The Yuma Daily Sun and Arizona Sentinel from Yuma, Arizona (2024)

1 1 1 1. I Lost LOST clipped, clipped Doberman, brown, cum call 6 months vicinity Avenue L3 10th Rewanl, 783-9102. WANT ADS SELL Personal to PROBLEMS? Depression, drugs, nervousness, child behavior, ily, alcohol, emotional problems, etc. Yuma Guidance Clinic Hot Line, day night 782-1114. KIRBY Genison will remodel, repair add bu your home or business, 21 experience.

bonded, licensed. 720-5188 788-9007. Free estimates 19 someone in your family having ing problem? Call Alcoholism Information Center. 9 a.m. 4:30 Monday thru Friday.

CHILD Protective Service providing formation, coumeling and receives concerning chid abuse and neglect hour number 783-5970. C-2-IF ATTENTION motel managers guests; Yuma Shaver Service is equipped Wu give overnight service on most electric shaver repairs coming menages checked until A p.m. 783-5121. SPEED PRINTING Fast, economical service. Business fomis and reproduced with professional off-sul ing.

Dane Print Shop, 470 W. 160 Si. DATE DO you feel tired, obl, lonely. or ten? "Jests loves you du 783-9046 ur 783-0993. I am going tu Trans in a partially U-Haul Truck, 4th October.

Cull ine if would like to send anything with me Texas 72G-8202. R-7-0-1 LOOKING FOR A GOOD METAL TECTORY Why not look at the best. Desert Sun Coin Company, 40 W. 2nd Open 9 A.In, to 5 p.m, Mon. Sal.

783-8512. 11.7 WORKING women with 2 children sircs roommate of same sex lo shan: three home expenas, Ph. 8227. alter 6 pan. B-7-0-3 YUMA Hearing Aid Center, 172 So.

Ave. Rebuilds and recalibrates your Ing al for renewed life. 782-4117 Tues. Thurs. Sit.

COME on and juin our happy, throng. millinn dancers can't be wrong. SQUARE DANCE LEARN WITH US BEGINNERS CLASS. 720-8531. F.7.8-:; BELLY dancing is fun and goud varice, For day and evening classes, call Marjurie May Dance Studios 783-4222.

M-7-0-1 WANTED an or citizen to share two bedronm mobile horne and expences, 627-84 89, Help Wanted GAL Fridny Purl time, 7. 10 p.m., have extremely high mechanicul aptitude. Yumn Shaver Service. 788-5121. 24 message inlake.

YA aTE NEEDED full time bookkeeper, salary depends on experience, must linve some typing nhility, Call Mitchell's Employ. ment Agency 344-9360. M-8-S-30 WANTED office manager for local tomobile agency. Automahil: reperience prefrterd but not requiral. Salary, commensurate with experience, Free plan appointment liberal for fringe Intervlew lonelita.

Boli Callis a to AL Yuma Da loun. 4-TE BOOKKEEPER Spanish speak. ins preferred, 10 kuy adder. Typing, expe. dence in credit and collection work.

betweel 10 and 12. 2 and 4 pun. Ph. 2100, REAL estate gales people wanted. Training Contact Ford Really, weeklays 783-1301.

NEEDED soneral affice person. Must Inve gand typing theavy typing). Must be permanent party. $106 per werk lo Man. Call Mitchell's Employment Agency, 344-2350.

M-65 NEEDED 1X with some clencal bark Mural he good with A to 5 Moulay thru Friday. Maybe day In Sal. $2.25 hour to start. Call Mitchell's Employment Agency, 144-2150, NEEDED professional sales person. must have B.A.

degree in business ndminist ton or related Gold, will emujn, $1 a work plus commidon, plus mileape to start. Pail vacations hospitalization. hir ance, pruit sharing. This is lunge tional concom and writory is eatablished. Starting my mum if penon has additional college.

if qualifind cull Mitchell's Empluyment Agency 314-2350, LOCAL, well but still growing CPA firm is a full-champ, up-laInto bookkeeper. Experirnce nuiredl, however, we will train the right responsible person. Comfortable working comlitions and friendly personnel. Salary open. Seal full msume to Max M-28.

The Yum Daily Sun. or Froule or Couple live in only, Apply 2530 -Uh St. Betwien 10 a.m. POSTITION open full-time technician. Requirement: 2nd class FCC license.

Willis to re- locale. Yuma 2 Way Radio Service, 171 Ave. 8-0-14 HICKS PONDER Co. division of Blue Bell Inc. is taking applications sewing zarhiner operators who are interested permanent employnent; excellent fringe benefits and wurking romlitinna Minimalini Wage S.I IL.

We An an equal opportunity employer. Apply 350 E. 18: St. 11-8-D-10 THE San Pasqual Valley Unified School District is accepong applications for sale stinte trachers for all K-12. In ondit 10 be eligible for Traching in the district.

you will prod an artive Califomia en Applications may he picked up in the District Office. WANTED: Experienced wait rom, over 19, Apply Brownles Pit. 1145 4th Ave. 8-8-0-6 WANTED RN. 1P'N or medical aristant trained in bark allier.

Kaperenced only. Duties include EKG, X-ray, venn punctures a wisting. Send rosime to Box 2.751 Yuma Daily Sun. HOUSEKEEPER9 wanted. Apply in person Desert Manor Convelecent Home: 2222 Ave.

A. PART time day help wanted. Must he 25 or over, hantadahlo. Requires physiral and chauffeur's lirene. 8

to 10 pun. DIETARY conk wanted. Apply al Desert Manor. 2222 Arno A. BARY wittrt in my homie, all hours, Calt Waitress A Cashier for graveyard sh*t (10 pm to 6 am), experienced only.

Apply In parter to Betty Sheen. Stardust Hotel 783-8861 2 not of CamCull TE or or drink. pm, In24 und ure copy print- furgotwo. LTE cimpte you to DEAt St. Ph.

TY deiny 726 4th hear. Six Help Wanted NEEDED experienced bartender. Must be party. Six days a week, $2.76 hour Lu alart. Must be able ty control liquor costa.

Call Mitchell's Employmeat Agracy, 344-2350. M.R-5-30 NEEDED -experienced automobile perunent party. of la Vor, full company benefita Good can mnke $250 or more per week. per. Call Mitchell's Employment Agency.

344-2350, WAREHOUSEMAN. Arizona chautfeur's license Fumiture. required. days ask A week. Yutaa 344-2400, for Mr.

Cedilla. 30 LAX PERSON reluniR. experienced time in preparation of only. An opportunity employer. 783-8823.

1-8-S-30 CLERK Lypint, pleasant telephone peraunalily. Bi-linguai preferred, but not 945 Interviews. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., mandatory. 4th Avenue.

OUTREACH Worker Carver hills, 1 Maine rvam. 20 linurs per week. Must be 18 years or older. Outgoing, able to communicate with ail "AS and backgrounda. Furnish awn reliabd: transportation, Deadline Oct 10th.

Telephone 782-2240 or 72-3804. Lion furry available from the Dept of Ecunomic Security. MAIDS WANTED Excellent working conditions, immediate openings. Apply in person, no phone calls please. Yuma Cabana 2151 4th Ave.

ADDITIONAL INCOME Locker room and shos shine concession available for 3 day weak SUM.J. Apply in person to Yuma Golf and Country Club RESERVATIONS MGR. Experienced only. Must have good secretarial skills and be knowledgeable in hotel resarvation procedure. Apply in person to General Manager.

Stardust Hotel 783-8861 Situationa Wanted M-F. 10 PAINTING, SPRAYING, ADDITIONS all kinds of repairs quality work. Guuranted job. Call Ruben 782-2424. R.

10-TF CARPETS dampooed. Hozte or Complete cleaning service available. The New Broom Co. 720-1653. N-10-TR TREES removed and hauled pruned, Junk trash removal.

783-0726 or 783-205! anytime. CARPENTRY, a Itemoduling, Room AddiLions Quality work os rensonable-rules 4WL CARPENTRY. Licensed And bond. cd. John Lockand, owner.

Call 783-3859 for free rel imates, REMODEL your hate inside or out, pair any complete, carpentry vice fur now hom*os "'The Trim Man," bonded contractor. 783-8198. 1.10.TF CONCRETE: All kinds concrete work, Licenses, bonded, insured for your protecLion. Call 472-01 62 ur 726-4497. PROFESSIONAL janitorial services house milorchraning.

Strin Noon. wax, cleaning, Call 120-7559 after G. 6-10-TE YARD work of all kinds, pruning, trimsing mowing and light hauling. Call anytime 720-0277 or 341-3070. Law ruts.

10.TF Cordiena repair welding. service, resonabl: mles. 782-2065. C-10-TE ROOM additions, patios fences Call free estimates. Licenad and bondel.

ELECTRIC shaver repairs by Yuma Shaver Service, must most mukes now hiving stocked. Lenve al Pair's, Ave. 782.4913 or 783-5121. (24 hour message intake). Contiero Septic Tank Services, hours, al new equipment.

782-2066. C-10-TE ROTOTILLING Servire for pa sq. ft. $20, 1000 mi. ft.

S2h. Yards rototilled Call for 182-3510. UNITED CARPET CLEANING SER. VICE: Specializing in hot water tian stain roasical. Also cumplete Floor Rental Service: polishes vacuums sweeper: U-10-TF IT'S cha experience thai counts, Remodel with Kirby Garrison Const.

783- 2037 (days) or G-10-TE A "CEMENT" done, No job to szull. Driveways curds, patios Call 783-3171. L-10-TF CERAMIC Tile Tub arum, start $130, Mexican decorative tile, quarry file, nba Ph. Mac 725-1818. YuInA sakes Licehad honded, COUPLE now managing 120 unit motel would like In relocate in Yuma amn.

Write w0 Larry Yager 2607 So. 4th Ave. Yuma. DON'T throw away that old TV set, let Freddies Mx it. Free hotre calls frec c4 limica, YIG, Foothills, Yunn City County.

Color. $10 per per hr. Freddies Low Rate Radio 'TV Service Cu. 781-2721. BLOCK lick work custom fences, Gin places, houses Reasonable.

G27-2196. P.10 5-30 EXPERIENCED curponiet, any kind of ronstruction work. Doors, windows cal inuts a speciaty. 572-0741. Mc-10-0-1 HOUSE painting; interior exterior, ex.

perionced, work gunrunteed, renzonable rates Cull nuytine. 720-9621. R-10-0-1 RETIRED couple desires molel rulief mans gument. 10 years experience in manasem*nt 726-0957 before 10n.m. K-10-0-2 WILL clean yanks garages, or storernoma far unwanted junk.

Call anytime. 782- 1907. DENNY'S Lawn Service complete maintenance. Rensonnble. efficient, dependable.

Ph. 2 or 783-2709. BABYSITTING is my home. Fenced yard, experienced, 2 year older. Call 743-4791.

Ron sonable rates. Day or night. MEXICAN brick or hock fences brick venter. potion wrought ima. BILL'8 REFRIGERATION ELEC.

TRIC. Complete service an all air conditinning. Hill Elretrical work al licensed reasonably malex, Shaman Owner, bonded. I'tune HELP MOVINO? clean haul away all or fresh. Lowest prises in town 7 Days a Week Anytime C.T.M, 726-7034 Schools, 12' FINALE Modeling and Finishing Agra 5 thru 15.

(Separate Classes). Taking applications for Fall sux sons beginning September. Reyuest For interview, 5 Rurnada Inn, Finale Finish. ing Schools, Penny Shriner, 0151 4th Ave. Yuma, Ac.

86364. P-12-TE ARIZON A teacher weeks stuprivate tutoring, must subjecta, grades 1-12. l'hone 344-1710, Child Care. 13 HAPPY Day School Child Care Center upend days week Ph. 781-4347.

H-13-TE A play cultiva don and protection GREENHOUSE Child Cato Pre-Schuol. of young children. Reasonable BABYSITTING in my home. Call 782 2892. BABYSITTING in my home, Pre school and up, Crane School aru.

Fenced hack yard. Hot lunches, 783-1839. BABYSITTING in my home. Monday thru Friday. Days and permanent.

Near MCAS on Hwy 80. Call 726-641 BABYSITTING in my home. New Craue School arva. Call 782-4871. P-13-9-30 Business Opportunities 14 WESTERN APPAREL STORE.

Well established, huge parking. Gmas $260,000 year. Offico info only. Whitaker Realty, 782-1802. W.

14-TF BOARDING HOUSE for elderly people. Can be soul soothing and money maker, $60,000 invedment (some cash), a gross return of $60,000 in 10 months very pomible. Cal Bill Colline-Maynard Reynolds Assn, 782-3651 orafter5 p.m. 782-1209. R-14-TF GIFT SHOP and Woman's clothing store for sale.

excellent lucation, Office infos mation only. Helun Thomas Realty, 1420 S. 5th Ave. T-14-TF INCOME This is an excellent family business in good location. Office info, only.

please! Bel Aire Realty, 782-1644. B-14-0-2 CRAFTS Dealerships now available with America Handicrafts If you have exhaling business or if you ate opening new busnes with companion lines. Call Cecil Hudson, HI 7-815-43 G1. Ext. 557 or write 1015 Foch, FL, Worth.

Texas 761 07. GHOCERY store, beer bor apartment un aurv. Located close to Imperial Laguna Dam. Owner will take $20,000 down plusstock, 072-0198. DISTRIBUTOR NEEDED Be in Business For Yourself Full or Port lime DISTRIBUTOR NEEDED To Service Stores-Dealers Racks of Bicycle Paris Compon ail ten fm supply rout immediate by for 5 A at this is a the ail service the Sagar Markets, 1 Die reent ad Cal loge 5a041, Path MIDI (mediate) investment pet you new.

YO DATE line la de phone membed SIMBA SALES CORP, 3552 Witte Street Philadelphia, Pa, 19134 ADDITIONAL INCOME Locker room and shoe shine concession available for 3 day week Apply in person to Yuma Golf and Country Club Machinery Equipment ...20 ELECTRIC Euteti-L welding cut. ting or torch accessories. Will weld cut any metal. Now, never Ined. COAL $745 will sell for $650.

1'l. 726-0277 After 6 p.m. 1973 Case skil steer luader with scraper backhoe. Chevy dump truck equipment trailer. 782:4602.

WELL drilling rig. Alto high motur, with pump and uniler. And 1960 Intercadonal Gond condiLion. 627-2601. 17.20-0-27 Livestock.

22 HONSESHOEING, hot cold. D-22-TF 10 year old gentle mare and 10 month old filly. $100. 726-7611, 0 to 3 pan. 1.22.0-2 CALVES for sale.

2 heifers, 2 bulls. 10 old. l5. 49. Mc-22-5-30 Pets and Supplies 23.

YORKSHIRE Terrier. AKC, 2 yr. old quality, no shed, non-allorgic. Extra tiny. $175.

720-4936. DOBERMAN papping for an $50. 1'h. 783-4593. 0.23-5-30 AKHA Gelling, sorrel, hands Fest Inut level headed and CASy to handle.

Wound make good pleasure, rupe, or jimkahann horse. 342- 1635. SIX wreks old miniature Dachshund for sale. 1-787-4650. (Wellton).

1-23-0-1 SHELTIE puppies. Own a tiny lamie. $75 to S100. AKC. 783-3963 aftemoons Sun.

days S-23-0-1 FREE kiltnes, box trined, 783-31RR, FREE to good home, Four Shephenl pups Come pick one put. are la apprecinie. 7219-2149 betwenn 8 and 4. Mon, thni Fr. or sv at 18058.

NW Loop Rd. MCAS. BEAUTIFUL AKC registered Irish Solter puppies, Pedigne on hoth sire and dam. $75 each. Call 783-5751.

TWO ARC ISaxol hounds male, 2 I red white female. 14 years. 550 each. 783-5015. R-21-0-2 Fruits, Produce.

24 dater, med jooldale trees, a zul honey, BERRYMAN FARMS, hiway S- 24, Bani CaSifornia. NEO-LIFE, food supplementa, vitamina, minemis dehydrated foods. All antural organic. After 5 p.m, 783-4671. TE SHRLICH'S Date Garden.

Daica Enc. Med date candy, Open 8 date AM cakes, to 2 1'M. PGA Ave. 18, 1. 783-7127.

parka citrur E-24-TE WINTERHAVEN Fruit Stand toma. 194 $2.50 bag. Incal jumbo lelope 5 for $1, biack eyed posa okra mullum exes 55t dozen, $1.35 Na pota tres 10 Ih. ROt, cucumber 3 for bell peppen 3 for watermelon 7e lb. Acom A huttemnt aquash 194 Ih.

canning cucumbem lry the lug, live fish hai. No CAR On food in Californin. Cold beer to co. 572-0540, Fruits, Produce 24 GARDEN fresh okra 354 lb. Phone 627- 2639, Poultry, Eggs, Supplies.

25. RABBITS, ducks neese, pheasanta, pigeons. Phone 572-0768. A-25-04 Sewing Machines BERNINA Sewing machine. "You have the rest, now me the Call 70 for evening deinonalration.

Repaint and parts for must machinea. Her. nina Stitches of Yuma, 1120 W. 8th St. Miscellaneous for Sale 30 SHAKES Products For health and home use.

All natucal and organic. After 5 pm call 728-8807. WANTED to buy: Gold silver, old watches, eye glass frames, dental gold, coins from any country. Terry's 1020 4th Ave. T30.02 male: paintings and pictures, Sundance Trailer Park.

1925 3rd Ave. Sp, 19. LAPIDARY one 10 inch trim with grinder polisher one 16 inch lab with motors. Ph. 782-1960.

C-30-0-6 NEW custom built 14 R. utility trailer, double electric brakes. Phone 342- 1109. Springfield, 4 power scope, $160. 22 diamond wedding ring, white, $350.

Call 782-3882 alter 3 pm. 5-30-0-6 FOR ale color TV, mower, refrigeratar, dinette set, bed room set, 15' boat, sel of encyclopedias other miscellaneous items. after 4 p.m. YOUTH pool table, $10. 726-7916.

H-10-0-3 EXERCISE bicycle new, Montgomery Ward, excellent $55.00 Couch and chair, good condition, phone 783-6587. 1 PUKA shells $5. Silver chokers $5. Penn. shell'2 3 mm, 45.

Olive shell binhi $10. Space 32, Greyhound Park, Ph 627-2636. C-30-0-1 NEW truckload of unamembled ward: robes. 32 to 60 inches wide. Retail price $21.99 to $41.99 on sale now for $7.99 each.

Rob's Swaparee, 2150 W. 16th St. E-30-TF WANTED TO BUY: Old molor and clcar. One or neverbi. 782-2869.

E.30.TF PAPER back books by the score! And more! Love stories to chillen. Book worm Emporium, 1312 5th Ave. Hours: Mon-Sat 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. C-30 TF CAMPER jacks for rent L314 5th.

Ave. ANTIQUES; small pot bellied stove, cut glass, preseed glass; all perfect. 726-1853. J-30-05 UNITED States 20th Century coins Lincoln memocial Wartime coinage Silver story $135. Phone T726- 7918.

F-00-06 FOR sale: Antique baby bed, 2800 Palo Verde Lane. ApL 7.726-5107. 10-9-5 FIBERGLASS cloth, roll inch wide 2174 55 yda $40. Lia than roll, 91 per yd. Ave.

B. Swap Meet. Mc: 30-0-17 WANTED to buy Good used Shopsmith multi wood. working toul. tr possible, with accessories.

627-2196. 1'-30-9-30 POOL table, Sears "Holiday," 70, with cuca, balla, rack, etc. Excellent condition, 576. See at 1306 11th Ave, t'hone 783. 9211.

HOME BAR. Citatom made, like New, commercial standard depth, fornica top, work lip. $125. 72G-948G. G-30-S-30 COMPLETE air conditioner amembly for Ford MunLang $50.

Motorized barbe-cur grill, $7, Ph. 627-2327. H-30-0-1 COMPLETE placer cold mining a pip ment. Wet system, 2 amalgana torn, 2 Laris (50 IbA and 150 G7.D AUL Chalmera crawler with front loadet and read ripper. 4000 diesel Ford tractor, front loader And rear scraper.

Alt will Ko for $31,600. Elmer Thomas Box 261, Welton. 1-785-3362. WHITE provencial mirror, 4-ladder back cluira, Antique cherry double bed and chest, Gold oak armoire. Ph.

783-0309. 5-30-8-30 YARD decorations; windmill, water wheel, wagon wheel, RR crossing signal. wishing well, red barn, covered bridge. cantle, dog house. Mini Golf 2542 4th Ave.

726-9707. 18-30-0-16 FOR sale: Pulverized barnyard manure. $5 cubic yoni. 2 3 ards 55. 15 mile delivery anytime.

783-6375. H-30-TF NOLAND'8 Detector Salca White's tronic, metal detectora, all models. 1304 4th Ave. 780-0580, 783-3103. H-30-TE ORNAMENTAL Iron Works big savings, eaSy installation.

Fences, patios, security agatema, Quality Iron Works, 783-0246. LUXURIOUS CARPET. Hi-lo, shag. sculptured, etc. Will measure any mam.

Samples to show. $5.95 yd. Finanoing available. Judy's Carpets, 782-1236 before 9 p.m, E-J0-0-2 PULVERIZED barnyard fertilizer, Delivered 7 days week. Been in burinem over 15 yeam.

783-4247. W-30-TE COLOR TVs fantastic bar gains from Motel, dozens in excellent condition, 19" portables $170. Torch Lite Lodge, 2501 4th Avu, C-30-0-2 FIVE foot chain link fence, 50 R. roll $39, 5x12 double drive gate $69, We stock all fittings poles and poets. Fugates 782-1334.

FOUR foot farm and field fence, 310 fL rolls ft. post $1.90 each, Fugates 782-1334. 30:0:3 100 amp electrical service completely Assembled $102.50, 100 amp Lrailer pedes cal service $159.50. 200 Amp available. Fugales 782-1334.

NEW single wall gas furnaces with controla $98. Fugares 8th St. Ave DV. 782-1334. F-30-0-3 NEW toilet $29.95, wall hung lavatories $18.95, Luba $69.

Hot water heaters $7995. Pupates 782-1304. F-30-0-3 horse Jacuzzi well pump $169.95.2 in. sand point $48.96,42 pailon water storage Lank $69,50. 2 in galvanized pipe $1.65 ft.

We cut and thread pipe. Pupa les 782-L334. F-30-0-3 WILE hast your good junk for it. 726 for Sale 30 THE Potpourri Thrift Shop 720 3rd SL your browsing paradise. Clothing, AnLiques, nick necks P-30-TE SAVE BARTONS TIRE SALES, OFF road and' tires.

Gates, Boondocker. 8 spoke whee is 129.96. or 1700 Magnolla Ave. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

783-9186. SAVE PLUMBING Repairs Parts, Largest selection in Tuma County. COPPER STATE. SUPPLY CENTER 1314 5th Ave. Yuma, As.

Telephone 782-4854 Patio Sales 31 HAVING a sale? We will you best luck. Call us Gost if you have anything left over. It will definitely help the retard. ed and handicapped! Your donations to us is tax deductihle, Yuma W.OR.C. Center Inc.

245 Main S. 783-5632 or 783- 6897, Y-3)-TE GREYHOUND Park 5wapmeet is open every Sat. and Sun. Beginning Oct. 3 we will be open Fri.

Sat, -Sun. PATIO sale. Room size carpet. 225 21st St. 783-2080.

E-31-05 PATIO ale. 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dryer, 20" stove, household items. 1159 Avenue D.

Space 25. Building Supplies 33 STORAGE rooms aluminum, delivered and assembled: 415, $83. 4x8, 198. $119. All sizes Also aluminum awnings and steps at 131 E.

24th St 726-4465. 214 std. btr. ft. 118 v-joint pine, ft.

2x4 pre-cut stud grade co. Pre hung, pre finished doors $20 ea. Redwood lal2 A. ALl Lypes molding half price. CASH BUILDING SUPPLY, 642 Vaughn Ave, 783-7141.

TP Hobbies, Collections 36 WANT to buy US and Canadiao Silver coins, US hall dollATE, 1965 to 1969; all silver dollars, wartime nickles, silver bars, medallions and and all gold proof sets, complete partial collectiuna and cumulational Will pickup, highest prices Cali Everette Self at 783-6012 between 9 am to 5 pm. A-35-9-15 Household For good used pliancet. WE PAY MORE Rick's Dis count Furniture Auction. Days, 783-5484. Eves, 783-6576.

AUTOMATIC: wAsher and dryers for month. Never service charge. Call 781-0284, BIG DUTCHBARN. We buy, sell, rent, trade and repair washers. WANTED Cumiture, appliances, one piece or houseful.

Instant cash. Grubba Furniture. 1910 W. 1Gth SteeL 781-4891. G-T-TE WANTED: Uned Furniture, "Cash In A Flash." Bob's Swaparee 2160 16th SL 782-1586.

E-37-TE INSTANT Cash. for good used furniture, refrigerators and miscellaneous, 726-8061. TE CORNER sofa Art with clock radio in good and shape. $176 or best offer. Call after a 344-1354.

GE slave, Almost new, double oven. electric. $180. Sce at 6.13% Madion Ave. or call 783-9317.

G-37-S-30 FIVE picce maple bedroom act, excellent condition. $260. Phone 726-1403 after 4:30 p.m, FLORAL love seal $15. Gold chaise lounge chair $15. Ceiling light Asture, $3.

Ph. 726-6795. HARDWOOD table made in Phillipines with 6 chairs, Make offer. And matching china cabinet 1270 17th Place, anytime. TWO Westinghouse, good Condition $76.

Filco, $100. Ph. 783-0698 after 5 p.m. EARLY American collet table. Like new.

Call 782-1960. C-37-0-6 PORTARL.E dishwasher stove with eye level oven. See at 490 7th (Ack for Larry). 37-0: MISCELLANEOUS furniture, TY act, radio record player, dishes and neous it ent, phone 827-2381. Davids FINE TURN Mediterranean Houseful Sofa and love seat, hexagon end table, rectangular coffee table, decorator triple dresse: and mirror of 5ponish ock, headboard, toll sire mattress and box spring with 10 year guarantee, bedfrome, 5 piece solid hordwood dining room set off 16 pieces for $888 Regular $1246 $32.40 down, $32.50 month far 34 months, APR 17.92, deprice of $1170.

Spanish Houseful Quilted sofa and chair coffee table on top), gloss base lamps, triple dresser and mirror in pecan. Two drawer commode nite stand. Block panel headboord, extra firm mattress and bax spring with 12 year guaradlee, frome. A 7 piece dinette with scratch- proof top, high back choirs. $695.40 Regular $979 $30.17 down, $25.27 month, for 34 months, APR 17.92, deferred price of $932.93.

816 4th Are. Ph. 783-4821 C.I.TE Miscellaneous for 30 Aluminum Plates Good for windproofing. Sheeting buildings, old or new. Very light In weight, size 23" x36" Five for $1.00 Roll Ends ca.

For information call Albert Smith or Vic Rico Yuma Daily Sun 783-3333 Household Goods BRADFORD refrigerator, front-free, $220. Brand new single rollaway led. $50. 726-6524. RENT major household appliances $10 mo.

up, vacuum cleaners $10 mo. Color T.V. 923 mo. up, BAW TVs mo. or by week.

Phone 782-9028. RENT IT. 1001 Went 8th S. W. -TE Trading Post will open Jot.

Need good used fumiture. 783.3696 anytime. 37-8-30 CERTA a pay girl ready for a whirl after cleaning carpels with Blue Lustre, Rent electric pover $1. Available at all Imperial Stores. CABH paid for good merchandise.

One piece or houseful. Trading Pom. 728-1490. C.30-TE RECONDITIONED Keamore washers dryers, 1 to 3 mo, warranty. Jerry Rama ge 783-9039.

TE CASH IN 30 MINUTES for good household furniture, guns, tools, color TVs working or not, Etc. WARE. HOUSE FURNITURE 757 Magnolia Ave. 783-2511. Hour 9 to 5, Mon.

thra Sat. G-31-TF 19 cu. ft. Kelvinalor, crone- top freezer. $100 or trade.

Phone 572-0695. BEAUTIFUL, like new Colonial type baby crib mattress, $75. Console black white TV, $35. Call 783-4906. M37-0-2 Musical Instruments LAY-A-WAY now for Christmas.

Montney's Music both Southgate Mall. M-38-0-14 DESK Honer. top piano, with 4-octave range, by Complete amplifer. $00 off. Ideal for mobile homes, municians.

MONTNEY'S MUSIC, 782-9132, Mell. M-JR-O-10 1970 Fender Bassman amp. $350. Sec at 851-B 5th Ave. 1-38-0-6 FLUTE.

Excellent condition. $80. Coronet, exrellent condition, $115. Call 720, 4233. H-JA-0-2 4640 Theatre organ.

Wurlitzer. $2,000 Like new. Pb. 783-3249. TWO Lowery organs for sale, just in time for Christmas, in good condition.

500 6th Ave. Mc-38-0-2 OVATION guitar, excellent condition, must sell. months oid. Care Phone 725-4730. M-38-0-1 ANTIQUE upright Gabler Piano.

Needs to be refinished. $400.1 Ph. 726-6082. ELECTRIC guitar, Japanese imitation, of Fender- Tele, amplifier speaker, coral type audio cord. BALDWIN World famous for tone.

sponsive action. Lasting beaury. A deposit will hold far later delivery. WAGNER PIANO ORGAN CO. 2574 4th Ave, Radio, TV, COLOR TVs fantastic bargains motel, duzens in excellent condition, portables.

$170. Torch Lite Lodge. 4th Ave. C-39-0-2 MUNTZ color solid alate entertainment center. $160.

Ph. 726-4251. FOR Sate: black white console See at radio record player. All 4101 W. 5th S1.

Sp. 4 off of on dirt road. T-39-S-30 FOR sale 25" Zenith console $60 ar best offer. 782-2483. DARK wood 23" color console TV.

Philco. Very good condition. $175. Phone 3044 after 2:30 p.m. M-39-04 CURTIS Mathia color 19" portable.

Dark wood. Ph. 783-3452. 18-39-0-3 FOR sale 8 track Admiral console excellent sterco, turntable, dition, 3260. 783-1581.

1-09-0-1 ONE 8' Mediterranean solid wood stereo. tum table. lots of stonige room, with bar. $300. 344-1075.

M-39-0-3 Sporting 40 MODEL 66 Smith Weson. G-40-TF TRADE standard size pool Lable for guns. 782-946G. G-0-TE MILITARY 32 automatics $47.95, week nnly, Northcutt Gun Shop. 2296 14th Place.

1 block east af Pacific. 782- 9466. G-0-TE FOR Sale New Ruger Blackhawk' mag, ammo belt and holster, call 782-2214 after 5 p.m. 370 Itemington. Model 700,4 power scope, with strap.

Excellent condition. $160. 726-4233. Cameras. FULL color dark room for commercial quality work up to 15 3 20 for negatives up to sq.

$1100 value, $450. Includes mper and chemicals. 782-1395. 841-0-1 Heating, Air Conditioners 10 year old, 22,000 BTU window air unit Service warranty in tact. $75.

Ph. 783. 8424. M-42-0-3 ONE Frigidaire 8000 RTU window conditioner 3110. One GE 6000 BTU air conditioner $110, used only one season.

But both for $200. 783-2941. B-42-0-3 Boats and Motors, .......44 WANTED: light 12 ft. aluminum boat 1 bolton also 5 HP motor. 782-2072.

1904 35HP Mercury motor. $200 or best offer. 726-8212. T-44-05 16 ft. Glaspar boat with 45 hp Mere engine and trailer.

Includes skiis, vest life jackets. fuel tank. Also 70 HP Merc engine for $100 or will cell ali as package deal for $575. See at 3435 S. 4th Ave.

Space 17. H44-06 BUY now and save $14. 16' Alj boat, 150 Horse Merc. cruimer, Must pee to appreciate. 1213 8th Ave.

782-4912. 174' Glaspar cabin cruiser. 76 horse motor, large wheel trailer, many acces dories. $1500. See AL 2216 W.

18th St. 783-7752. C-4-0-10 LIKE De 1974 21' Beachcraft, tibergians gulf Lype bout, with all accessories; chor, depth finder. 55 built in dual 1974 synchronized 50 YP Evinrude outhound engines with electric starter generators etc, 4 wheel Dilly galvanized trailer with electric wench. $5400.

728. 2037. daytime or 328-2801 evening 34105 ELEVEN foot wil bout, high performance kite, foot mast, hull new trailer. $600 firm. 783-3688.

Jewelry, Costumes LOVELY welding engagement ting vet. Engagement ring is carat with diamond chips on side; diamond chips on wedding band. Best offer over 783-0326. Air Craft 49 194 PA-22-135. Coconite cover, Narco Simplex 344-4255 radio, condition.

$4,000. P.M. 1149.02 Air Conditioner Service 52 Air Conditioning, Heating, Cooler Refrigerator Sarrke DESERT SERVICE 726-6065 Appliance Repair 58 WHIRLPOOL Kenmore appliances, complete repair wrvices. Will pay top dollar on used appliances. Jerry Ramage.

783-9079. (Selling used Kenmores). R-51-TE Automobile Repair 54 CAMPBELLS AUTO SERVICE for complete automotive: repair. to 5 daily. 300 10th St, 782-1191.

wulcome. C-54-TF Home MAKE THAT OLD HOUSE LOOK NEW AGAIN. can restuoco over cracks peeling paint. Phone 782-1380 mMer 5 p.m. J.B.

Pearce. P-61-TF Plumbing, Heating 68 PLUMBING repairs 22 years experience. 512.50 pet hour Phone S-66 0-3 Sprinkler System 68 GREEN VALLEY SPRINKLERS, 121 E. 24th St. 120-9549.

TE Furnished Rooms .70 CARAVAN OASIS MOTEL. Weekly monthly rates, 342-1292. Sleeping Rooms GENTLEMANS refrigerated room, private entrance and bath. 1402 5th Ave. or 5011 14th St.

Phone 783.4332. L-71-0-3 Furnished 73 FURNISHED and unfurnished apts. One and two bod ruor. SI 10to $195 per month. Na pets.

Cull Plaza Paint Store. 782.2912 after 5:30 call 783-1366. KITCHENETTE ApL. Bow Arrow: TE 1215 4th Ave. Weekly $49 to $79.

Call 782-2912. TE IDEAL for working p.ople. CLEAN. HEFRIGERATED. KITCHENETTES.

Utilities paid. Reasonable Fifth Av. enve Apartments. 1000 5th Ave. NEW 1 hedroom apartments.

IS and Fortuna Road. Carpet. $100 $1.35 month, Pets OK. J42-1292. CLEAN 1 bedroum apartments.

All utiliLies paid. $129 per month or 53:1 per wok. 787-1444, or 783.8301. 73. TE ONE bedroom, I bath, water $115 per mouth.

Call 781-4556 or ONE Lad room, refrigented, laundry fo. cilities, water paid. $110 per inonth plus deposit, 500 W. 4th 782-4411. TF FAIRWAY Apartmeata, un golf course, 000 E.

Country Club Drive. 354- or 344-4450, Nicely furnished Indroom apartments, pool, barbecue pita, Laundry, covered carport. cable for TV, furnisheil. Available lemons, dishes, TV, minid sur. vice.

Day, Week, Monthur Your. 2.73 TE REFRIGERATED Inchelor apartment 2. No peta. $100-5150 month, uulities pail, Also one bedroom a spartinent, suitable for $50 deposit Ph. 782-2044.

T.73-TE Del Lido 2100 S. Ave. A Phone: 783-0554 1 bedroom apartments 1 bedroom bachelor apartments Modest Rental Free Air Conditioning Carports Rec. Room Swimming Pool CENTRAL cooling heating, nice A nico location, hiyaire 2470 7th Ave. for location price.

No pets, Mc-73-0-2 CLEAN 1 bedroom, Air conditioned, suitable for or 2, quiet area, deposit required, 726-9626. VERY nice 1 and 2 bedrooms. Carpel and rufrigera ted. $128 $188 East sale of city. North of MCAS.

344-4110. BACHELORETTE cabine, lots of pask. lug. Private, $65 per month. Plus cleuning deposit and utilities.

Phone 782-3295. ONE bedroom. 734 2nd Avenue. Carpeted and nir conditioned. Water peid.

C-73-0-3 AlL new hachelor apartment, full kitchen, refrigerated. Would prefer non smoker. Private enurance, quiet neighborhood. 783 L1.30. W-73-0-12 AVAILABLE soon nicely famished large one bedroom apartment, central refrigeration, free automatic laundry, storage, pleasant lawn patio.

No pets. 75615 6th Ave. Call owner 783-5693. -TWO bedroom, gas water paid, fenced yard Availabic Oct. 10.

Ph. 782- 3755. WAGONWHEELAPTS. New 1 bedroom apartments now renting. Refrigeration, carpeting.

laundry room facilities on 1st Ave. $176 per monti, plus deposit Small pets allowed; $50 arkitional depos it. 726-8947. M-73-0-10 CLEAN two bedmom, water gaa paid, $150 month, $75 deposit 783-7370 or 572- C4H. 6-73-0-6 MAREN MANOR Deluxe Apartments Yuma's Finest Individually sire Recreation ream COVERED PARKING FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 2621 Virginia Pr.

344-3010 the yuMA daily SUN 21 Sept. 30, 1975 Furnished 23. ONE bedroom duplex refrigerated: Close library. Suitable for Water paid. $98 I'h.

783-1896. NICE, clean, and 2 bedroom apartments. Laundromat. 9H5 Ave. C.

C'all 78J-8265 or 782-445G. TE BEAUTIFUL Cam Linda, bedruum, panted living room, clean, refrigerated, storage. Inundry. G02 1st Ave. 783-9430, BEAUTIFULLY furnished, just painted throughout, large one bedroom apart.

meni. Carpeted, walk-in clusel. fully frigerated and hen led. Well located near shupping center. Suitable for working.

couple. No pets. Call 283.48G1. D-21-TE LONE Water bed a pcs. Air conditioning.

paid. $95 per month, deposit resquired. No pets. Contact l'at Conner. 783-51 57 or afire 5 pm 782-3040.

Nicely Furnished or Unfurnished, APARTMENTS Refrigerated, garbage disposof, sett water, carpet, patio, pool, covered carport, $50 E. Robin Lone 726-5187 or 726-4251 Unfurnished Apartments 74 PARTIALLY furnished one, two. bedroom a pls. 845 trailer spaces $25. Call 726-0954 Acrusefrom the MCAS.

K-74 NICE, clean and 2 bedmom aunt meats. Laundromat. 985 Ave. C. 783-8205 or 782-4456.

TWO bedroom Townhouse. 1221 W. Place. $200. No pets.

Fool privileges wury 21-Castle Itealty, 782-4773. nished, NEWLY 2 bedroom decorated. famished townhouses, and unfur. closets, private patios, swimming carport, near shupping center. 344-1000.

L-14-TE VERY nice 1 and 2 bedrooms. Carpel refrigerated. $128 East side of MCA5. 344-4110. P-11-0-1 IMMACULATE centrally located.

3 room, waur paid, suitalike for family 4. One pet O.K. 2064 Arizona Ave, SIt month. Call 753-661h, NEW 2 bedroom. No stove and refrigerator.

One child OK. peta. Deposit required. $150 per munth, 2220 Madhon Ave. 783.

9293 after 5 p.m. M-74-0-9 FURNISHED or unfurnished apartments. All vulitics paid in these beautiful newly a modeled, one. two a dal :) bawl apla. All new carpets, drapes and appli.

Ances P'rices scan au $147.50. Call 183- 1782 or come by 3645 WV. St. REFRIGERATED 1 apart. merl.

carport and storage, gas and water pail. 1163 Ave. B. R-74-0-3 Furnished Houses. THREE bedroom, 2 baths central air, fenced yard, 2 blocks to grade and high schoul.

One block La Southgate Mall. 832 Adit Dr, Ph. Me-15-0-2 THO bedroom, refrigerated, carpeted. Water paid, no pets. 585 plus clean up.

B62 Date Ave. 11.75.0-6 CLEAN, quite modena, private parking, funced hedged lawn, no pets, 2180 Arizaan Ave. THO baironm with guest house de pool. one of Yuma's nicest See al due 7th Ave. Call 782-2591 dr 782-1300, 5-15-0-21 FENCED in, $85 month.

$25 deposit, chihlren welconw. 196G First Are, S-75-5-40 Unfurnished 76 LARGE 3 bedroom, corner lot Fenced back Vard. New carpet New paint. Stove And refrigerater. Contral air, $195 per munth water paid.

N.B. Realty, 763-7843, after 6 p.m. Dick 572-0326. N-76-TF Leaw: lived in 18 mo. Palo Verde Egaler.

3 bedroom, 2 liathroom, sunken living room, 2 car garage, central air, all electric, patia, in large fenced back yaril. Family room, utility room. 726-0154. NEWLY redecorated, two bedroom. See 1054 Palin Ave.

or cell 782-2814 783-6840. THREE bedroom, buths, den, refriger ated. fenced back yard. Contact 783-4800. CUSTOM built 1 bedroom, carpeted, water paid.

Call 783-8574. LARGE 3 bedroom, 2 baths, electric stove, excellent location. Bust see to appreciate. $205 plus utilities, water paid. 782-1430 between 10 a.m.

and 5 p.m. THREE bodroom, 2 linth, central air heat, Electric slove, carpeted. $175 put month, $100 craning deposit. 782-4095 2 p.m. D-76-03 THREE bedroom, bath refrigerated.

Goud location. Call 782-9172. C-76-02 3 bedroom, 2 bath almost new hume. Large family rouin, stove, refrigeratur, washer and dryer. Close to schools.

$325 per month. Water paid, Immediate occupancy. 3 bedroom. ball Available Oct. 1, 1975, Wnter paid.

$255. 2 bedroom 1 bath. Watercolor, stove refrigerator. Available Oct. 1.

$185 per month. 2 bedroom 1 bath. Window unita. Stove mfrigertor. Feneed yard.

$175.00 3 bedroom 1 bath, Poor cundi. tian. Immediate occupancy. LARGE, $195.00. Also furnished and unfurnished apartments.

Jeanne Thayer 783-5040 FORD REALTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION 240 E. 18th St. Yuma 783-3301 Trailer Space. .77 RATES are right, management helpful and friendly, quiet, clean Aren. El Prado Estates.

726-4006. MOBILE Home spaces available up to 40 It.x65 ft. Linda Mesa Park. In Ave, and 25th St. 344-3624.

WE have a nice for yuur mobile hame up to 64 Ft. long. In city close to shopping all services. 726-0221. 1-72-TF CARAVAN Oasis Trailer Park.

Uutities Available, full hook-ups. Aho night trailer parking. Interstate 8 Fortuna Rd. 342-1292. MORILE home, trailer Aparra for rent Overiters welcome.

8th Street Mobile Home Park, 1640 W. 8th St. See Manager. CHILDREN welcome. Large lots, comer of 5th St.

and Vaughan Ave. Dada Mobile' Estates, 783-8243 or 783-1994. three TE Call TE 20th pool, city. bedof Apt 22 or.

The Yuma Daily Sun and Arizona Sentinel from Yuma, Arizona (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.