Page 28 THE HERALD. Provo, Utah Tuesday. March 27,1984 Wed A LHtle Casli-nassil i(Ml Vun Got It For You In A Flash! Dial 373-6150 JO- IMIIIU RESTATE TRADE 540 SPORTING GOODS 515 BUSINESSES FORSAE rjn TRAIERS 0U SCAMPERS KIT ft. cabover; tamper, 81, 200 best offer. 756-91 47.
NINE ft. Cabover Camper. 7684605. REPOSSESSED 73 22'-trailer, self-contained. Sub MSCELLANEOUS FOR SALE APPLIANCE mag wheels.
xcellent cond, lug, i nch, $25 each. 373-7671. AUCTION Bedouin Boat Manufacturing. Misc. building supplies, vehicles, boats parts will sold direct to public for bid Fri.
March 30, II AM Sarp. Inspection may be made the same day from 8 AM to start of auction. Kent Spencer Auctioneer. 484 100 Pay-son. BABY items: crib.
(stroller, car seat, hi chair, misc. Reasonable. 785-0200. FIFTY gal corner aquar ium, German made, Incis oak cabinet stand, filter. light, etc, $150.
Wooden wall clock, $50. 375-1771, MOVING. Queen water bed $125. Washer $150. Elec.
mower $85, Piano $350. 798-9406 or 798 9505. STORM windows, storm drs. Replacement windows, free estimate, any quantity. Therma Glass.
225-1272. TWIN size bed complete, $90. Call 373-8530. 510 HOME FURMSHLNGS NEW grandfather clock (built this year)), made out of fine walnut wood, keeps great time. $975 value, will sell for $725.
Call 374-2869. BUNK bed, bookcase in headboard, new, $140. Call 226-0750. NEW Serta twin Box Spring Mattresses, comml grade, 312 sprir.g coil count. We bought too many for our apt complex.
Retail cost $300, you may have them at our cost $145set. Call 374-2700 wkdays. COUCH Loveseat, 2 end tables, like new, $450. Call aft 3pm 225-5415. etum piece oorm suire, uu.
GORGEOUS oak mantel to surround your frplc. Stain 226-1665. LIVING Room set, $200. 500 sJze.w8rbed hardcase, excel-headboard 4 side rails, Fent "condition. $75.
Call APPLIANCES GUARANTEED recondi tioned washers, dryers, (fridges, freezers, ranges 4 DW. 226-2620. LIQUIDATION Of well- known brand Washer Dryer sets. Pymts will av erage $33 mo. can Olym pic Finance.
785-1965. REFRIGERATOR, no frost, 3 yrs. old. Almond, exc. COnd, $300.
2ZS-4ZB8. NORGE washerdryer set, ig capacity, exc cond, $200 Call 226-8227 eves. WASHER Dryer in exc fcond. Sacrifice, $200. Will Isell separate.
375-7174. WASHER dryer $75 each. Refrigerator 15 cu ft HIM). 377-1Z71. KE washer dryer, exc kond, all work parts Gtd 225-8785 after 6pm.
14 CUBIC ft refrigerator iwltn new compressor $125offer. 377-5008. WASHER dryer $150, new deluxe microstand 8295, AC $50. 226-7215. WHITE Whirlpool Fridge, mos old.
$300. Call 373- 6758. FREEZER, 15 cubic ft, chest, works great. $125. Call 226-8550.
FRIGIDAIRE washer, 1 ho use, exc cond, $200 bffer. Call 226-3508. 520 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS fiALDWIN better than ver, new models, you'll ove style, sound, low price. Wakef ields 373-1263. BALDWIN Grands, tops professionals, you could say more get less.
Save! Wakef Ields 373-1263. REEDS, oils, swabs, 4 cork grease, etc. Herger Music. 158 S. 100 W.
Provo. YAMAHA DX7 9 syn Ihesizers, PF10 IS Hlnitskl ttlaknt Tmartu'ei i.h.w u.m.r Music. 158 S. loo w. provo PIANOS for rent try be- ore you buy, rent applies.
Lasy 'terms. Wakef ields. PIANOS used, returned rentals, like new, reduced. iai.i.Th. A Dl CI he miliar RIaim 75.3056 after 6:30.
BSON Guitar, wcase, Peavey Amp, 6 mos old, 5600. 465-3837 for details. SIX string hollow body electric guitar. Dual pickups, excellent condition, with hardcase. $75.
Call 375-3056 after 6:30. ONE white Jiulietti accordion. $300 best offer. 756-B147. ONE white 4 pc drum set by Pearl w18 in.
cymbol A 15 in. zild Man high nat. MOObest offer. 756-9147. KIMBALL Piano, good Condition, $750.
225-2250. SALE Drun set, 11-pc, black, Wellington Pearl, zild tan cymbois stands, throne, extra hard ware, $2000 firm. 798-3335. BLACK Ibanez V310 6 string guitar wcase, exc cond, $150. Natural Empro p-bass copy wcase, ui-Marzio pickups, $250.
Gene 375-0427. MUST sell now! Upright piano, good cond. $600. 756-7773. LEAVING band, must sell Poly-6 $1000, Les Paul $400, misc, stands, etc.
All very nice. Call aft 5. 53 COMPUTER AND VIDEO ELECTRONICS BILLINGS word proces sorcomputerprinter. Word processing 4 AR software. Used in law office only 9 mos.
Assume loan payoff, $3800 at $179 mo. Call 375-1200. $1200. CPM Z80 Computer with much software, dual disc drives. 374-9900.
VCR Camera 4 portable recorder player. Carrying case, 2 batteries, power supply, tri-pod, will war- anty parts 4 labor 90 days. $850. Utah Video. 373-1119.
APPLE II Plus, Apple III Monitor, NEC Dot Matrix Printer, 2 disk drives, many extras. Call 373-4075 aft 5 p.m. NEW RCA Video Disc Player, valued at $299. Sell for $145. Call 374-0141.
540 SPORTING GOODS WE STILL need good handguns and rifles. Highest cash offers in the state. Alpine Coins behind Arby's Orem. 225-7848. TRAMPOLINE Kits, easy, unique, full size, hundreds sold, only 8189.
377-1794. SMITH 4 Wesson 44 magnum, mdl 29, 8" barrel! extras. Also Black Lab pup. Call 377-5146. SMITH 4 model 59, 0338.
Wesson 9 MM $250. Call 374- ISO ATOMIC skiis, poles, boots size 4, $70 or best offer. Call 373-0546. BROWNING auto i. 12 ouage, new cond, $325.
Call 756-6925. CUSTOM 25-06 w3Xf Scope; 70 XTR 308 3X9 Scope; New 4 308 Assault Rifle. 7854593. 58 BOATS. MOTORS '76 21 FOOT Rienell, 235 OMC motor, IO, cabin, full top, extras.
785-3628. 21' BOAT, trailer, 4 travel cover, specially set up for fishing, also exc ski boat, too many extras to list. Call 374-6388. ROBBINS Welding. Boat propeller repairs, all types welding.
1489 N. 1200 Orem. 225-5772. TWENTY Four ft fiber-form Bermuda Hardtop, sleeps 8, trim tabs, fish finder, stove, 3 batteries, elec spotlight, cover; kept in gar since new. $12000 or best offer, must sell.
489- 18250. 14 ft. Hydroswift w70 HP iMercury motor. New Sears Pl-hard, 81,500. 756-9147.
LARSEN 16', 50 HP Johnson, trailer, 2 tanks, 2 an chors, etc. 377-5385. SEVENTEEN Ft Trl Hull, 100 HP, Outboard, new top, seats, $3000. 465-2854. 67 GLASPAR 18', 80 Evln- rude, good cond, $1300.
Call 225-5784. 80 GLASTRON 17' bass boat, 200 HP Johnson Imotor, Ram elec motor, B7500offer. 798-3352. 76 14' MIRROR Craft alu minum boat, 14 HP Elgin motor, factory trailer, model 12 loader. $1400.
Call 224-3503. BEDOUIN 16 ft. 80 HP, Kercury motor. $3,000 st offer. 225-8517.
FOURTEEN Ft, Fisher marine alum boat, w25 HP Johnson motor, used Very little, $1,900. 785-6331. 14' J.C. Higglns boat trailer 4 3'A HP motor, Mat needs paint, $400 or jest offer. Call 224-1882.
nEN man raft wmotor rnount 4 oars. Heavy duty 8220. Call 489-4547. BANK Repo: Double Eagle 26Va ft boat. Road Runner trailer wa 454 eng.
Call First Secur-ty Bank, 379-2093 from 9-5, ir 798-2741 aft 5. Heber. pW '79 SEA Ray, 170 HP Mercruiser, exc cond. 88000. Call 377-2274.
MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES RENTALS: ATC'S 4 Odys- seys from $19 per day iwKoays). 3-7U7. '76 KAWASAKI KZ9D0, exc cond, king-queen seat 4 stock seat, new Scott-Elite windshield, 40 mpg, great for city or hwy riding, $1200. Must sell, make offer. Call 224-5495 or ask for G.
Pasteup at 378-4043 aft 5pm. FOR sale or rent, Honda ATC, Butterfield Rental. 377-0814. RENT Honda ATC 4 snow mobile. Lowest rates.
No Sun. calls. 225-5831. 1980 HONDA Goldwing, maroon, good cond, cover. $2000.
Call 373-8997. '83 SUZUKI GS1100L 2000 miles, make me an offer. Call 374-6388. IMPORTANT notice to all cycle 4 ATV holders. Fast Lane Cycle has parts, ac cessories 4 Prof, service for all makes 4 models.
We can save you time 4 money. 756-5939. 80 DR-400, 4 '78 XR-75. No reasonable offers refused. Call 225-7671.
YAMAHA '80 XS1100, full dress, dbl saddle seat, cover, FM cassette $2500. Call 225-1508. 81 KAWASAKI LTD. Far ing, lowers, cover, extras. $1,900.
768-8979. KAWASAKI LTD 44a QOOd shape, low mil, $1075 or best otter, call before 11am. 3734 007. MUST sell '80 850 Yamaha midnight special. Exc.
cond, gar. kept, low mis, extras. $2,000. 637-74f3. 81 SUZUKI RM250, low hrs, must sell immed.
$750offer. Call 373-2213. BUY your Honda now! I have 4 used Hondas in great shape: '79 CM185, '80 CM185, '80 CM400, '80 CX50a low miles, fantastic price Call John 785-7259. '83 DIRT Yamaha, 10 hrs riding, incl hard helmet. $1200.
Call 377-8998. FOUR Kawasaki's: '80 KDX 250 $695, '80 Kawa saki KZ 1300 $2795, '77 Kawasaki Custom 650 $1195, '79 Kawasaki KLX 250 $695. All exc shape low miles. 756-9345, 7564958. 80 HARLEY SLT, too many extras to mention, $4900 or offer.
374-5101. By Don Addis KfSCELbVfOUS FOR SALE dehydrators, fac-ory seconds, 12 sq ft ca pacity, metal cabinet, $80 or trade for Randy, 785-H13 days, or 785-7073 eves. TO rent the Orem Vet- Pan's Memorial Bldg tor eddings, business meet ings, banquets, seminars. family reunions, call 4894029. Reasonable rates RIMOLDI industrial over ledge sewing machine (shir attachment, sens si, ItOO.
Make offer. 225-0436. 72 HOUR Emergency Backpacks, $8.00. Call 225- K55Z. COLOR TV, Zenith Chrom- tocolor II, 19" solid state portable, great shape, $135.
Also 25" Zenith Con sole $100. Call 224-0436. FOR Sale: HP Keys Commercial Power-Rake, $185. 377-7168 aft 5. Classified-A Great place io go ogsiness-and you non't need wheels to get jnere.
Parage door. 16 7. $90 U23-2709. HEAVY Duty chimney cleaning vacuum, w4-way filtering system $400; 36" Bolt cutters $60; six 16.5" Ford drop-center truck rims $50 each, ail for $250; 1200,000 BTU thermostati cally controlled const or fnop heater $450, tailgate or Ford fleetside PU, fits 67 thru '73, $50. 374-9362.
IBM Typewriters: Selec (trie II, exc cond, 2 balls, $560; Executive, $140. Call B77-1374. UKI Sergers, 3 or 4 spool, $299, lessons Incl. 289 340 Orem. 224-3605.
KNITTING machine, like new, cone yarn for ma ohlne or hand knitting, specials each mo. Z89 340 Orem. Call 224-3605. SEARS 5 HP tiller, Kodak disc wcase, Toshiba cop ier (needs service), $50, chrome wine racks, coal stove, built to adapt to furnace duct sys. 224-5777.
SIDE by side refrigerator, elec range, matching sofa 4 chair, round butcher block table w6 chairs, Olympic weight set bench, tube style console stereo, euto AM-FM CB radio, swing set, high' chair, Ig chalkboard, 3 end tables. Call 373-5834. WATERBED, Queen size wpadded frame 4 head' board, $120. Call 798-9308. 5X7 SLATE top pool table.
Needs to be recovered-aiso includes removable top for conversion to table tennis court. Only $75. Call 489- 7490 after 6pm. BAMIX slightly used. From $49 i-H9.
Full war- ranty. 785-2711. BOCH II. New $139. si leer, meat grinder at' tachments.
785-2711. COMPRESSOR rebuilt $360. Copy machine $125. Rock hammer. 756-4165.
CRAFTSMAN radial arm saw wextra blades. Exc. cond, $200. 226-7689. FOR sale 8 HP Troy tiller, used one season, $850.
Call 374-6140. NEW! Super Flrestarter. Great for camping, picnics, barbecues, frplcs, etc. Small, convenient, safe, burns 30 min. Elimi nates kindling.
Pkgd great for fund raising project. For into, can zze-ozzi. ANTIQUE Working Cider Press. Also wood-burning Stove. Call 489-6123.
CARAT diamond, nearly flawless, retail price, $1060, sell for $400. Call 489-7491 for appt. LlANITORS! Heavy duty Prof (Advance) floor ma chine equip. Cost $1200, like 785-7301. (30-0 6, new cond, must sell, best offer.
225-5794. QUEEN size bed, $50. Cal 489-7858. SALE Naturalist factory seconds discontinued items at cost 4 below. Open Mon-Frl, 10-4.
590 S. 400 Provo. SALE: Used tillers, not just tillers, but Merry Till ers. Several to choose from. Also new Merry Tillers.
Rental 373-0615. SINGER straight stitch power machine, new motor 4 table. $275. 375-0644. SWAMP cooler, 2000 CFM, $75.
Swamp cooler 4000 CFM, $100. Both good cond. 226-8031. TV, 13" black white, exc cond, clear picture, $40 offer. 8' couch, good cond, plaid design, $30offer.
Free-style USA downhill skis, brand new, never been used, exc cond, $80. Cell 374-6758 anytime. USED washer $125, dryer S125, Refrig. $125, DW SI 00, Stove $100, Sewing machine $50, Early AM. couchchair $300, chest of drawers $35, bed $50, New 5 drawer chest $55, 5 pc.
dinette $95. Student desk $55, Bunk beds $148. 450 W. Center. 374-6886.
THE GREAT JOHN Ifla 8E(WeRAT2 500 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE RIDGE Athletic Club Charter membership. $900 value, $500. 1-206-882-2492 AUCTION CHOICE Furniture, glassware, misc household goods. Auction every Wednesday, 7pm, tnci es ates, liquidation, bank' rupty sales. Granny's AttlC, 482 200 Provo, UT.
375-2111, Doug Taylor Auctioneer. CASH paid for old used books of all kinds, willing to pickup. ZZ4-38ZZ. HOOVER vacuums, re duced, we guarantee big savings, waketieios. WHIRLPOOL washers.
fridges, DW's. Reduced prices. Save) Wakef ields. TROY-BILT ROTOTILLERS avail in stock, at factory off-season prices. Free assembly 8, HillerFurrower.
Financ ing also at Garden Country in urem. zz4-4bm. TV SATELLITE SYSTEMS 100 FINANCING Avail No Down-Bank Rates Complete showroom of systems to choose from Res. 4 comml systems even, world Video Satel lite Systems, 1155 150 Orem, Utah, 224-2249. A Full Service Dealer.
WASHERS dryers $75 up. Reconditioned, guaran teed. Drapers 373-5578. "1916" USED Brick, excel lent condition, cleaned and ready! Call 756-2040. LEVOLOR Blinds, 50 Off, vertical blinds 40 off, Ve- rosol Shades 35 off Aspen Interiors 374-8963.
SELL or trade, Washer Dryer, call 373-5451. SEWING machine, brand new, '84 Open Arm. Never been used, still in original carton, sews on all fabrics, built in auto button holer. designer stitches, stretch stitches, blind hem 4 much more. Full 20 yr original guarantee, cost $400, sell $165.
225-1268. WE have purchased many rolls of 1st quality sculp tured piusn carpeting of 100 pet Anso IV, Antron Ultron Nylon in beautiful earth tone colors, much below manufacturer's wholesale. I'll carpet your living rm 8, hall In 100 pet high quality nylon cpt tor $279, price includes cpt, pad 4 installation with a yr wear guarantee, based on 30 yds. Add 3 bdrms save more, $729 based on 80 yds. (Store 4 outlet price almost double).
226- 3653, Steve, anytime. BUY sell used lawnmow- ers 4 tillers, guaranteed repair work. 489-5524. TOP Soil; now taking or ders for delivery in Orem Provo area, $8yd, Mike 2Z6-O8I0. SUPER 8 sound camera projector, many features.
only 6 rolls film used in it. Call ZZ5-3301. ALMOST new stereo eqpt. Pioneer SX-60 receiver, 2 technics SL-5 turn tables, Pioneer CT-4 cassette deck, BSAADC equalizer, Cerwin Vega 200 watt speakers. Buy all or by the piece.
Make offer. 756-4978. BARN wood for sale. 374- 6003. BERNINA Sewing Machine, like new, only $600.
Call 374-8979. BERNINA 850. Table, amp, threader, light kinder hood. 90 day Gnty, hint cond. $830.
2254387. COLOR TV, nice stereo, guns, sewing machine, elec typewriter, new 12 spd bike, skis, mink coat, china. 226-7215. FOR Sale, 4 shares upper Union canal water stock. 8200share.
Call 756-9341. ONE heavy duty Singer hewing machine. $275. Call 1375-8230 or 489-8018. RCA Video Disc player ($100.
.22 Automatic pistol ($100. Call 377-3206. AIR compressor, 60 gal tank, good for air guns painting. Call 225-3526. ALL wood storage sheds.
Different sizes avail, or material pkg. for the do-it-yourselfer. 377-0907. COMPLETE Pre-school: furniture, Fischer Price toys, educ material, much more. $650offer.
226-1333 or 226-4783. FIVE -78-1 5 6 ply Good year polyglass tires, ancy wnis. can zzs-2566. FOR sale 25" RCA remote control color TV, $600. Call 375-8473.
FREE Firewood, trees down, you cut, 1440 1390 Provo, 373-0312. MOVING. Beds, chests. baby items, etc. 235 300 Santaquin.
754-5063. PICKUP shell $100, fridge $100, '72 Honda 125, mint cond, $125. 785-9438. PORT-A-Crib $30. Com- plete toilet $30.
Oval sink S20.HD AC Hermetic Compressor. 489-7791. FfcR A807T J-27 500 fctol)! I CAU. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES '80 HONDA CM 400 good Icond, wfull face helmet, S650. Call 785-2166.
79 SUZUKI GS 750 exc cond. $18D0best otter. 224-2044, after 5pm 225-4745. 78 YAMAHA DT 250 En dure, low miles, exc cond. $600.
Call 226-8722 '83 BIG Red, exc cond, low hours. Call 489-7054 after p.m. or 377-81 18. $1500. COMPUTERIZED WHEEL Balancing.
The ultimate in motorcycle tire wear, handling, 4 safety. Endorsed by an factory race teams i tire companies. Call for introductory (specials. Performance Cya 0 224-8564. '74 HONDA 35a '81 Suzuki 125, 4 Yamaha En dura ell good cond.
Call 22 5 26. '80 HONDA, twin star 200, like new cond, less than 2500 mil, great school or comuter bike, wind shield 4 helmuf. 4894123. '79 KZ650 KAWASAKI, full dress, custom, saddlebags, stereo, beautiful bike, $1495 or best offer. Also 75 CBS 125 Honda, great for campus or around town bike, $295 or best otter.
Call Rich 373-5177. 81 550 MAX. like new, low mis, $1,600 or best offer. 768-8633. MOTORCYCLE ATV PARTS, accessories, service specialists.
All makes 4 mdls, Ig stock of new 4 used parts, expert me chanics, gtd labor. Per- tormance cycie, 80 SUZUKI PE250, exc Icond. Must sell. 7543 532 79 YAMAHA XS 1100 Spe cial. Full dress, custom paint, $2,500.
659 N. 400 unoon. 7B5-621B. 82 YAMAHA YZ 60. Well cared for, good cond, $350.
Call 465-2949 before 6, 465- 3695 after 6. '83 YAMAHA YZ 80. Well cared for, good cond, $600. Call 465-2949 before 6. 465- 3695 after 6.
82 HARLEY-Davidson FXR, Mint, 1,900 mis. 400 Firm. 3740 462. 79 HONDA ATC 110 3 wheeler, exc cond. $500.
Call 465-4747 after 6pm. '81 HONDA CR 250, exc cond. Call after 6pm 465-4747. 80 HONDA GL1100 Inter state, 12000 miles, exc cond, lots of extras. Best loffer.
Call 377-8207. KIDS '82 DS80 Suzuki, new cond, $550; motorcycle trailer $300. 465-91 an 6. 80 YAMAHA IT 250, exc cond. $700.
Call D. Nish 373-3618 or 3730917. '80 YAMAHA 650 Special. Under 5,000 mis. $1,600.
Call 4895421. '77 YAMAHA XS 400, exc cond. Must see to believe. $700best offer. 768-3937.
79 SUZUKI DR370 dirt bike, excellent condition. $650. Call 785-5893. 80 YAMAHA XS 1100 full dress Ferring. $2,600 best otter, can Kyle after 16:30 PM, 3733846.
'81 YAMAHA YZ, exc cond, $800 or best offer. Call 226-4035, 465-9149. '83 YZ 125, exc cond, paid $1800, must sell, $1000 or offer. 433-6630 aft 5 p.m. Must see to appreciate.
'74 HONDA 75a wwind- ammer, nice bike, $950 or best offer. 226-2 146 eves. '78 HONDA XL75, excel lent condition, good kid's bike $400. Call 225-8064. 72 KAWASAKI trail 4 road bike, good cond.
$350. Call 785-0582. 440 KZ KAWASAKI, low mileage, show room cond, $850. 377-6609. MONTE SA 123 Cot trans rebuilt, spare parts, exc cond, $550.
377-6760. MUST SEE to appreciate! Clean 1979 Honda XL500 excellent condition. Call Mike 489-8503 eves and weekends. 74 SUZUKI GT 380. $2 5a 225-9378.
77 YAMAHA 250 DT En- duro, iust over 4000 miles. or best offer. 224-5524. 81 YAMAHA 250. Exc.
cond, low mis, for sale or trade for truck. 2244630. I 1,83 9 XR 200 '895 MONARCH HONDA 350 W. Oram 224-4070 5 TRALERS CAMPERS 71 RANCHO El Rae, 18' self-contained, sleeps 6, $2900. Call 225-3107.
'83 ALJO Aly, 30 5th whl, exc cond, best offer. Call 7854567. '77, lO'i ft. camper. Jacks, self-contained, holding tanks, $2,795.
785-7037. FOR sale'69 31' Alrstream trailer, exc cond. $9500 or offer. Tom 373-4360. 377- 3671 or Leone 374-9938.
CAMPER lO'i ft, self-con- tained, 4 jacks, 4 stands, must sell. $700. 756-3146. FOR Sale 6' camper shell, $125 or best offer. Call 798- 6594.
INSULATED Full size PU shell, I adder rack, needs repairs, $100. Call 374-9362. 560 FLOURISHING 3 yr old business wtrack record of $24,000 per yr. Provo Orem area. Leaving to uemai scnooi.
Asking Sift-000. WIN incl training, es tablished accts, $6,000 worm ot truck 8. supplies. Call 374-5383. WANT A Boomlna Piiza Business wnorlsk? I have lust what you're look! no for! Hottest little pizza de livery store arouno.
am pizza eqpt, arcades in front. Management 4 crew established. Doing weaxiy. ma candy ice cream parlor. See to appreciate 3161 Canyon Rd.
Call 377-4 884 or 225-0717 for appt please. WELL established restaurant in Pay son, business 4 inventory, $12000. 465-4577. GARAGE YARD SALE SWAP Meet-Utah County's largest now under way. You can buy, sell, trade 4 make money every Saturday 8-3, 1255 S.
State, Provo. 3740575. LARGE self-defrosting fridge Ig Gibson upright freezer, set of bunk beds, portable cabinet wcutting board attached, misc Items: dishes, clothes, long bed camper shell. 320 E. 2100 N.
Provo. 3738168. 450 BULDING MATERIAL ACME FENCE CO ROOFING, galvanized, 26' wide, 8' $4.55, 10' $5.70, 12 WtJAh Also avail 26" wide 26 gauge, 8' $6.15, 10' $7.70, 12' $9.25, 14' $10.80, 16' $12.30. 1440 Center, Orem. 224-5391.
FARM bldg; colored or galvanized steel siding, wood post 4 beam or steel beam bldgs. Any size. Design your needs. Low as $2.50 a sq ft. Wilson Farm Buildings, 489-3377.
HEY, here's a deal! Nu'tek siding will sell alum siding Soffit 4 Fascia direct to builders 4 do it yourselfers wholesale. Call Randy 225-5504. FOR salvage or to be moved-brick home. Call 489-4002. SPRING clean up.
Un claimed wood roof trusses for sale in many sizes. Please call 377-0907. AUCTION Bedouin boat Manufacturing. Misc. ma chlnery, building supplies, vehicles, boats parts will be sold direct to public for highest bid Fri.
March 30, 11 AM Sharp. Inspection may be made the same day from 8 AM to start of auction. Kent Spencer, Auctioneer. 484 100 Payson. ROLLING Scaffold; Bergen instrument; Deep vac-cuum pump; Chain saw; 14 ft.
flat bed trailer. 785- 6593. 460 FUEL FIREWOOD, get now for next winter. Delivered for $35 PU load. 225-3872.
LUMP Coal, $59.50 per ton or $3.50 per hundred ids. Call Boyer Coal 4 Feed, 489-9362. PINE trims from furniture factory, $15 per truck load. 375-7230. 1281 350 E.
FIREWOOD summer rates. Buy now 4 save. Oak, pinion, cedar pine. 224-2461. FREE Firewood, trees down, you cut, 1440 1390 Provo, 3734312 2400 SQ.
FT. con ILOCK IUILDIKC Fenced, oil improve ments. Zoned 1-1 Ind. CALL MX 489-9454 JTm 489-9119 Oil MftfilANEOUS 47U WANTED CASH for any kind of an' tiques. Also want guns, gold 4 silver.
Call 798-3069. WE want 4 will pay top dollar for your unk, wrecked or used car or truck. If you cannot bring it in we will tow it In. We also have used auto parts at lowest prices in town We buy all kinds of scrap metals. 373-4224.
WK 116. WANTED: old unseawor-thy, no engine boat, to make into sandboxclub house. Call 226-6753. AUTO truck junkers wanted for the metal shop at Orem High School. Will pay up to $50.
768-3103. CASH PAID WASHERS, dryers, refrig erators-working or not. Call 375-714. GOLD-SILVER DIAMONDS BUY-Sell-Trade above items at absolute bestl prices. Alpine coins, behind Arby's in Orem, 225- 7848.
OLD rockingwonder horse any condition, 798-6400. CLEAN fill wented. Broken concrete OK. Will pay up to Sio load. Delivered In W.
Provo. 375-2994. InJTJLWT IklA We buy Diamonds, Guns, Gold, Jewelry, TV's, Tools and much more. Highest Prices Paid L4M LOAN 4 PAWN 40 Wm Cantor, Pnvi TRADE nict Or em 3 bdrm duplex foi bldg lots In N. Utah County.
Pymt $250 mo, rents for $500 ma Call 225-44)5 or 225-8854. FIVE Homes, various sites, avail for trade. Located in Brigham City. Will trade for homes in Utah Valley. Call Jennings RE 224-9098, 2244 263.
INCOME PROPERTY CONTRACT sale! 24 unit student apts near BYU. Terrific oppty for someone needing Tax snener. Jack Allen 225-3746 or Os mond RE 224-8200. PERFECT loc 3 bdrm du plex, garages, 2800 sa ft. fncd yard, WO hkups.
sprk svs. $95,000. no aaents or Sun calls. 225-8176. 52-54 W.
1160 N. Oram. MAKE big profits! Fix up a nome, many avail, brent 375-7000, ProVO RE. THIRTY nine units, 15-2 bdrm, 24-1 bdrm, prime BYU location, $953,000. By owner, no agents.
Call 375- 7639 or 209-924-591 3. OWNER in CA must sell 6 plex in Provo, 3 bdrm turn, 18 singles at $120 (approved for 36 singles) $195,000. 489-9202. BY Owner, house wup 4 down apts, 2 3 bdrm, Vaacre lot, terms avail, ra-HSJ, zzx3i6an 5pm. SPRING VI LLE, 3 bdrm duplex, bank owned, 5 down, io.5, 30-yrs.
$72 500. Owner occupied. Dun can Re 489-9411. SUCH A STEALI Five rental units 2 bdrm mobile home, on 1 com mercial acre In Utah co. $45,000.
Only $5,000 down or trade, united Farm Agency 756-8331. TWO Or em 4 plexes. For sale by owner. Assumable mortgage. Bunt in '75.
$100,000 each. 225-2495. BYU Duplex, high rents, exc terms, loc Robert 226- 3133, Windsor RE 224-WD0. FOUR-PI ex in PI Grove, all brick, always rented, residential neighborhood, only $104900 w15k down, assumatxe contract, good terms. 375-7801.
CASH OR TRADE FIVE Star Group sells ex isting 4 developed new professionally managed in come properties in the united states, properties range in value from $1, 000,000 to $54000,000 Cash, contracts, trade exchange are accepted towards purchase Partners for ig proiects are avail For info call 226-2400. RETIREMENT duplex: Owner's unit has fam rm, frplc 8 extra bath. Good income from nice 2 bdrm rental. Central Or em loca tion-walk to schools 4 shopping. Central RE 373- 8300, Beverly 225-4308, Bob 489-6029.
FOUR attractive 4-plexes for sale, Orem, by owner agent, good negot terms, assumaote, zm-jszo. EAST of BYU. 2 bdrm house, w3 bdrm student apt. Exc rental. Sound In vestment.
$71,900. Call 224- 2697, 375-6303. PARTNER needed to help in acquiring a great property I've located. Exc potential returns tax shelter. For details, call David aft 5 pm, 226-8430.
THIRTY Unit apt complex, by campus, good rents 4 occupancy, proven record, moving from area reed to sell. Appraised over asking price. 3754578. OREM Tri-plex, Priced at only $64,900. LB Taylor Realty, can Boyo 33-5989, Lloyd 798-2195 eves.
BY Owner, Ig custom du plex, in silver snaaows, fully rented, low down, great terms, wpossible cash flow. Call 224-2975, 225-7582 Eric. PROVO Duplex, close to campus 4 downtown. 3 bdrms, 2 bdrms. A bargain at $59,000.
Call Blake 375-2971. John West RE 377-8140. (12 By) REDUCED $6000, Orem duplex by owner, $53,900. Terms. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, ea unit, 'Aacre lot, call 224- 3097 for appt.
TWO-44-12 plexes a mini mall in SLC. Golden Eagle Realty 377-5355. 13 ACRE duplex Alpine $44 500. Call after 6pm 1-5334067 (SLC). CUTE Duplex near good money-makerterms.
Choice Properties 373-5000. LARGE 3 bdrm duplex, Orem Assume loa n. Choice Properties 373-5000. STUDENT Housing for '72 2 blocks to BYU. Terms.
Choice Properties 373-5000. ATTENTION BUILDERS WILL trade equity in Ig NE Orem duplex, with good positive cash flow, for construction of warehouse 225-0580. TRI-PLEX, Provo, little to almost no down, super terms, $53,900. 374-5500, 768-4332, Craig Agent. yQn BlfilfSB FOR SALE BY owner, retiring.
Jewelry gifts. Lg restored historic home-Spring vl lie Show Place $225,000 Inventory. Call Larry Ferguson at Provo RE 489-7496. VIDEO Rental outlet, net profit $4000 per mo. National franchise Call 373-3322 or 2264626.
ESTABLISHED Car Care Center In Orem, 7 base shop woffice 3 hydraulic lifts, 3 phase HP air compressor. Sell building or bldg 4 all eqpt. Assumable loan. Call Mary for more details, 756-2143, John West Realty 377-8140. mit a bid or see at 1300 Uki.
BanuA rknerl Bank JiBlCf riv WS mini 375-5961 SELF-contained 1 2' week ender '71 camper, $1600 offer. Call 7854787. 70 COLMAN 480 pop-up camper. Sleeps 6. $650 otter, see at juz t.
juu a. no. 1, Sprgvl. topper, fits bed. $150.
Call 756-3014. UTILITY Trailer, 6'xd', built well, will haul heavy loads. $300. 785-5729. WELL built, nice looking, flat bed, tandem axle trai tor.
Practically new. 373-4579. EIGHT ft. Shell, metal, panel, lock 4 slide window. $225offer.
225-1081. '7B PKUWLfcK IV, TOD cond, lots of extras. $5200. Call 785-3124. I fcl 414 ill( HA Al4 rates, taking reservations.
I a. i I'VE sTl 1 nu auiiuaf wan, 72 22' SELF Contained Travel Trailer, exc cond. call aft 6pm. 7984993. TERRY, Taurus, Resort, 5th whls, trailers, light-weiahts, new 4 used, 40 models to choose from.
See us at Corbet Trailer Sales, 1562 State orem. 225- 0807. 5X7 U-Haul. $400. 8 10 Insulated box 4 bed for 1 ton.
$40O 436-8505. 78 AUO 23' trailer, self- contained. $5000. Call 224- 3m CAMPER for mini truck. Slide-away rear door.
Insu lated. Slidina side win dows, dome light, paneled. $325. 373-1119. 22' IDEAL, self-contained, 65 travel trailer.
$2200. Call 224-5227. 70 KIT Camper, 11', fully self-contained, gaselec fridge $1200offer. 831 W. 75 H.
224-3 762 eves. 77 NOMAD trailer. 18 ft. self-contained. $2,600.
Call 1489-5421. 77 PROWLER 18', self- Kontained, power con verter, exc cond. $3700. Call 798-9123. REPO.
'81 Skamper tent trailer. Very clean. Bids to Nancy. 379-2156. 77 TERRY 7V Delus, Seldom used, like new, $4300.
1465-9190 aft 6pm. 82 TRAVEL Time, 13', $1700, will trade. 375-7618. 2175 W. 300 N.
Provo. EIGHT ft Camper shell, $150 Call aft 4pm wkdays. 226-7746. FOR sale: IW Wes Camp cab-over camper, exc cond. Extras.
$1500. Call 225-1 193 between 4pm-8pm. 15W RANCHO El Rae, sleeps 6, propane light. furnace, stove, ice box, elec brakes, spare tire, $1100. Call 6230372 aft 7.
SLEEPER, trade for 8' khell cash or $400offer. 3774041. TWENTY One ft Sportsman Trailer, $2500 or offer. Call 2244803. CAMPER World membership.
Must sell. Make Offer. 943-8482 or 756-9884. EIGHT ft. slide in Sleeper, good cond, $200negotiable 7564614.
78 INVADER Trailer. 22 ft, self-contained, 2 tables, tub 4 shower. $6,200. 695 W. 1285 Orem.
225-1272. 72 KIT 18Vi ft, self-con tained, sleeps 6, exc. cond. $2,895. 423-1933.
19' '63 ROADRUNNER, very good cond, $1300. Call 756-9809 Jim to see. TEN Vi ft. Travel Lite Camper self-contained. Hydrolic Jacks, Good cond.
$900. 768-9126. 1516' TRAVEL trailer. oven, heater, ice box. sleeps 6, $1500.
4894193 or 4894993. TWENTY ft. 75 Kit. Like new, self-contained, 1 uwner. Call 2244 354.
580 SNOW MACHINES RENTALS, snowmobiles from $29, ATC's 4 Odvs- seysfrom $19. 377-7707. TWO snow mobiles. Both Artie Cats. 1 Panther, 1 Jag.
798-2571. 76 POLARIS 340 Colt SS, 1200 miles, exc cond. (800 or best offer. 489-3830 or 798-7600 after 5pm. '81 JOHN Deere Llauifire $1200 or best offer.
Cell e3642. 75 POLARIS TX 440 tanw. mobile w2 sled trailer. $700. 423-1035.
'83 305 CHEV. All acceso- ries Included. Just like new. Make offer. 3774609.
75 ARCTIC CAT PANTKI2M40 Offer 8uyi Engint juit ovtrhaukd. St at 810 fort Mapli St. Mapfeton 375-5330 AIRCRAFT PRIVATE pilot written test guaranteed In one weekend April 14 4 is Flight Tech 1-800-221-0348 HELICOPTER flight train-ina. Private dal. Ploasecall 1-295-2)21.
CHEROKEE iW h.r.. lavail, 14 $450a Vt $8500. Call for details. 224-1 14 line new, uu. v.a after 5pm.
224-2217 WATERBED 2nds. We are the factory. Save on ightly damaged head boards 4 frames, drawer pedestals 4 bdrm furniture. No mattresses or heaters. Call 375-7230.
Aft 4 pm, call 377-6720 or 224- 5777. LIKE New, white wood crib 4 dresser, $200. Also 2 yr old whirlpool cook top range, $75. 225-7561. BUNK bed, complete set.
2 twin beds-complete. 3 student desks. All excellent- condition. Call 373-8584. CUSTOM made Drexel couch 4 chair, almost new, $55Qboth.
377-8462. HEAVY King size water bed. Exc. Cond, Mirrored book case head board. 6 drawer pedestal.
Accesso ries inci. $600. can zz6-3is after 3 PM. JUST refinished some apts. We have living room sets, tables 4 chairs, good cond.
Call 373-2655. KING size adjustable bed, individual remote control panels, 2 massage units, 2 controlled heat units, $2500 new, make offer. 225-9550. LARGE 6 drawer dresser, 3' high, 7' long, good cond. $125offer.
377-5008. MOVING must sell: desks, kitchen table, living rm. sofa 4 chairs, WD, dress ers, king bed. 224-1739, or Robin at 375-2500. BEAUTIFUL Sofa 4 Love- seat, 3 yrs old, multineu-tral color herculon, $450.
Call 226-0683. GIRLS 7-pc white French Provincial bdrm set, $250. Queen sofasleeper, rust, beige, brown, $200. Antique walnut buffet $50. 785-4981.
GREEN 4 Gold velvet sofa. Green Tweed swivel chair. Call 224-8497. LIKE New, GE Range, $300. Also table w6 chairs 4 hutch $400.
Call 375-2052. NEW sofa bed $250, 6 pc dining set $95, sm roll top $55, lamps. 226-7215. BUNK beds, good cond, $100. 377-4292.
LIKE new, Morning Serf water bed, queen size. $200. Couch $30. Table 4 chairs $30. 374-1618.
515 APPLIANCES FREEZER 23 cu. ft, chest type. Sears. $300. 373-1119.
LEAVING state. Must sell side by side Refrig Freezer. Offer. 226-7769. PIONEER Appliance Repair, buy, sell, trade, or repair all major appli ances.
Call 373-0Z49. THAT WHKT MILW-A66D I mm nstruction available. V..