xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (2024)

Active number of xchocobars subs and dynamics for past 30 days

Current active subscriptions

Estimate income for subscriptions

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (1)

by streamscharts.com

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (2)

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Active subs by tier

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Estimate earnings

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (3)


Total subs count

Lowest income

Average income

Highest income

There are no stats with current filters

Estimate earnings available only for registered users

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Since the introduction of local sub pricing on Twitch, streamers' earnings from paid subscriptionsare not fixed. A number of Twitch partners also have different contract terms and can get from 50%to 70% for each sub. That's why we've calculated several possible scenarios for earnings, but eachof them provides for a 50/50 contract for tier 1 subs, 60/40 for tier 2, and 70/30 for tier 3.

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xChocoBars subs stats by month

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (4)


Total Subs

New subscriptions


Gifted subs


Tier 1 ($4.99)

Tier 2 ($9.99)

Tier 3 ($24.99)

Lowest Income

Average income

Highest Income

There are no stats with current filters

xchocobars subs stats by month available only for registered users

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xChocoBars latest 2024 streams

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (5)


Hours Watched

Subs gain

New subs


Gifted subs

1xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (6)29 Sep, 13:50SEA OF THIEVES w/ @Arnie @CrazyHeartsz @jeimiruSEA OF THIEVES w/ @Arnie @CrazyHeartsz @jeimiru

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (7)


1 401

1 164

7h 20m

2xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (8)28 Sep, 14:15MODDED AMONG US W/ HYDRAMODDED AMONG US W/ HYDRA

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (9)


1 888

1 312

10h 50m

3xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (10)27 Sep, 15:00LOCKDOWN PROTOCOL W/ @Acie @Arnie @ChillyPanda @CrazyHeartsz @jeimiru @Kemony @SilentLOCKDOWN PROTOCOL W/ @Acie @Arnie @ChillyPanda @CrazyHeartsz @jeimiru @Kemony @Silent

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (11)


2 314

1 270

8h 25m

4xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (12)25 Sep, 13:15TIME TO BE SUSSY | !vlogTIME TO BE SUSSY | !vlog

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (13)


2 471

1 418

8h 5m

5xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (14)23 Sep, 16:15January Fooze ၄၃♡゚ | BACK FROM HER TRIP YAY | NoPixelJanuary Fooze ၄၃♡゚ | BACK FROM HER TRIP YAY | NoPixel

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (15)


1 920

1 589

7h 40m


xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (17)


1 579

1 275

2h 40m

7xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (18)21 Sep, 17:35LIVE AT TWITCHCON FOR MCC! | TEAM ORANGE OCELOTS @GeminiTay @Masayoshi @PurpledLIVE AT TWITCHCON FOR MCC! | TEAM ORANGE OCELOTS @GeminiTay @Masayoshi @Purpled

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (19)


1 898

1 460

3h 15m

8xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (20)18 Sep, 18:10January Fooze ၄၃♡゚ | Hydra | NoPixelJanuary Fooze ၄၃♡゚ | Hydra | NoPixel

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (21)


1 534

1 098

5h 5m

9xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (22)17 Sep, 16:15January Fooze ᧔o᧓ HYDRA 🐍 NoPixel 4.0January Fooze ᧔o᧓ HYDRA 🐍 NoPixel 4.0

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (23)


1 628

1 232

5h 45m

10xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (24)16 Sep, 16:35#ad Getting TwitchCon ready with State Farm | !StateFarm#ad Getting TwitchCon ready with State Farm | !StateFarm

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (25)


10 230

4 136

7h 25m

11xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (26)14 Sep, 15:40Frankie Baton's First Day in the City 🧟‍♀️✨ Prodigy RP 2.0Frankie Baton's First Day in the City 🧟‍♀️✨ Prodigy RP 2.0

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (27)


1 849

1 467

6h 45m

12xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (28)13 Sep, 13:05January Fooze ၄၃♡゚ | SECOND IN COMMAND OF HYDRAJanuary Fooze ၄၃♡゚ | SECOND IN COMMAND OF HYDRA

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (29)

1 779

1 458

8h 55m

13xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (30)12 Sep, 18:25PICO PAAAARK 2PICO PAAAARK 2

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (31)


1 786

1 504

2h 40m

14xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (32)11 Sep, 13:25LETHAL COMPANY WITH FRIENDS 🎭 | !newvidLETHAL COMPANY WITH FRIENDS 🎭 | !newvid

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (33)


2 260

1 672

9h 40m

15xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (34)09 Sep, 13:05MODDED AMONGY W/ HYDRA !twitchconMODDED AMONGY W/ HYDRA !twitchcon

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (35)


2 556

1 875

9h 35m

16xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (36)08 Sep, 14:20January Fooze ၄၃♡゚ | I'M GOING TO FIX THIS GUYS DON'T WORRYJanuary Fooze ၄၃♡゚ | I'M GOING TO FIX THIS GUYS DON'T WORRY

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (37)


2 082

1 702

7h 5m

17xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (38)07 Sep, 14:355-stack w/ @blau @Foolish @hJune @Valkyrae5-stack w/ @blau @Foolish @hJune @Valkyrae

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (39)


3 233

1 635

10h 30m

18xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (40)06 Sep, 13:55crashing random public lobbies | More Lockdown Protocol @ 3PM | !newvidcrashing random public lobbies | More Lockdown Protocol @ 3PM | !newvid

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (41)


2 156

1 300

7h 50m

19xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (42)05 Sep, 13:55all the cool kids do their tasksall the cool kids do their tasks

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (43)


2 037

1 433

9h 10m

20xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (44)03 Sep, 14:30VALO 5-STACK w/ @Arnie @CrazyHeartsz @Rexsair @SilentVALO 5-STACK w/ @Arnie @CrazyHeartsz @Rexsair @Silent

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (45)


1 947

1 504

6h 25m

to download as .PNG


  • How many subs does xChocoBars have?

    xChocoBars has 0 active subscribers.

  • How much does xChocoBars make on Twitch?

    xChocoBars's possible Twitch earnings are $0 — $0.

  • What is xChocoBars Twitch subs records in 2022?

    xChocoBars's sub record is 2 312 subs on January.

  • How accurate is Twitch paid subscribers data?

    We use our methodology, and the numbers may not coincide with the original values. All calculations are not verified by the Twitch streamers themselves. Our system usually do not consider subscriptions when the channel is offline, and we do not track auto-renewed subscriptions unless the viewer clicks the appropriate button in chat to notify the streamer about his auto-renewal. As for estimated income from subscriptions, we use our formula with several scenarios since Twitch added local sub pricing.

xChocoBars Subs Count and Twitch Earnings · Streams Charts (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Views: 5908

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.