28. Nurseries. 19S2 NATIONAL WANT AD WEEK A WARD 18. Earth Hauling, Excavating Shale-Loam-Gravel Prompt Del Phone 761 or 22-R-3. Pea G'-avel.
Sand. Concrete Mix. Black Top. Road Oiling. Free est.
The Press Democrat Sunday Classified Ad Section ZINNIAS, asters, mai-o'd, stork 25c 5 $1 Ber.to.n St. CREEKFARM NURSERY '77 Occidental Road 5 DELPHINIUMS. 2.V -a fo- i ri Cotimibir.es. Bc--i. BEGONIA Seedlings Vei-terle cotn-s for S9c 31R0 Redsood Hig SANTA ROfcA.
SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1953 PHONE 54 7. Situations Wanted Index to Results Antiques, jeweiery 13 Automobiles 76 Automobiles Wanted 75 Auto Repair Parts 73 Baby Sitting 8 Business Opportunities 58 Carpentering 17 Day and Contract IE Earth Hauling. Excavating 18 Equipment Rentals 31 Exchange 24 Exchange Real Estate 64 Farm Equipment -48 Farm Produce 40 Financial 57 Hay Feed. Seed 41 Heavy Equipment 70 Help Wanted. Men 4 Help Wanted.
Women 5 Help Wanted. Men. Woirtu 6 Hobbv Supplies 12 Home Appliances- 3S Home Furnishings 37 Instruction 1 1 insurance 56 Lost and Found 1 Livestock 45 Miscellaneous tot Sale- 33 Moving Kaulina Storage 49 Mus Instruments Instruction 27 Nurseries. Garden Supplies- -28 Painting 19 Personals 2 Persona! Loans 69 Pets and Pet Supplies 39 Poultry 47 Poultry Equipment 48 Radio. Television 35 Real Estate General 59 Reel F.slate Healdsburg 0 Pea! Estate Lake County 61 Real Estate Russian River 62 Real Estate.
Sebastcpol 61 Real Estate Wanted 65 Rent. Apartments 51 Rent Houses 50 Rent. Rooms 52 Rent or Lease, Lots Offices. Ranches 55 Rentals. Trucks, Cars, Equip.
72 Repair Service -20 Rest Homes. Child Care Situations Wanted 7 Special Notices -3 Special Services 15 Sportinq Goods 30 Television-. Radio- 35 Trailers. House Trailers 71 Trucks 74 Wanted to Buy 25 Wanted to Rent 53 Women's Realm 10 WANT AD-LIBS By F. DRYDEN MOORE OH HAPPY DAY! No more need we languish for that payday glowing dimly but afar.
No longer need we repair to the empty counting hou.se in search of an overlooked nickel or two, for at last the Three Golden Suns have risen above the Financial Straits of Santa Rosa's lower 4th St. as bright beacons of hope to the temporarily embarrassed. The golden coin is being dispensed by Herb Winrich, former linoleum expert, in return for goods and chattels with which owners can part for a few days or longer. 1953 GROTH When we went down to pick up copy from Johnnie Groth at Square Deal Auto Co. last Thursday, Johnnie looked up sleepily and mum- bled.
"1953 Groth: brand new, fluid drive from bottle; original owner; no bumps or scratches. Will start to run in 2 years. Got this beauty without trade-in. but will not sell for A minute or so later he opened his eyes ever so little and admitted, "'I was sort of thinking of the little baby girl that I had this morning. Monthly payments to make for the next 20 year.
but anyway, now I've got two of em. Come back again tomorrow next day." AD-VENTURES We confess to being mightily impressed by this real estate offer: "Hilltop newly decorated 2-bdrm home. Beautiful view. New gas stove, elec. bath.
Phone can be instafled Suitable for goats, rabbits or turkeys T3ut maybe we can get there first. And then there's the chap with his ''Norwegian elkhound pups." These chauvanistic little fellows are going to be a bit disappointed when they find that the U.S. is fresh out of Norwegian elks. PREVIEW PEEK Last time we saw Sandy Tnollaug of Classic Furniture Appliance, he was altogther preoccupied in lookng at a new shipment of Sparton TV sets with 27" screens. This king-size set, declares Sandy, is specially built for the home-lover who prefers to stay home and still feel as though he were at a movie.
Might even type up your own programs from the P.D. TV Log and feel like a private theater owner, Sandy suggests. FIELD DAY Nels Adamson of Woldemar Tractor Co. in Petaluma was deciding what to put in his picnic lunch basket when we saw kirn a couple of days ago "Going to our Field Day Demonstration on the he explained, thinking hungrily of potato chips and cheese. "It's going to be at Denman Flat on the Malacredi Ranch north of Petaluma on 101, and we're going to put on a real show.
If you want to see Allis- Chalmers equipment at work, drop around but bring your own food." FAST MOVERS Harry B. Fetch, S. R. realtor identified by an airplane and the words "Fast Moving." has completed what may be a world's record for speed. Last week Harry was given a listing at S6250.
His ad appeared next day at 12 o'clock. Bv 3 o'clock the same day Mr. and Mrs. Ole Lee of St. Paul, were in his office inq-uiring about the house, which they bought by 3:45.
Bv 12 noon next day. just 24 hour? after the P.D. appeared, Mr. and Mrs." Lee were living in the house, snug as a couple of bugs in a rug, and a good deal more secure. PAGE 3 SECTION 4.
Help Wanted, Men WANTED Ritchet setter. $2 10 per nr. App.y Holmes Mill, 30 mi.es West of Healdsburg or call Healdsburg 442-W. evenings. RELIABLE man with car wanted, part or full time, to call on farmers in Soimrna Wonderful opportunity.
S15 to S20 in a No experience or capital required. Perrr.arent. Write todaj McNESS COMPANY. Dcpt E. 2423 Mag-noiia Oakland 7.
Canf. FACTORY SALESMAN Sell Charles Chester nationally known Cushion Shoe- direct. Complete lire for ent.re family. Full timf or side 'me. Full time men fdin up to 25 00 per day commission.
repeat- Samnle and eauipmen.t furnished Producers. CHARLES CHESTER SHOE CO, Chester Brockton, Mass. POSITION open for industrious sober man not over 50 yrs. of ace None other need applv. Experienced in selling lumber.
Must be able to make himself generally useful vard Loeai ref. reouired. Wr.te Box 1821 P. D. MEN Mr idocmo, Napa.
Sonoma and Marin Counties. A brand new invention, 'he onlv product of its kind on the market today. You can step into much higher earning power without previous spiling er.i No investments or retiuired. Car e-sential Write O. Box 1432.
Santa Rosa, to: n.tervie.. in home. In Sonoma Boys over II vrs old for afternoon paper route-. ham $25 to $30 per mo. See Mr.
Puckett at 20th Century Fountain. to 4 m. daily exrp Saturday. Newspaper STREET SALES Boys Wanted at Once! Applv Person to Mr. Pexton Circulation Press Qt-mocrat.
5. Help Wanted, Women ASSISTANT. Mature, Intelligent oman, to train for assistant in customer service department. Top pav. week.
ApplN 8-9 a.m. or 3ri p.m. at 516 4th St. COLLEGE student, room and board nice home in exchange for part-time help with 2 children. Phone 2574-J COOK AND down stairs, assist with 3 children, private room and bath.
15 miles from San Marin Countv. Give full references, live in, wages $150. Box 1K29 D. LADY, not over 65 to care for 2 yr, old twins in exch. for room and board.
Ph. 7717-J. WANTED Exp. practical nurse for part-time relief duty. Call 7461-W HOUSEWORK.
Live in. Sun. off. Non-drinker. Refs.
Seb. 2908. BLIND man in country wishes hskpr. Moderate wages. Applicant non-drinker.
Box 1RI1, D. Reg. Nurse, Floor Duty Apply Santa Rosa General Hos-pita Phnp 720. WANTED SURGERY NURSE Apply Santa Rosa General Hospital. Telephone 720 6.
Help Wanted, Men-Women COUPLE wanted for poultry-ranch Living quarters and utilities furn. Ph. 2-9605. Petaluma COUPLE to work on chicken ranch Furn. house.
Bakar Rt. 1. Bx. 396, Petaluma. Ph.
5-4906 HAWAIIAN steel guitar instructor; also accordion teacher. Knowledge of muic essential. Work independent in your immediate area with iarse. established, expanding organization Excellent remuneration. Write Box 181 R.
P. D. Redwood Empire Employment Agency 618 Fourth St. -Ph. 121 See Our Sunday Listings MALE Driver 25-40.
nice appearing start $50 wk. Bus bov meals Scale Chef resort Open Auto parts man. exp.ctry. Open Parts Sales, nurichine. exp.
Open Salesman, railch equip Open Fence post cfotter, exp own eouio. Going rate Cook. resort to $350 Body and Paint man. hvv.cxp.. new shop.
ant. available, ctr.v. $400-500 min. Parts man, off truck sales expenses to $450 mortuary, cons. apprentice room 4- $175 start Mechanic i2.
GMC exp. Scale Second Baker, nite shift, hand kneading, entry. $72 k. Married milker, milk only 2 bdrm. hse.
i- $250 Chore man. some strip- pine Cnimip. formal serviceand cook $250 Couple, chicken ranch hse $2d0 st FEMALE Maid, cleaning woirnn. hospital 1 meal $150 Housekeeper, local. June 1.
3 mo. $100 Child care. FC live in to $125 Child care. TC house keeping $125 FC hnusekeeDrr. cook, like children.
live in or out 150 ITnstairs maid, trained, coun try, live in $150 Dishwasher, country, year around Open Stnrrrkreper. ctrv. year around Open Pract'Cal nure, ctry, live in- F-C $150 FC houspkeener. cook. 2 children, like horses $110 Cook ranch, May 1 Open Prac.
Nurse, live in $150 Conk, resort, start now $200 Cnffpp shoo waitress, ctrv. resort WOO R'irroiiEh- bookkeeper, young ad with brain- star' D'-iVta! young, poised Open sale. Sebastopol. Fri and Sat 90c hr Legal genl. ofc.
exp. S250 A-t tparhprs. 2 vrs. college. Vrans 2R0 T5M nart time or full time Open Home ec.
teacher. ans. $310-376 Teachers, state 25-42 yr. Open Rand Keypunch, good job Open fVH Fririav with draftsman training, int. job Open PARTIAL LISTING ONLY 10.
Women's Realm Classified General Information ALL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. A 15c chcng is made tor use of box numbers I. Th Press Democrat reserves th right to restrict all ads tc their proper classifications and to dit 01 reject any copy I. The Press Democrat will not be responsible for any errors Id advertisements submitted other wise than in nor for more than one Incorrect inser tion of any advertisement I. The advertiser agrees that The Press Democrat will not be li able for damages arising out ci errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that por tion of the advertisement In which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence of The Press Demo crat or otherwise: and there hall be no liability for non-Insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid fot uch advertisement.
All claims of errors in advertise ments must be received bv The Press Democrat within 30 day after first publication. I. The Press Democrat reserves the right to limit credit. f. Commercial discount made on charge of over S18 for cash or prompt payment.
IF VOL f.IVr IN THE Uklah Area Phonr 1332 Medico Drug Co. State and Stanley TO PLACE YOUR Want Ads ir you i.ivt thf Petaluma Area Phone Petaluma 2-4509 O'NEILL Drug Co. TO Pt.A YdUR WANT ADS If you do not receive your Press Democrat Phone before 7:00 p.m. if you TTv UN Sebastopol Area Phone Sevastopol 2113 Schmidt's Stationery TO PLACE YOUR WANT ADS 1. Lost and Found WANTED Riders to San Francisco from Santa Rosa.
Phone 5740-R LOST Small tan Terrier type, female. Reward. Ph 344S-R. I LOST babv buKKV frame on Freeway. Reward 313 4th St.
LOST Man's plastic bamboo framed reading glasses. Ph. 1093-R. LOST Black handbag in or near Greyhound Depot Urgently need Identification cards. Keen money, return contents.
Phone S. R. 5549. 2. Personals MAIL REPLIES for Press Democrat boxholders, until 1 2 r.n noon Saturday; inns, 1309.
1 RIO. 1811. 1812. 1814, 1319, 1320. 1B21.
LADY wants transportation to Nebraska, share expenses. Ph. 723-W. HealdspurK 1 WILL NOT be responsible for nv debts contracted by but myself. Mrs.
F.thel Allen. WANTED. Woman rider to share driving and expense; to Amariilo. Texas or vicinity Ph. 5109-W.
3. Special Notices THF ROAD is yours and more enjoyabiy so in a G. K. Hardt guaranteed car. Savings too our volume deal savings plan See K.
Hardt's classified ad-Class No 7fi NICE home for middle-ascd couple in exchange for care for elderly lady No children. Phone R75-J after 11 a. Attention Iris Fans Visit Dry Creek Iris Gardens, blooming now, over 200 species Available. Turn off Hwy. 101 on to Skaggs Springs Rd.
at Christie s. 1 riile north of Healdsburg. Continue about .3 miles. Rt. 1.
Box 97-A, Healdsburg GARDENERS: Gel a free demonstration of the work-saving Merry Tiller garden tractor See Palir Bros d. Class No 46 4. Help Wanted. Men WANTED Reliable maintenance man. Call bet.
4 and 8 p.m., 1315-J WANTED Wrangler, sing'e. for Guest Ranch. Arch McDougald. fhilo Boonvilie 4731 3. Special Notices SANDY TOP SOIL SHALE AND GRAVEL Prompt Delivery Ph.
4I1T-J Trenching Backfilling Will go anyhere Phone S20S-W Immediate Delivery 0 A SHALE SAND GRAVE1 Ph. 1593. 8 to 5 p. m. 4823-R after 5 p.
Ant Thorns' Vcnezia. Ph TRENCHING Ray Anderson Back Fill. Loader Work. Piprinr Ditches. Septic Drain: pn 3137-W Gravel A- C'orcrete Avilahle 19.
Painting KITCHENS painted, also paper-hangmR. Very reas. Ph. R. 6061 PAINTING Ray Fall PAPERHANGING Phone 1375-W PAINTING AND PAPERING Russell Lang Phone WHITEWASHING PHONE 5695-J-l 20.
Repair Service LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Free pickup and delivery. Wc specialize in sharpening and complete repair of power mowers Telephone LAWN mowers sharpened Pick uo and Del. 922 Beaver St. Ph. 216-M.
LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Pick up. Deliver. Phone 5269-J J. G. Allison, Ph.
1470 Sewing machines repaired All makes. 4n yrs. exper. Old models electrified New used machines for gale. Near 9th St.
732 Davis Sewing Machines SINGER VACUUM CLEANERS Repairs for all make Machines for rent New-used machines for sale Singer Sewing Machine Co. 73S Fourth St Phone 1381 Roof Troubles 3024 TELEPHONE 2457 Free Estimates' JAMES ROOFING CO Pump Repairs Jacuzzi Pumps and Pressure Systems Rental Pumps and Motors Expert Service on All Makei Binkley Pump Service Telephone 1328-W Washing Machines REPAIR ALL MAKES 6c MODELS The Washing Machine Man Phone 3942 SOS Fourth St 25. Wanted to Buy USED SPINETS Highest prices paid HOUSE OF MUSIC 2407 Maenvan Ph. 7341. WANTED TO BUY Used gas hay-loader; also for gram sacks or truck.
Hans Epning. Rt 1. Box 257. Petaluma. Phone 2-R704.
OLD FORDSON for parts. Will pay J21. any condition, within 50 miles Chas. Owens. Route 1.
Box 10R-A. Windsor. Phone WE BUY JUNK We Buy Old Batteries Highest Prices Paid FOR RAGS. IRON. We Buv sed Furniture Santa Rosa Junk Co.
MIKE COHEN. PROPRIETOR 125 Santa Ave Near Bridge Phone 280 WANTED 100 6x6. 10-ft. redwood posts, sawed: 100 6x6. 14-ft redwood posts, sawed.
10.000 ft. 2x6 20 ft. long, No. 2. ROUTE 1.
BOX 22i. PETALUMA WANTED Hollywood bd. onab'c. Telephono 4737-M WANTED Timber Redwood and "VW pav top stumpage. Box 1PI6.
P-c: Dmoora SMALL niavnen. Phone Mr W'iniiin. 535. btw rrn 1-5 p. SFWINO MACHINES bought and vo'd maks repaired Phone 732 North Davis WANTED -Girl's hike.
20" phone Sebastonol 3762. Tele- THIS IS A fOUR-LINF WANT AD YOT) CAN HAVF AN AD THIS 517.E FOR AS I OW AS 53 A WFEK TIMBER WANTED We will pav cash or buy vour contract Phone 403 Nrth Healdsburg WALNUTS WE WILL LOAN OUR CRACK ING MACHINES AND PAV PREMIUM PRICES FOR Ph OPERLY SHELLED AND GRADED WALNUTS T.APGE OR SMALL LOTS WF BUY DRIED MUSHROOMS DEAN DALF 4i'l H-v- ro- 27. Musical Instrument Instruction MAHOGANY Spinet piano with practice pedal. $400 212 Ridge-wav Ave. Phone 4792-R.
COMPLETE set of drums Cost new $350 Yours for $180. Ph. NEW BAND INSTRUMENTS Rent or buy. 3 month's rent towards purrhae. HOUSE OF MUSIC 2407 Magowan.
Ph. 7541 DEMING piano. uoright Good cond. 103 Locut Ave Cotati NEW RT A -Victor 3-sped record plaver, big discount. Ph.
4422-M SPINET piano. Also organ. Ph 4566-W 965 Kenmor" Lane. PIANO, snine. excel, cond S375.
Ph 6456-M. 1337 Little John Lan PIANO Good condition. Reasonable 1793 Petaluma Hill Rd. BUNGALOW size piano. Excellent condition Also guitar.
Call 2034-w after 6 p.m. SPINET piano, beaut mahogany finish, ex. cond S695. Ph. 4641-J P.ENT or buy a good used piano 6 months' rent credit toward purchase.
Pianos reconditioned and tuned Carl Edwards. Alexander'? Van S'orage BIdg. Phone 1921 ALL INSTRUMENTS bought and sold More--' nt on anvthin HERB'S LOANS Fourth Phone 7S9 Mast Piano Service Tuning and Repairs 123 Humboldt Pnon 17SX-W 7 -Day Specials 'APRIL 23 TO 3u Gian lmper-a' sock Mixed Colors. Lnrse. 35c Doz.
3 Dol'si 00 Flat of 72 $1.95 DAHLIA PUB C'FAFSN'C ALL TYPES 1 yof. GOLDEN WEST fill 5'h St Phoe 4Q3 Spring Plants TREES 'SHRUBS REDDING TLA NTS Plant Now! LANDSCAPING PLANNED EXPFRT RiNCON NURSFRY 2755 Sor.o'na Hw Phone 198 Open C.sri Tuesd'av Begonia Seedlings Fhukiu'- Capitola Suriin. and Colors. 20c ca. 5 for 95c GOLDEN WEST 611 ifh 408 SPRING IS 1 Fri Ami.
thru Mn- Ap--' 1'C: r- O.OO'M C.i: 2 Canielii t. 5 2 hododr on s. from 4 a ca 1 lv 2-, Come In and See Our r.ck We RFDWOOD NURSFRY 760 Slph; -Tono! Rri Ph 2 30. Sporting Good3 FOWET Cru-ader 7-h Fast Tu-ner's Gar 'a WANTED- 3PP Saage Mieil Kensington automatic Spoiling for sa'c. HERR'S lOANs iQ5 Fourth m.
22 RIFLE, action. 2 clip- 10 and 5 a-d s.siht. Telephone 55S0-W. OUTBOARD motor, horsepower. U-cci 1 5-150 Griv 1': baoc-oi.
Martin. 7 Asking No Sc- 1K-FT INBOARD bo, Good for -i- -retain'. K.I! SADDLES MADE TO VOUR ORDER v. 1-1 RIDING EOl'i; MNT 1 addlery Phone 2031-W rmery 31? South A NEW 1952 Mercury Outhoards 7' FRF 50 Now $192.50 CROWN PARTS 435 inn Ap phnre tog SI.F.PPING BAGS Any Type Any Size Largest Assortment In Town $6.98 up The Surplus Store 229 4TH STREET CORNER WASHINGTON 5T 9'2 FT. boat and trailer.
$foo" Call after fi P.M. R715-J. Ifi-FT. Runabout, twin cockpit new 160 p. Ph 290 day or night.
Summer Campers! Tables, stove, bed-. at bedrock prices to clear Trading Post. 410 Fourth St. Pnone BOATS, motors, guns and a'l sporting Roods bought and so'd Money lent on an thine HERB'S LOANS 105 Fourth St Prfone 7fi9(? Ford V-8 arine Conversion Complete ith ater-rood manifolds, pumps and reterse gear. $550.
Guaranteed Crown Parts 435 Mendocino Avenue lfi FT. cabin cruiser, new HHP Evinrude motor wtih remote control. Bargain. 131 Leland St Apt. fi Telephone B372-W MUST sacrifice Harlev-David-son motorcycle.
OHV 61. exeent cond Exrel'ent buy. Ph 5377-W '47 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Mak offer 1475 Santa Rui Avenue Did You Ever Catch A BIG FISH? YES or vou can j- mrnev r.c-eds "9--: 7 59 2 95-19 55 9R-S 9 H9 52 00-S 2 69 49-S39 10 SI 5 49 2 9S1-513 75 c5 49-S14 2'l si 19-: 2 50 a' Wards or, all Casting rod Casting reeis Tackle boxes Minnow buckets Flv rods Fly reels Boat rods Roat rre Trout Montgomery Ward 31. Equipment Rentals TRACTORS Scrapers Discs Loaders Rippers U-DRIVE or we operate. Construction Supply Co.
Day and Contract PLOWING, discing, trencn lines, bulldozing, mowing. Phone 170-J-3 C. RASML'SSEN PLOWING DISCING DOZING HAY CUXTJNG (light equip. 2S63 Steele Lane Pnone 1S5-R-1 YARD and garden work done with rototiiier. 636 Mill St.
Phone 1647. REMODELING or new construction. No job loo small. No distance too grert Homes, burns, outbuildings. Concrete, carpenter, tile D.
Boden. Santa Rosa 2066-W BRICK and stone work, fireplaces patio, etc. Phone 2352-M. WERTZ Bros Plowing Discing and Harrowing Phone 14u-R-ll. ROTOTILLING 9 Lawn planting Como eauip Student 90 Elphic'-: Rd Ph 3311.
Sebastopol GARDEN PLOWING. rotcvaUng discing Leaves land ready to plant Also expert land leveling with carryall Call Buck Shepherd for estimate Phone 2961 -M PLOWING, discing, nght leveling 4505 Sonoma y. Pnone 2937-R Cement Work Specializing patios, sidewalk' Free estimates can be financed Ph. 3293-W or 4 117-W ROTOVATING With new Ford Leaves land leve! ar.d ready to p'snt. Vern Wood Phone 2754-M ROTOVATING With new Ford tractor Leaves ground ready for planting Phone 7243-1.
Footings. Septic Tank Holes. Foundations, etc. 1022 SANTA ROSA S. R.
PHONE 1200 Commercial Farming BY HOUR OR CONTRACT Plowing Discing Subsoiling Terracing Grading Chain Sawing Mowing Raking Baling KEN SMITH BOB JOHNSON PHONE 3337-W WELL DRILLING Irrigation Domestic FREE ESTIMATES Well Drilling Co. RT. 1, BOX 211. COTAT7. PHONE PETALUMA S-4H01 ROTARY WELL DRILLING Irrigation Svstemi Turbines Pressure System 'Don't settle for less than a gravel nark well." WEEKS Pump, Well Equipment Co.
156 Santa Rosa Ave. Ph. Seb. 8184 SEBASTOPOL Pipeline Installations Complete Service Trenching and Backfilling Compressor Service Specializing in Underground Hydro-Auger Work 25 YEARS EXPERICNCn Compressors with air tools rented bv day, week or month, with or without operators BOB REID WELDING CONTRACTORS 3111 If no answer call 44-R-ll ELECTRIC WIRING LICENSED CONTRACTOR Save money with my service. Beers Electrical Co.
422 2nd St Ph 2344-J IF NO ANSWER PHONE 1362-W WELL DRILLING fi" to 14" F.H.A. TERMS Irrigation and Domestic Free Estimate HAMMOND BROS 4077 Stony Pt. Rd Phone NEED A PLUMBER Remodeling, repairing alteration, sewer installat'ons contract or hourly Eree estimates. State and citv license. Phone 711 or 22-R-3 5494 Redwd.
HwV. No. Plumbing Heating House laterals, sewer lines, trench ing Licensed, bonded insured -c P'o PVn 497R-W 17. Carpenterina CABINETS MADE REASONABLY PHONE CARPENTER work, new and remodeling. Do comn'ete wo'k from foundation to finisn Have nnwrr eoij'p Frank Hanson, Ph fi.ViO-W Carpentor Frre E-timates BUILDINGS.
REMODEL REPAIR AND FENCING RY OR CONTRACT A STITHFM PHONE 80-1-2 AFTER 5:30 PM GENERAL Repairing. Remodeling By hour or dav. Phone CARPENTER xnd REPAIR Fred Freese Phone 39-J-i REMODELING Homes, barns and other bu'ldings Ail types of repairs and foundations Free estimate, CHARLES MAGNE 1730 Mark Wet Springs Rd Phone 83-J-ll 18. Earth Hauling, Excavating BULLDOZING Jerrr Johnson Telephone 5-W5-R-1 LOAM Shale Gravel and Sand Ph. 459-R mora, and aft.
4.30 For Prompt Delivery of Shale, Loam, Gravel. Sand. etc. Ph. 3045-W.
186-J-ll. J. Fontar.a Jr Good Rich Loam U-Haul $1.00 Yard Loaded on Truck or Trailer SUNDAY ONLY 2577 Victoria Drive P' o-' GOOD RICH LOAM Mark West Shale ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL AND SAND. ALSO FILL DIRT Ph. 7220-J W.
Ol son LOAM 99c You get one 5-yard load for 99c i Jse of three 5-yard load. Price 82 00 vard Gravel Shale Fill Dirt EXP. counter and marker giri v. ishes position. Phone 4077-J.
Alter 4 p.m. 960. IRONING done Mr rdocir. Ave. mv home.
1234 Phone 4719-M. LOOH cleaning and waxing. Wail Cleaning and painting. Ph. 4022-J WANTED Housekeeping job in inolherss home Excellent cook Attractive Desire permanent position Write Box 1812.
mfni-mtin and Phone No. 8. Baby Sitting EFFICIENT child care, your home, hnuri-. References. Tel.
3045-J. BAB'S S1TT1.NC. Mrs Evans 410 Ave Phone 4199-J 9. Rest Homes. Child Care LOVELY home for elderly.
Kind, homelike Ph 4099-W 8J5 Cnerry Street. VACANCY in licensed rest home; private rm.i man preferred Ph. or call "OS Hendle.v St. VACANCY ioi amDuiatory lady, comfortable home atmosphere. TV.
Phone 977-W. 115 So. Davis St. INFANTS and small children. Day cure in my home.
Ph. 5635-W. SUBURBAN GUEST HOME Gracious living below cost of your home maintenance Special diets. Air conation Phone 6t94-M UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Head's Rest Home. Christian, homey a mo.phert 24 hrs nursinK service for chronic patients.
Mrs. d- i Ive-. Mgr. Phone 1123 KAY'S DAY NURSERY 462 West College Ave. Ph.
3796-M COM FO RTABLE home fo7eTderiv ladv. 231 Cnlrier, Sep. Phone 2374 CHILD CARE in fenced ynrri. Lie iv home. Large Phone 1954-W, CHILD C.tre.
days, licensed home rea. rates Phone 3335-W. GOOD full-time child care. cnsed Phone Windsor 82-J. Li- Santa Rosa Convalescent Home Exclusive, up to date.
24-hr nurs serv. Mrs F. Ph. 7461-W. VACANCY Rest home, elderlv person.
Close in. Moderate. 4821-W AFFECTIONATE child care: hr wk: lnw.n fenced: lie. 6135-W. 1 VACANCY for lady Ideal home 1180 Wildrose Drive.
Phone 4832-M FULL time care for chldrn. Lie. Ranch home. Windsor 57-Y-l. 10.
Women's Realm DRESSMAKING, alterations. Exp. Reas. Ph. 4274-J 1126 Slater St Spencer Corsetiere 812 Washington St.
Phone 836-J MERLE NORMAN COSMtTICS 629' 3 Fifth St Santa Rosa 11. Instruction LEARN TO DANCE PRIVATE LESSONS NO EMBARRASSMENT Foxtrot, Waltz, Jitterbug, Rhumba Samba. Mambo. Tango. Tap.
BEGINNERS A SPECIALTY SWEUM STUDIOS 445 Mendocino Ave. Phon 555R 12. Hobby Supplier Leathercraft Supplies Leather Tools Patterns Kits Finishes and Hardware Emery's Saddlery 31R South A St. Phone 2031-W 13. Antiques, Jewelry FURN.
Repairing and Refinishing Antiques a specialty. D. Me-Cartv. 4744 Sonoma Hy. Ph.
3876-W 15. Special Services CHIMNEY AND GUTTER CLEANING. TELEPHONE 3347-R. REMEMBER for your next haircut for you or your family Occidental Hotel Barber Shop. 6 barbers, quick serv.
No raise in children's haircuts. Open Mondays. WE RENT hospital beds and mattresses FREE DELIVERY PFD-ERSEN'S, 515 Fifth St. Phone 4246 PAT. ATTY 613 COLLEGE AVE.
HAMILTON. PH. 3166-M HAIRCUT George's Open p. m. 426 Sebastopol Road PROFESSIONAL Japanese garden cerataker Phone Petaluma 2-7566.
SHEEP SHEARING PHONE NOVATO 835-Y STEAM CLEANING Expertly done. Reasonably priced. Sandy's Rio Grande Service 1150 Rosa Ave. Phone 5414 Empire Tree Service Trimmed Topped Removed Free Estimates Insured Phone R. 4248-J Utility 1 ree Service Specialists in trimming, lopping, removal, cabling and tree surgery.
FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INJURED Thone Santa Rosa 3057 or Ukiah 35-J-2 Venetian Blinds CLEANED Only $1.00 per tape Picked up and Also renovating QUALITY PLUS SERVICE "list Charge It" Glenn Adams 313 D. i- near 5th 24-HOUR. PHONE 7623 Modern Tree Experts Dangerous trees, surgerv cabling, topping, removing, feeding Fully covered by insurance 2640 Redwd Hwy So. Phone 4367 Superior Tree Service REMOVAL TOPPING EXPERTS PHONE 260 FULLY INSURED Tired, Mrs. Parks? Ju thinking of all that laundry-drudgery tires you out.
doesn't it? Now you do something else while we do your clothes. We have to work anyway Modern Laundry AND CLEANING Phone 124 16. Day and Contract ROTOVATING for Lawn and Gardens. $5 Hour. Phone 162-R-ll.
HAY BALING 2 mm. wire tie balers; cut, rake: rotovating-tractor work Walter Thayer. 157-J-2. BULLDOZING, Discing. Plowing.
Trenching. Mowing. Raking anad Fa'ire Ken Roger'. Ph 1389-M. 11.
Instruction Studi ios PHONE 5553 Classified Rates 5 average words 1 lin 1 month lines S2.30 12 times lines SI 40 6 times lines 80c 4 times lines 70c 3 times lines 60c 2 times lines 50c 1 time lines 30c Minimum Charge 60c Minimum Ad 2 Lines SUBSCRIPTION -RATES, By carrier 1 Month $1.50 (Motor delivery payable a minimum of 3 months In advance.) (No mail subscriptions or renewals accepted for less than 3 months.) Three Months 4.50 Six Months 8.50 On Year 16.00 tn Redwood Empire Counties only for three months. Longer term rates on request. Special serviceman's rate BOX INFORMATION IS CONFIDENTIAL Readcis are respectfully request ed nol to ask Democrat em plove for the names and of advertisers using Bo Number? This newspaper Is pledged tr protect the confidence placed ir bv the advertiser, and its employe are strictly prohibited frorr violatirg the trust FFQUESTS FOR INFORMATION Wtl.T BF RFFTTCFD 4. Help Wanted. Men WANTED -Man for light chore? nd family garden work on ranch flrierences O.
Box 148. Elk Ca'i f. M'Bl with oenlership expel irnrf Must be neat In appearance and have general knowledge of See Ernie Henderson. Service Motor fl.lil South A St 3 INDUSTRIOUS men needed for Sonoma Co. Above average earning if vou can qualify and are willing to follow mv instructions.
Write Rnx. 1323. P. D. for full information.
State age marital status and employment background All inquiries strictly confidential. POULTRY SALESMAN WANTED TH PETALUMA 2-2163 Life Time Security Telegraphers Ui cently Needed I nant to talk to 10 men 18-45 who s'C in permanent employ men; with railroads as operators and station at wace from $300 Per month at up waiting. WE TRAIN YOU in your own home. Dors not interfere with present job. If sincere, ambitious and in yoorl health, write Box 1R2H.
Pre-- Democrat. SALESMAN. Combination new and used car man. Capable ot annrHimff rinsing own deals. Good deal to right party.
Mel Wirnd. Ponti.n- pnd GMC trucks 31 Redwood Hmhwav Healds-bure. SALES TRAINEE. FXCF.1LF.NT NITY FOR RIGHT MAN MUST HAVE CAR APPLY A. 2422 SO NOMA AVENUE Salesman- SOFT DRINK LINE An opportunity is now beir.i! of feird to a reputable representative to represent a California Co.
calling on ciruc stores, drive-in restaurants, ho! dos ice cream stores, etc Introducing a type of ci-ink with a 30 -year background TIik opportunity can offer a man a fl.OOft to SI 0.000 Nearly commis-MO'i Oniv men who car prove relinbilitv and sincerity need anplv. Solano. Sonoma. Lake and Nana counties open. Protected.
You get repeal-. Write Orange Rutus 553 lake Park Oakland 10. Calif THIS IS A FOUR-LINF WANT AD VOU CAN HAVF AN- AD THIS SIZE FOR AS I OW on a irrri; 3. Special Notices 6. Help Wanted, Men-Women Donald B.
Mills A gency 636 4th St. Phone 2141 Largest and Oldest Employment Agency in Sonoma County No Registration Fee SEE DAILY BULLETIN BOARD Legal steno $250 mo Married milker $357 mo Off mgr. and estimator Open Gen. insur exp. $175 mo Dent asst.
and gen. off. Open Steno. $185mo. Butcher, top exp, Scale Chef, local $383 mo.
Machinist, journeyman $2.08 hr Dishwasher, sober RB. day Nurse's aide, medic $160 mo. Cashier, typist $35 wk. chicken ranch, new hse. $250 mo.
comm. Insur. sales $200 Tire sales and service $250 mo. gen. off.
$45 wk. Rem. bkkpr yng, Open Nursery and green hse fem. 85c hr Hskpr. RB.
$150 mo. Group 2 yrs. coll. $281 mo Insur. sales $250 mo.
70 for car Relief milker, Peta. Open some 9-3 Open Vng, man. tile exp. Open Ranch cook for 18, tern. RB.
sal. Chore man RB, $175 mo. Waitress 75c hr. Pick up and delivery girl "5c hr. A' comm presser $1.75 hr Maid, part lime Mhr Cook.
fern. RB, $125 mn Pract. nurse RB, $150 mo Milkers, m. or s. Var Gen.
ranch, no children $190 mo Glazier, exn Scale WAITRESSES. BUS BOYS. MAIDS REGISTER NOW FOR MAY 1 RESORT OPENINGS 7. Situations Wanted CAPABLE woman wants work bv the hr. or dav.
$1 hour. Ph. 1315-j. HOUSE cleaning, waxing Dav or hour. Phone 4567-M or 5126-W'.
YOUNG man wants odd iob lawn and yard tvork. Ph. 4 1 27-j 2 MASONS want time and material jobs Diamond Match Co Scbastonol Phone 7R31 BOOKKEEPING Wklv or mthlv basis. Reas Reliable. Ph.
7352-W JAPANESE exp. gardener, Ph Forestville 4217. 641 Ross Sta Rd. IRONING NEATLY DONF PHONE 6697-'V MAINTENANCE, middle aged wants work Good on Dlumhire elect, ref various types of boil ers, pumps, machinery. Ph.
5932-W ADAPTABLE, widely experienced married man, 34, wants permanent job. Consider anything Route 2. Box 229. Sonoma. Calif A SOBER.
miadle-aged couple willing to work wishes to manage or assist wiin trailer court, motel, or resort alonfr the Northern California coast. Ph. 3533. Sebastopol. HIGH SCHOOL BOY, 17.
want-part-time work after school and Sat Ph. 7765-W eves, or weekends CLERICAL, general office work Office experience Knowledge of ledger work. Some typing, billing, etc. Meet public 'a days or part time. Telephone 351-J EXPERT interior painting, reas.
rates, guaranteed work 5224-W QUALITY window clng Floors cleaned and waxed. Ph 61.V5-W HOUSEWORK BY HOUR OR DAY. Phone 4153-W. CARPENTER and handyman Telephone 6811-R BABY SITTING DRESSMAKING REFERENCES PH. 4377-R IRONING done in my home Pick up and deliver Phone 2709-W.
11. Instruction 6. Help Wanted, Men-Women CORRESPONDENTS for The Press Democrat in Guerneville. Honland and Point Arena. Applicants should have typewriter, phone and some writing experience.
Call or write Keith Allan, State Editor, The Press Democrat. Santa Rosa REGISTER NOW ob Finders Community Placement AGENCY College at Mendocino. Ph. 6460 North 6 blocks of Court House GENERAL OFFICE Cashier-typist, ynsr. Open Typist must be perm.
$210 Sat. only 8 June 1st full time $100 MEDICAL Recept. exp. S185 Nurses aide $170 Dental Nurse, exp. 20-35 i2i Open STENOGRAPHERS Modern office, reg.
pay advance. Available June 1st $200 OFFICE MACHINE Burroughs 1R-23 5 day $190 NCR exp. or will train. 25-35 Open SALES CLERK For gift dept. Prefer exp.
day $170 DOMESTIC Live in. St. Helena. $125 Day work, must have transp. $1.00 Live in.
one month only $100 SALESMEN Ins. Will train S250 4- Office supplies, exp. Onen Dairv feed, hvy. exp. Top Farm machinery, hvy.
exp. Top STOCKROOM MALE 71 htp rlprk vnc $200 RecShip exp. S200 TF.CHNICAL Licensed Lab. Tech. $300 RESORT Counle to manage restaurant, overhead, big trade, old established fishing resort.
All net hiding furn apt. Connie nr- Lake Co. apt $100 Single man. Middle yard and pool. RB $6.00 day RANCH Married milker 1 child $260 4-Couple cook chores, isolated $300 4-COUPLES Cook and for private club.
Apt. S250 and party bonuses. Want Ads 54 10. Women's Realm COLD WAVE Tnrlnrlc 93 Creme Shampoo and Hair Style MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL PRESENT THIS AD AND RECEIVE OUR REGULAR $15.00 VALUE 3 FIELD DAY DEMONSTRATION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 at Denman Flat on Malacrcd: Ranch. 101 Highway North of Petaluma.
301 2nd St. Phone 2-8459 PETALUMA They'll All Want to DANCE with YOU Your partner will feel like he or she Is "floating on air once you learn the easy tips on graceful dancing. No wonder everyone will be anxious to have you as a partner. Be popular. learn to dance the weum System.
All Waves Complete and Guaranteed THIS AD WORTH $1.00 ON Other Nationally Adv. Standard Waves $5.95 $6.50 $7.50 $10.00 $12.50 This Special Offer Expires May 9 Beauty Center 216-A Hinton Over Topaz Room Telephone 2143 or 5037 oweum 445 MENDOCINO AVE. BEN nNUEY PSONX.