHWAY TRAILER SALES 4560 Portland Rd NE, Salem 1-5 Exit 258 on 99Ej 3J3-240!) REFRIGERATOR PROBLEMS? Largest rebuiider in the NW We offer good prices, warranty parts supply. Trained technicians, insures minimum waiting time. Many used refngs. in stock. BEAVER RV CENTER 29889 Hwy 34 Albany 754-1094 Call Cpilec RV oas heater A stove, sink, cabinet doors mattress, etc.
Together or 623-559, 79 Holiday Rambler 32 Im perial. Self cont. Awnings 78 COMFORT C.amr. tra.lar nic clean! $3800585-7855. 13' TRAVOIS TRVI TBI Good condition.
$595 or best Oiler. 363-4421, S36 Domestic Autos 801 U-We Pick PICK Halloween Pumpkins AT STAND New patch of Sweet Corn (large ears extra sweet), Apples. Walnuts ft Filberts (new 1986 crop), Raw apple cider, Cauliflower, Winter onions. Townsends, Wheatland Rd, fL WALNUTS sorted field run washed dried. 10 4 25 lb bags at 79e per lb 100 lbs or mo'e at 75C per lb FILBERTS field run.
washed dned 10 25 lb baqs at 68 per lb WILLOW LAKE NURSERY ft FARMS North Store 390-3032 5655 Windsor Island Rd Visa Mastercard South Store 363-6783 1005 Commercial SE AT STAND WINTER APPLES ft PEARS FILBERTS, WALNUTS DRIED PRUNES Stand Hrs. 11am-5pm CLOSED SUNDAY MONDAY D. A. Nusom Orchards .1350 River Rd. NE 393 6980 PUMPKINS giant pumpkins, gourds, brussel spouts, cauli.
broccoli, kraut cabbage, onions, apples, cider more U-Pick: Golden Jubilee Sweet Corn last of the season 75Cdoz SONNEN FARMS. WOODBURN Food stamps ok. 982-9570 Open daily tilt 6pm. OLSON PEACHES Another peach year has come to an end thank you tor your patronage, we look forward to serving you aaain next year. 3 Dried Brooks Prunes still avail Call APPLES -APPLES Many kinds including Granny Smith.
Also Pumpkins, Srjuash, Apple cider 8, Nuts. AT THE FRUIT STAND 5152 Salem Dallas Hwy Open daily 8 30-6 30 771 Garden Equipment LAWN BOY 8HP garden tractor mcl. mower, sweeper dump trailer $550: Sears lawn ea9er $125 GREEN Machine weedbrush cutter $105. Power reel 8, rotory mower $40 14 hp Bolens tractor $575 hp rear tine tiller, like new GILSON 5HP rear tine roto-tiller, like new, $549 363-7864 ARIENS rear tine tiller 7HP excellent condition. $850.
362J038 Rotohoe mulcher $250: Clark commercial yard trash vacuum $500 362-3038 3 HP gasoline Berkley pump used less than 100 hours $350 363-6644 anytime. 772 Fertilizer Barkdust HIGHWAY FUEL CO. HemlockFir barkdust, sawdust. U-hauldel. 363-6444.
2390 Fairgrounds Rd. or 2498 Pringle Rd SE 820 Wallace Rd. NW 5105. Commercial SE BARK BOYS HEMLOCK-FIR BARKDUST Sand, gravel, top soil, red lava rock, white rock, sawdust, shavings, wood chips. U-haul or deliv.
22nd McGilchrist SE. 378-1453. TRANSPORTATION 800 836 Domestic Autos PUMPKINS 5C lb. Cabbage 9Cnt. cauli.
pears apples variety of squash vegetables Sunny view Farm Mkt, Inc 5233 Sunnyview NE. 9 30 6 30pm Closed Sunday FOSTER FARMS Apples 22Cib, Red Gold Criterion. Rama. uenc, Cider. Pumpkins, filberts 654 lb, walnuts 75C lb 4993 HaKlS'eenNE 393 2932 HALLOWEEN PUMPKINS Indian Corn.
Gourds Squash, dned floral arrangements A wreaths, also, Halloween Hobday Craft Shop. Wood Farm. 6435 62nd Ave NE. APPLES DRY WALNUTS Boyd Johnson Farms 1.585 Clearlake Rd, NE Walnuts. Filberts.
Pears. Apples. Squash, Oder, Nuts. Bulk, candy, nee. beans Green Apple Market 393-701 1 BEETS, cauli.
squash, spuds, cabbage, onions, carrots apples, pumpkins, nuts. WHITE'S by ferry. 393-Q753 LARGE BROOKS PRUNES Salem Tent Awning, 280 Wa'laceRg NVV364-f745 WINE GRAPES Chardonnay 363-1295. 1986 DRIED WALNUTS 65C lb. May Farms, 1695 42nd Place N.W,..362-.2964 LOCAL WALNUTS 75clb.
FILBERTS 65clb. 5733 SilyertgnRd. NE1.364-8206 FILBERTS 70clb cracked. Free delivery over 15lbs. 1 873 8274, 1 873-4862.
APPLES-Melrose-Jonathan-Red Golden Delicious. SO'lfeSeSS lbs 362-01 4 HALLOWEEN PUMPKINS 25C $1 each 12S22ndAyeSE When you re ready to buy a new car, be sure you see the many offerings in the Classi- 772 Fertilizer Barkdust Mushroom Compost U-HAULS AVAILABLE AT 5105 Commercial SE, 362-7042 2390 Fairgrounds NE 4 2498 Pringle SE. 363-6444 2384 SE 13th SE 399-1976 for Deliveries call 363-01 43 IHE GARDEN GROW CCL MARR BROS A-1-A BARK Hemiocktir bark, sawdust, hog fuel, chips, shavings 3912 Comm I. 585-4008 ZZS WChjjrcJi Mccormick bark Wood chips, shavings, saw-dusl bark, hog luel. 370-7452; 1-982-8302, 1-659-3321, 774 Farm Equipment 180x80 INDOOR Arena: 2 7-ton grain tanks augers 10x40 mobile trlr.
2 500 gal gas storage tanks. 15 stall -irn; 755 eves; 2,000 LB. GAS FORKLIFT good cond $1200 1-623-2742 KUBOTA 4x4, 16HP, loader tiller, mower, blade, $6000 1-652-7961 801 Recreational Vehicles SEE CLASS 713 BOATS FOR SALE Chicken John $581-1906. 836 Domestic Autos Lang Sales Co. hick Lang uai a associates P.O.
Box 255 Silverton, OR 97381 1-873-5289 Trailer 3282SILVERTONRO.N.E. NEW 1986 ITASCA 20ii 66i34 a nrn 4723 Portland Rd. Salem, 393-2000 BEST TETON HOMES TRAILERS 5TH WHEELS 2x4 construction, R-13 insulation, solid roof, heated tanks, etc. QUIET COMFORT with optional electric sll-deouts. CLASS OF THE INDUSTRY Make sure you look at these on sale now at the service store concerned with your needs GRESHAM RV CENTER No gimmicks, Just courteous information and HUGE SAVINGS WE WON BE UNDERSOLD! 242nd I SE Powell, Gresham 661J94iQpen Sundays.
1977 GMC 26' ROYAL Like new condition, 403 enoine. Iron! wheel drive, generator, root air. electro leveler system, twin bed. side bath. A must see to appreciate.
EARL MALM TRAILER SALES 4130 Silverton RdNE 1977F0RD F-150 Pick-up 400 cu. in engine, auto, factory dual tanks, Gem Top, steel canopy wboat rack, E2 Lift reciever. wirAii tnr towing $3495 i i uir. RENT BEFORE YOU BUY OR- BUYT0RENT CHECK OUR PROGRAM U-KAMP MOTORHOME CO, 685-4690 836 Domestic Autos DOWN O.A.C. "-n.
si 803 Travel Trailers 5th Wheels GET AWAY SPECIALS Slh WHEELS 1983 19 Layton 1986 35 En Route 1986 31' NuWa. rear kitchen. Champagne model, never used 1975 2V Conestoga ROSE CITY RV SALES, 8536 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, 775 8425. WILL SELL Separately or will trade (or 5tn Whl RV Four-50100 lots v24x32 shop btdg on one Suitable for independent contractor Exc owner financing. Block Irom bay.
1-996-384? 68 FIREBALL 20 trailer wbath. high clearance extended hitch, good cond $1800, Monmouth ATTENTION HUNTERS 1960 Aristocrat 16 trlr. S600 QS Mike743 4266 OH A Campers OUt Canopies THE CAMPER SPECIALISTS Serving the Valley tor 13 yrs Dealer for. Western Wilderness Lance New used Financing Avail Over 30 Urols in Stork HIGHWAY TRAILER SALES 4560 Portland Rd NE. Salem ff 1-5 Exit 258 on 99L 393-2400 LANCE CAMPERS For 20 yrs the industry standard.
Better built, more std. features, a tremendous value. On sale now Take a look, you 'll be glad you did! GRESHAM RV CENTER WE WON'T BE UNDERSOLD 242nd SE Powell, Gresham. 661-5940pen Sundays INCREDIBLE BUYS! nfw nnkiFCTfiRi riMPr.Dc 9 Summit Hunter 8 49er 8 Maverick 2 cabinettes for imoort trucks ROSE CITY RV SALES. 8536 SE 82nd Portland.
775 8425 1977 Security 8 camper, sleeps 4, stove, ice box, pot-tie room, air conditioning, hydraulic lacks plus more, im-mamlatai 14Q; roii 39Q0055oi .39 3-63J QQC Domestic 000 Autos mm mmnn 111 I IN MEM I.iT(iU7il Snnrrn 111X1 ii 740 Fire Wood Fuel Seas Fir $90 cd, SplitDel. 5 Sr Oscnt. Deliver Salem Stayton jrea 1-769 6097 ALDER MAPLE, Seasoned. 3 cord minimum. SEAS Unseas Oak, Maple.
Fir, per cord. Sheri- dan. 1-843-4068 eves GEAS. 90 Oak. 10 Ash.
Maple. Spilt deiv. 2 cords $200., 1-838-4108 eyes SEASONED maple Alder mix $90. Split A guar, deliv. FIR seasoned, dry, guaranteed cords.
$100 delivered. 364-J 41 1 jtt gm, CUT maple, oak $20 ft up unseas, also log loads Salem 364-2082. 1 838 1262 Seasoned fir split and delivered. $100 cord $55 "a cord. 364-4516.
SEAS: Alder, splitdel Guar, cd. $100cd. 2 cds $190. LbSiOBI-BbM-zysi Seas, mixed cords some oak in ee, $75 U-haul, $95 cd deLScio MILL ends $35 Salem $40 outside Salem DeiiyeredJSSJOIQ; SEASONE Firewood $70, cd. 873 2257.673 6612 741 Furnaces Wood Stoves USED STOVE SPECIALS Parlor Stove $95 Enamel cook stove $245 Yotul 118.
enamel $545 Bowman $195 Dettant $795 Several others (WILL- WOOOSTOVES) NEW LOCATION 3195 Libert Rd. S. 370-7286. LANG white porcelain cooking wood stove, old, as is. $150.
363-4642. SIERRA WOODSTOVE New, lerge, 32" deep, $350 393-4200 FIREPLACE insert Fisher with nickel trim fan, $350 43-2U1U local SWEETHOME woodstove $225. 4 potbelly stove wenrome $iuu. 363-3587 CUSTOM built wood stove 516 inch plate steel. $175 371-1950 FARM MARKET 750 752 Livestock, Feed Equipment BEEF, PIG, SHEEP Slaughtering Processing in plant or mobile MEATS mi.
E. of l-S At Ankeny Hill Exit. Bet. Albany 1 Salem. 1-327-2824 Days; 1-258-6220 Eve.
WORMING VACCINE CLINIC Comp worming $9 50 Rhino $5 50. Flu $4 50 Tel $4 RTF $12 Twin Oaks Veterinary Hospital 5700 Gaffin Rd SE CalMor apfiL399-0233 MUST SELL purebred Arabian mare. 6 yrs. old, grand daughter of Hailany Mistany. Very gentle, exc.
confirmation, starting bid $2000 or best offer Offered by G-M Arabians. Ph. 868-7362 or 868-7249 otherjiarsej ayajk ILLNESS FORCES SALE AOHA Bay stud colt foaled 3-11-86. $200 Bay running quarter mare $200 Appaloo-sa mare $200 Black yew $70. TERMS 581-7215 HERD REDUCTION Herefords.
cows, young stock rea bull. Call for prices. Call 588-1236, evenings 393-6346 WHITE OAK RANCH Now boarding horses 30 usn cross-ienceo acres, arae stalls, full care. $150 mo. Silverton 1-873-2780.
ALL BEEF PLUS 80lbs. $7 DARIGOLO FEED CO. 5065R State St. 585-2732 HORSE BOARDING-Full Care Riding arena Clean prof, care. $150mos Call Double Ranch, 926-9987 Albany.
GRASS HAY, unconditionally guaranteed. $60 Ton. Delivery avail. Wheat straw. Wayne Orton 1-838-1035 3YR old quarter horse gelding, nice conformation, quiet, gentle, riding well, 14H, $350.
1-873-3033 Silverton BABY calves, started calves, feeders, holstein sprinoers. 1-623-6960. LLAMAS female male. trained, registered, breeding snow quaiuv. ro3-jrj HOLSTEIN bull calves.
1-2 days old. MALLORIES DAIRY. 1-873-5346 Silverton. GRASS hay. cutting Alfalfa $70ton delivery.
393-9415 Stalls tor rent, full sell care, turn outs, indoor arena CalL749-2423Jocet HORSES BOARDED. Large stalls. New stable. Full care $85moa. 362-2820.
REG. Appy 76 gelding, 16h exc. trailsaddle norse. qood dispos $1500 1-327-2040 Quarter horse, free lease or sell. $500.
363-9289 eves. jn-4ju5 message. ENGLISH saddle $75, registered Appaloosa geldinc $500 1-769-3473 Stavton Alfalfa Hay. Oregon. Sun-nyvtew Farm Market 5233 Sunnyyiew 364 -388 FREE LIVESTOCK FEED Call before 6am or aftei Sprrv 743-231 9 WHEAT STRAW 75C a bale 390-4893 WiJ i am sotlF ar GRASS HAY, Bent, Oat or Wheat straw 1Vz mi.
S. Aumsville. 749-2580 eves. AOHA chestnut colt, IViyrs, tentle. excellent 4H protect, 20O 581-0843 HORSE SADDLE Great people horse.
Gentle. $325. 838-0201 Monmouth. 7 year reg. Vi Arab Gelding, gentle loves to be ridden, FOR RENT barn, pasture for 2 horses, close in east $40 ma each.
3bi-i99i BABY calves from $25 Pasture calves, free cow ma-nure, 835-3782 Amity 753 Livestock Wanted WANT WOOL all classes ol SHEEP Can pick up Dale Swartzendruber 1-835-5424 LIVESTOCK BUYER A CATTLE CO. 787-3892 Dallas, Ore 762 Produce ALBACORE TUNA Fresh Frozen Port Dock 5 Newport, Boat "Mangoe" CORN FED ANGUS BEEF Hanging weight 432 lbs Ready to cut wrap by Oct. apth 6, SALEM PUBLIC MARKET 1240 RuraiSE Sats 8:30 12 ProaucejPlants-CraltiCider Pork. V4 or whole. $1 lb hanging wt Cut wrap available.
1-845-2209 SPITZENBERG APPLES Also others S5bu 5495 Center SL 362JJ 53. 764 Poultry and Rabbits 4 YOUNG, brown Chinese geese, show quality. $10ea 581-0843 BLACK ANGUS Cross 6: wbull call $525 364-5810 evenings weekends 770 Seeds and Plants NOBLE SEEDLINGS-fall and spring planting Also Noble Si uouaias Christmas Trpp Ph 645-6189, 873-4919. 845-9465. 3 EMERALD GREEN AlUui Vilrt jttt 3Uea.
792-3304. ARBORVITAE quality field ifown plants. 4-5, $3 50ea IE of Brooks Auction Sales Auctioneers 730 Miscellaneous For Sale RAILROAD TIES 25 ea. 25 25. 3s $3 25each.
Call 394-2022 Beechcraft Acrylic Spa coJ6753J8-1943 BARBER Shop equipment all or part. Chairs, sinks, etc 363-2ALQ1588-2608ayes VARIOUS SIZED used packing boxes $50. Traverse curtaiarodi $10. 588-1422. ELEC Piano $100 10 speed, $50 Utll.
trailer. $150. 240Z dash $100. 362-4096. 6 MONTH old Ureka upright vacuum, $80 or best offer.
581-49B2 TELEPHONE Answering machines. New-used-renT-ser-vice, Pickup del. 588-1045. PING pong table, like new $30. Camper lack $22.50.
378-7171. WILTON tall tier cake stand set. $75. 1 623 6283 Dallas. 733 Wanted Miscellaneous ilv un literature; old Christmas ecorations; Paper dolls; omer antiques.
585-9607 WANTED Lite other old mags, music, post cards trains. Gerry 1-769-7505 WE BUY household goods estates, tools, or what have you. Call us at 362-0273. WANTED: USED 8' FLUORESCENT FIXTURES call 399-0550 day or niahl WANTED rear shocks for 1979-80 CR250 will pay up io non OLD TRAINS TOYS fishjaiijyi-2948 7 01 Baby Furniture 0" Accessories BABY SALES RENTALS Cribs, high chair, walkers, more: tjooo cono. auu-uia T0C Machinery 1 00 and Tools HP drill press 7' Makita grinder $119.95 5 HP 2 slage air compres.
aor, $1049; cutting torch set $129 95; HP belt sender J219.95; paint gun $39.95 MLOtt Price. Salem. 399-7444 POWER 10 table saw, routers, jig-saws, drills, sander, planer, motorized mitre box, horse compres-sor, nailers. Bet. 9am 5pm 390-1783 or 393-9598.
CRAFTSMAN 8" table saw S1UU: Craftsman 7V sk saw $20; Precision miter box METAL LATHE 10x24 S850. 378-1943. GLASS bead machine. QOi 1-394-354 IScio 1250 WATT. port, pwr plant.
FORMOST MILLING MACHINE. $600.378 1943. 740 Fire Wood Fuel SOLID SUNSHINE FUEL CO. Seas. -green Avail.
del-U-Haul. Oak $145. Maple $125. Fir $110, Ash $130, Pine $100. 2 yr.
Seas. Oak, ciean, no Dark, no moss Quality, done rightl 370-7251 1845McGilchnstSE Jfc 2 WEEKS SPECIAL Seasoned fir, cut, split de livered $85 cord; seasoned oak cut. split delivered $105 cord; Multi-cords dis counts. Deliv. in Salem Guar, cords.
585-9841. FIREPLACE INSERT FUEL Seasoned 1yr Oak $110cd 2yr seasoned cottonwood Sbbcd split delivered HIGHWAY FUEL SPECIAL: 2 Mill Ends U-haul or we deliver Call now. 363-6444. "TWO WEEK SPECIAL" Chimney cleaning $25 per flue. Woodburner Services 390-2478 FALL WOOD SPECIAL Green Oak 3 2 yr.
seas. Oak 3 AdilREWOOD. 1-838-1268 LOG LOADS Seas Fir Hemlock 4cd. Guar, cords $210. 585-9841 Approx.
3 cds planer ends $140 i loaas in oe U-haul avail $15 up 1-394-38081 926-J 33!) SEASONED Lodgepole pine. U-haul $85 cord We haul spin del $100 Partial coras available 588-7770 U-HAUL Clean Kindling Firewood. 57 drums tih nallnne eai full. $3 50 ea wood only588-231g MILL ENDS Truck loads deliv. or U-Haul JTamell Bark 1 --769-7571 PUBLIC CUT WOOD Near Dallas $10 wood per-miiCall WpodiLne399-1269 2 cord boxes of mill ends $65 delivered Salem.
585-4720 days, 364-6180 eves PLANER ENDS BARK BOYS 1453 Clean dry kmdlino mill cd del 362-3929, 363-201 0. 1 A-1 Lodge Pole Pine Seasoned. $90cord or $3404 cords 588 5798. USED CAR CENTER 85 BUICK REGAL LIMITED AM fM. AC.
tilt wheel, power windows. 24.000 condition 1 $10,495 84 DODGE MINI RAM VAN Auto. PS. AC, AMFW cass. 21 .000 miles, full custom conversion.
SEeF $11,950 84 HONDA CRJ. l.S 5 speed, AC, louvers stereo. Enkie wheels, red excellent SCOQC condition. QJ3J 82 TOYOTA CELICA ST 5 speed. AMtM.
nice radial tires. $CQQC NICE CAR. 'D5JSD 78 CHEV. NOVA 6 cyl auto, new paint radials, low. low mileage Inexpensive economy.
$2695 79 HONDA CIVIC 4 speed, taidal tires, cas sette stereo, completely checked. $2495 80 DATSUN KINGCAB PU GL Model, auto, AC stereo, canopy, ump seats, radial tires, top condition i10" $4495 79 BUICK OPEL SC 77,000 miles, 5 speed. real clean car toCAC MUST SEE. Z333 76 MERCEDES 240D 4 DR. AMFM, AC.
4 speed Michelm tires. $7QQC Quality used car 1 993 8SF0RD THUNDERBIRD V6. auto, air conditioning digital dash, cloth interior condition. $9295 84 CHEV C-10 BLAZER V6. aulo, tilt.
AC, stereo big wheels tires, tinted windows, lahoe package 81 DATSUN 210 STATION WAGON Auto, radial tires, 53,000 miles, top condition. $3995 84 MITSUBISHI 4x4 PU 5 speed, power steering tilt, AMFM cassette. Mi chelm tires, slide win dows. New condition miles $7395 81 FORD THUNDERBIRD V8, auto, air conditioning. vinyl top, tilt wheel, low mileage, excellent $OQQC condition.
Oil 84 RENAULT ALLIANCE 2DR 4 speed, 30,000 miles new radial tires, excellent economy, $OQC great price, ft 3 82 FORD ESCORT CU WGN AC, cruise, stereo, rack. new tires, S9CQC excellent car. j09j 82 PONT. FIREBIRD SE vb, auto, tilt, cruise, air conditioning, mags, cloth interior, new paint, good looking car. $5395 84 CHEVCHEVETTE 4 DR.
Cloth interior, nice clean. cTomy $3695 83 OLDS FIRENZA SX COUPE 4 speed, gauges, cloth tenor, pinstripes, radial condition. $4295 83 HONDA PRELUDE Auto. AC, moon roof cassette, power steering, new tires. $71 QC great cond.
1193 83 PLYMOUTH HORIZON 4 DR 4 speed. AMFM cloth in tenor, red in color, only mnes, tiQr new condition, ft 9 3 84 GMC S-l 5 JIMMY 4X4 V6. 5 speed. 30.000 original miles, two-tone paint, whitj letter tires, Excellent SQQQC condition. 9993 85 ISUZU I MARK 4 Door, 5 speed, AC.
cassette, $6195 82 CHEV EL CAMINO CONQUISTA V6, auto, AC, tilt, cruise, 2 tone. Looks tnnr great! '393 86 HONDA ACCORD LX 4 DR 5 speed, AC, cruise, high power stereo, power windows, tilt steering column, Michelm radials mis $12,495 84 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 DR Sedan, auto trans. AMFM. radial tires 43.000 miles. condition.
$6295 80 DATSUN 210 4 DR i Auto trans AC, 5I.000M i quality used i car $3995 i 86 HONDA CIVIC 4 DR 1 Auto. AC. stereo, mats i stripe, tilt wheel, radials cloth only 600C j-1 $10,3951 I fMHCIHGMMBlt Honda HONDA SALES 750 Commercial NE 370-3060 OLDS VOLVO SALES 745 Liberty NE 581-1421 1987 Rangers 1986 F-150 Pickups PUBLIC AUCTIONS COMING ESTATE SALE For prommment Salem family AT NOV 8 10AM SUN NOV 9 1pm 1819 St NE. Salem Oregon Real estate, antiques, artwork, collectibles and household. Openhouse: Sun.
Nov. AND R.J. MACHINE WORKS WED. NOV. 12, 10am Wiley Creek Rd.
Sweethome OR Complete machine shop, equipment including lathes, milling machines, welders, forkliff. service trucks, cherry pickers, presses, metal saws, compressor dnllpress, pattern burners. nuge amount or related machinery A tools. Call for BROCHURE BUZ STEELE AUCTIONEERS Pleasant Hill OR 747-5190 TavernRestaurant Equipment Auction SAT. NOV 8, 10am 520 Lancaster Dr.
SE see class 715 today FLEMING 4 BERGBY INC, Claude Kilgore Auctioneer Real Personal Property 728 Antiques Collectibles America's Largest ANTIQUES COLLECTABLESSALE Expo Center PORTLAND, OREGON Exit 307, off I-5 Sold out for 5 months' 2.000 tables covering 4 indoor acres. SAT. OCT. 25, 8-7 SUN. OCT.
26, 9-5 Adm. $2 50. Return Privilege 10TH ANNUAL DOLL SHOW SALE Oct 25. 10-5: Oct 26. 12-4 Adm $1 25 Settlemier House.
Woodburn. Oregon. Soon. FPHS 982-7236 ANTIQUE upright oak PHONOGRAPH with record stor- aoe A approx 75 records Beautiful1 1930 ELECTRIC RADIO and stand onoinal oaoers. S175.
For appf call 581-0877 or 585-P37j WANTED COSTUME JEWELRY Gold a Silver MALL SPACE FOR RENT 223 Commercial NE 370-9666 ARLE ANTIQUE CO. Continued Grand Opening ANTIQUE SHOWCASE Reed Opera House Mall 189 Liberty NE. 399-8221 Call Us Before You Sell EDGEWATER ANTIQUES 371-B638. 1025EdqewaterMW Call Us Before You Sell EDGEWATER ANTIQUES 371-8638, 1025 EdqewalerNW 7 PC. ANTIQUE BDRM SET.
excellent condition. $1250. 769-bBblimity Craftantique Space Avail Engleberg Antiks, 148 Ltber-ty NE. Salem. 363-81 55 4 WOODEN wheel horse drawn wagon in good shape $1150.
1-838-1820. WICKER BABY BUGGY $250besl offer. 1-769-7633 ANTIQUE FAINTING COUCH Exc.cond. $200. 370-7875 730 Miscellaneous For Sale GRAND OPENING NEW CONCEPT: Mens, womens childrens clothing at 60Clb; electrical housewares.
TV much more. All extremely inexpensive. Drop by tor a cup of coffee Saturaday meet us. Hrs: 9-5 Mon-Sat. GOODWILL SURPLUS STORE 2585 Portland Rd.
NE. COSTUMES, COSTUMES GOODWILL can bring out the beast in you. Also clothing, furniture housewares at special sale prices GOODWILL INDUSTRIES Salem: 2655 Portland Rd NE Sjlverton 1 ALL like new: queen size bed A frame, cost over $1000 new. sell for $250offer. Top quality Pioneer stereo tape deck.
$125otfer. Fish Finder by Laurence, $60, 363-8779 ATTENTION READERS! When responding to Friendship ad, reply ad no. (tee no. in ad) co Statesman-Journal, P.O. Boa 13009, Salem.
OR 97309. New beautiful custom made kingsize bedspread, used 1 month, we are redecorating, $110otfer Cost over $300 new. Parakeet cage. $15. CatL39a-3917.
WOODSTOVE. Earth 1000 series $350 Solid wood crib wnew matt $50. Stroiee Maxi-Taxi $20. 34 ping pePS tbU 110 588-7171 TWIN Size comforter matching linens, (primary "colors) $45; Johnson Brothers dishes (white); 12 place 364 6486; PAIR of tire chains size E78x14. $15; elec Eureka floor polisher, like new $75, solid state am-fm table modeUadio.
$10 SEAR SxS $95. 22 Ruger wscope $75. Sanyo Beta wireless remote $165. Rare cn cot nm-i KJ1 iij- 1 14 metal gate $50: Pool table waccess $100; Ole-vetti self correcting 1y-Bf 16Q; Startin9 at Starting at 1977F0RD V2 1982 DATSUN 1984 1984 EEcY THUNDERBIRD PICKUP HEAVY 4X4 PICKUP PLYMOUTH MUSTANG MWS t. 2DL DUTY F-150 AMFM Full RELIANT 4 Auto, PS, air.
4-DR. vo, auto, PS, tilt, 460 V8 Auto PS canopy, 5 nfiRr). nnno AMFM cassette, V8, Auto, PS, tilt, cruise cassette, radio, tanks, extra extra sh. UUY wire wheel cruise, air, air. 11249 clean.
11112 11297 covers. 87,000 actual miles 11299 miles. 11 265 $1895 $2995 $3995 $5995 $5995 $6995 1984 FORD 1985 OLDS 1983 FORD 1985 1986 MERC 1985 BRONCO LTD 4 DOOR CALAIS 2 DR. CROWN CHRYSLER COUGAR II XLS 4X4 ST.WGN. Bucket seats, VICTORIA 4-DR LEBARON 4-DR Automatic, air, V6.
5 speed, power V6, auto, PS, air, auto, PS, air, Full power, split Loaded with cruise, tilt, power windlocks, tilt. low miles. cruise, tilt, seat, 2-Tone, 0rjtions Like windows, AMFM cruise, air, AMFM 3 a. sa cassette. 40,000 miles 11319 $7995 $7995 $8995 $9995 $11,995 $12,995 ii i 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i 1 1 ii 3 fcWJirD (QgQil i I A I A 1.